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Everything posted by roadworx

  1. the halcyon, of course. i'm not even sure if it fits this thread because it was never even released, but it's so stupidly outlandish and bizarre that i can't help but love it the thing was a hybrid laserdisc and cartridge based system that would use laserdiscs to store video and audio, and cartridges to store all the game data. you could play games with its weird keyboard controller, !! OR !! , you could play games using a headset that let you control stuff using your voice. you had to train the console to recognize your voice first and you could only have a limited amount of commands due to memory limitations, but it was an option. an option that wasn't very good, mind you, but it was in fact an option. it could also talk to you, which must've been neat for the time. it could call you by your name n stuff if you entered it in. the single weirdest part about the console, though, was the fact that it was designed to exclusively play fmv games.
  2. there was an older post that op made showing their laptop's specs. they're...not good. i don't see it running win10
  3. honestly, yeah. in fact, i'd go as far as to say that 7 would likely run better on your machine; vista is, simply put, more bloated and less optimized
  4. yes "minimod" is old slang that was commonly used on forums i used to frequent 10-15 years ago, not a buzzword, u silly goose I Do Not Care
  5. ......... why would you do that to yourself? do you still have the terrible old laptop from this thread? vista must run like hot garbage on that, even on the more powerful contemporary computers it ran like a pile of dogshit kjhgfdfsfdgh no, don't be a minimod, i wanna talk about old computers and old versions of windows god dammit
  6. uhhh uh uh uh uh uh my top 10 depend entirely on the phase of the moon, so here's like, my top 30 fdghjklgasfd (in no particular order cuz ordering is HARD) so, for rock: 1.) pink floyd - the wall 2.) pink floyd - animals 3.) spirit - twelve dreams of dr. sardonicus 4.) emerson lake and palmer - tarkus 5.) hawkwind - space ritual 6.) nektar - journey to the centre of the eye 7.) camel - mirage 8.) captain beyond - captain beyond 9.) the doors - the doors 10.) yes - close to the edge 11.) king crimson - 21st century schizoid man 12.) van der graaf generator - the least we can do is wave to each other 13.) king gizzard and the lizard wizard - polygondwanaland 14.) alphataurus - alphataurus 15.) premiata forneria marconi - chocolate kings aaaand metal: 1.) powermad - absolute power 2.) metallica - master of puppets 3.) metallica - kill em all 4.) anthrax - spreading the disease 5.) death angel - act iii 6.) king gizzard and the lizard wizard - infest the rats nest 7.) mortal sin - mayhemic destruction 8.) queensryche - operation: mindcrime 9.) slayer - reign in blood 10.) whiplash - insult to injury 11.) annihilator - alice in hell 12.) riot - thundersteel 13.) toxik - world circus 14.) anthrax - among the living 15.) megadeth - rust in peace
  7. i suggest you reread this article. he never says that they planned to make something unrelated. he says that he believes that they planned to use the kickstarter money and the demo to get a publisher in order to actually make the game, and that many of their actions during development came off as ways to attract a publisher to help fund the game. nowhere does he accuse anyone of fraud. also, he admits that he doesn't know anything beyond surface-level details; he's an outsider looking in, assuming that all decisions were made not as a result of inexperience and over-ambition, but out of what he thinks was their motivations. it's a speculative piece, not something that should be taken as a factual look into the minds of the devs.
  8. this is pretty good, actually. sorry for making comparisons, but it kinda reminds me of the midis from the talosian incident; do you plan on making a horror map?
  9. how is taking a game in a different direction than originally intended "fraud"? fraud is intentionally deceiving people, all that happened was that the original devteam got carried away. which, may i remind you, caused them to all get fired.
  10. they did, yeah. also, whitney mallett (the one who wrote the laz article) doesn't write for vice anymore i don't think, so i don't see anyone there really being interested in this unfortunately considering their current situation
  11. it's certainly not the hardest, but scythe 2's map27 on uv is hard af and doesn't have a bfg
  12. seeing a game that defined part of your childhood slowly becoming worse and worse was very frustrating. eventually it got to the point where i kinda stopped playing the games altogether and only posted on the forums...and then they got rid of the forums, so rip and hello :3
  13. oh, they've been doing this shit for a loooong time. i used to regularly play it from 2008 to 2015 or 16, and i got to see the slow descent into scummier and scummier business practices. they were always a bit shit, but nowadays they're absolutely horrendous and absurdly exploitative. there's a channel called "people make games" that made two great videos on the subject, go check them out if you wanna learn more.
  14. it's completely legal. if they were doing this to irl employees, then yeah, the feds would raid their offices and the company would get shut down pretty quickly. unfortunately, there's lots of loopholes in laws regarding online stuff. hell, you can see that in the fact that, technically, they are using child labor to make the games, but nothing is happening, sooo...
  15. nope. roblox devs get at most 25% or so of the money that they make...in robux. converting robux to irl money only gives you 70% of what you should be getting because roblox then takes 30% of the cut on the conversion as well. and *then*, you have to pay them to advertise your game. it's completely fucked. also, keep in mind that very, very few games will become successful enough to make their devs a living wage.
  16. yeah, you can. not to mention that roblox makes their money off of these games (and then barely give any of that money back to the people who actually made them...)
  17. every time someone brings this up, it always devolves into people bitching and moaning about boomer shooters being called boomer shooters lol
  18. stop fucking winking at me

