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Everything posted by roadworx

  1. plagiarism was rampant in the pc gaming industry back then, so much so that it was kind of the norm. it's really not even the most egregious example in doom - if you want something really bad, try the entirety of maximum doom. i can't blame him for sticking to what everyone else in the industry was doing at the time.
  2. unless you mean /newstuff chronicles, which almost always had fairly decent writing, the reviews under files were never "retired". the issue is that there's a database desync between /idgames/ and the dw frontend, so newer wad listings were essentially useless and it was shut off until it was fixed (which it never was). also, part of the reason that so many reviews suck is in part due to the fact that 1.) there was a fairly tight character limit on the old frontend, so you could never write all that much in there, and 2.) guests used to be able to write reviews, so you could say anything you wanted anonymously
  3. lol. you need to go digging through the frontend more then - there's some hilariously bad reviews, especially ones from its earlier days.
  4. just so you know, it's ill-advised to double post on forums. if you wanna respond to two or more people, it's proper etiquette to combine them into one post. like this! i hate you alternatively, if you only wanna respond to a specific section of another post, you can shorten it down to include only that part in the quote i really hate you
  5. i don't think anyone is saying that a revived /newstuff chronicle should continue to exclusively review stuff that passes through /newstuff. i mean, it could, but that'd be quite a bit less useful than something actually covering everything put up onto dw. it'd definitely have to be organized like back in the day tho, not just a single person starting a thread where they write a bunch of reviews for everything. that'd be infeasible.
  6. if it were as simple as "bring back the reviews" then they would've done it a long time ago. creating and maintaining a website is harder than just turning things on and off.
  7. i probably should've known this was gonna become a complaing thread in hindsight. this was coming more from the adaptation pov (i.e. how has it shaped the community n stuff) but ehhh looking back it was a dumb idea /newstuff was very nice, actually. it gave everyone a chance to get feedback, no matter the wad - hell, my shitty first ever wad was reviewed on it. knowing that your wad was gonna get exposure and feedback regardless of your skill was really wonderful, and i honestly kinda liked the feeling of eagerly waiting for my wad to show up on it. it used to be a staple of the website but it died due to nobody ever wanting to do them...though that was back when the reviews section was actually working, so there's likely more interest in it now. though, the increased volume of new wads would make it difficult and there would likely have to be changes to its structure.
  8. i never said all of his duke stuff was good or even original, just that his best stuff is in there :p besides, his stuff for duke nukem 2 is better than 3d anyways
  9. not really. tbh most of bobby prince's best work is in the duke nukem series, not in anything id made. and nudoom's soundtrack is kinda just okay
  10. who is this "themagicmushroomman's"? it's not linking to his profile...is themagicmushroomman's in this thread with us right now?
  11. if you didn't know cuz you're new here, the /newstuff chronicles used to regularly review new wads that had been published onto /idgames/ so everyone had a chance to get feedback on their stuff, and doomworld's idgames frontend used to have a functioning review system. it still kinda does, but starting in 2018 it desynced and now only pre-2018 wads are reviewable. i thought it'd be interesting to see all the little ways that the community has adapted to these limitations.
  12. what? there's no such thing as light mode. are you okay man?
  13. i thought that it was fairly obvious that he wanted more realistic environments? @doomlayman while only one of these are a full 32 maps, i do have three wads that i think you'd like. - going down - lost civilization - running late 2
  14. don't tell me what to do any other diehard 32x doom ost fans here?
  15. something that allows you to enable and/or disable the monster blocking property of linedefs using voodoo closets would be really nice. i suppose it could also be like doomy__doom's forcefield idea, just one that only blocks monsters and not the player
  16. as much as i like your content peter, this feels exceptionally clickbaity. like, come on now :/
  17. i think that death exits can be fun, though they're often overused because of how prevalent the scythe 2 episode structure has become (which imo is a much more tired concept).
  18. stop making fun of him, it's not his fault that he has problems kneeling down properly ):
  19. people who recommend scythe as a beginner wad should be put into a catapult and be shot straight into a brick wall
  20. no, there are literally no wads similar to sunder. it's simply too underground and obscure to have ever influenced anything.
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