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About CyberDemonEmpress

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  1. Thank you lord, king, god Romero. <3
  2. Steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/demonempress/ Discord: ⛧CyberDemonEmpress⛧#1235 Feel free to add me if you like.. (Thankfully my username isn't misspelled on those platforms at least..)
  3. I almost always get Sunlust and Sunder mixed up when I haven't played either for a long time.
  4. Eh yes, it's Pain Elementals that cause real problems.
    It looks pretty, and like a mess at the same time... Bit hard to explain..
    My favorite. The maps are stunning, and fun to play.
    Very well made mapset, ammo and health pickups are very balanced and the maps themselves are fairly well done. Only issue is; it is far too short. But I will gladly take any new Doom64 EX content I can get, and I thoroughly enjoyed playing this mapset.
    Sadly, I thought this would be better than I expected , which was simply bad possibly mediocre at best. That wasn't the case... It was much much worse...
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