    1. Biodegradable


      ;^) ;^) ;^) ;^) ;^) ;^)

  19. come back, please, i have to play john.wad and shotgunshelly.wad

  20. i honestly hope op is being completely serious, because that would make it so much funnier ):<
  21. 99% of mods not made for gzdoom or k8vavoom would work. there's thousands upon thousands of them out there; hell, the majority of doom mods are probably made for source ports that aren't those two. alternatively, use something like dsda-doom or woof instead of a zdoom-based source port
  22. ayy, old wads are my forte! this thread is perfect for me :) these are all fairly well-known if you're big into 90s stuff, but hopefully you haven't played at least a few of them KILL! Zone from 1997 is a fun 7-map episode that has a lot of fairly large, somewhat exploratory maps. the texture alignment can be somewhat awful at times, but it kinda gives it a certain charm. Dark Covenant, made in 1996, is a wad with 12 visually impressive (for the time) and action-packed maps filled with monsters, and while they are a bit too linear at times, it's generally regarded as a pretty fantastic set of maps for its time. fun fact: map07 (i think?) is referenced in scythe's map30 :) Insertion is an 11-map wad that features some of the same people who worked on the memento mori series. while i personally don't think it's as good as memento mori 2, it's still typically regarded as somewhat of an extension of the series, fitting into the same slot as requiem, which came out that same year. Realm of Shades is a 7-map 1998 wad that, while tame compared to a lot of the stuff released nowadays, is still shockingly difficult for its time. i was finding myself regularly scraping by with barely any health for most of my playthrough. the ending of map04 is especially brutal - goddamn, that one is a motherfucker. however, it's still hard in a fun way as opposed to a frustrating way. Operation BIOWAR is a short, easy 18-map wad that's kinda focused more on adventure than anything. there's a lot of neat visuals, doomcute, and it honestly feels like a better looking and more consistently good icarus or tnt. Mars War is the perfect wad if you're looking for the most 90s thing possible. released in 1998 and updated in 2009, this full 32-map megawad is full of surreal, quirky, and oftentimes terrible looking maps that are nevertheless incredibly charming and have some decent gameplay to boot. it's a cult classic for a reason :p Phobos - Relive the Nightmare is a 9-map 1996 wad made by the late shamus young. it's a fun e1-style episode that feel as if the original e1 maps were designed to also accommodate doom 2 monsters. it's good fun. i could probably list off more, but, eh...i gotta go to bed
  23. heh, rott. like rise of the triad. hee hoo. in all seriousness, if you're storing your discs well, then they're not gonna rot. at least, not for long-ass time.
  24. i'd imagine that they wouldn't be able to, operating systems will usually lock access to files in use. maybe i'm wrong though. @Graf Zahl what do you think about this?
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