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Everything posted by roadworx

  1. you're not mature enough to not shit on anotak when they were just trying to help (and you did it for the dumbest fucking reason too, like wtf), so idk, you'd probably go ahead and do something like that judging on how you're acting in here
  2. this thread is filling with dumbfucks at an alarming rate. right in the readme of defy the omphalos, it says "Advanced engine needed: GZDoom 4.8.1+", so it's not really restricting itself to a specific version (other than the newer versions i guess), and thus a warning like that is kinda necessary. either way, if a modder's artwork is ruined or something because of shitty settings, then it makes sense that'd they'd want it to be changed and there's nothing wrong with that. @Scuba Steve already mentioned earlier how filtering pretty much ruins all of his spritework
  3. you do realize that anotak is the one who made lilith, right? the new mod that uses that code probably does similar shit
  4. honestly, both of you are wrong. here's a pic of map17 of memento mori 2 running on the original doom2.exe being displayed on my own crt monitor (in spoiler tags, cuz i'd rather not stretch out anyone's page)
  5. it was 77f and sunny today, but it's been raining quite a bit for months now
  6. i pick out the midi at the start of mapping and kinda build the map off of it, though i do sometimes switch up what midi is being used depending on how i feel the map is going (and depending if i find a song that i like more)
  7. at the same time tho, massmouth 2 yoinks resources from pretty much everywhere it can, and that seems to have gotten a fair pass despite the games it takes from being fairly recent at the time. really the only difference is that it goes out of its way to credit everything
  8. it's more about the lack of crediting that's the issue, at least in my eyes. it's important to give credit!!
  9. hey, can you guys at least give credit to where you ripped your assets from? edit: not saying it's a bad thing to use assets from other sources, that's literally a cornerstone of the community
  10. that's just the nature of forums, idk what you expect ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. oh dear. if something on doomworld is broken, then it's probably gonna stay broken forever ):
  12. as op said in their post: so idk if they'd find those to be fun i wish i could give some recommendations, but i suck at doom, so the best i can recommend that fits your criteria would be like, plutonia 2 lol
  13. it's probably the natural result of being the lead dev on such a well-known project okay, but this thread is, again, extremely mild compared to stuff in the past. i understand the concern, but i just went through the thread and literally the only person actually shitting on graf directly was me (which i probably shouldn't have done lol). the rest has been overall quite respectful, all things considered. just because there's a lot of criticism levied towards someone's decisions regarding a project doesn't make it "abuse"
  14. crispy doom is now shunned due to fabian having been revealed to be a cyberdemon this entire time. sorry you had to find out this way ):
  15. lmfao what why are you bringing politics into this? the internet has always been filled with people bickering about shit in a hostile, unproductive manner, not to mention that it's far from the first time discussions like this have happened on doomworld. honestly, this is incredibly mild compared to actual drama that has happened in the past. i don't mean to be a condescending asshole when saying this - this is a question born out of legitimate curiosity - but is this the first forum you've ever been on? also, graf has a much thicker skin than you think. probably too thick, considering his habit of not listening to people. either way, far worse has been said about him, yet he's been the lead dev for years and will probably continue to be so for many more to come.
  16. honestly, quake 2 is an instant "off" for me. the texture filtering looks terrible in that game, and i hate that it's on by default hl and unreal definitely look better with filtering on tho
  17. god no, it looks like the result of playing doom after a traumatic brain injury. that being said, it's never gonna get changed. even if the overwhelming consensus is a resounding "no" which it is, graf has a fetish for vision impairments and thus it's staying like that forever
  18. welp. sorry for saying this right before the deadline, but it seems as though i am completely unable to make a map for this. i've been trying for months now, and...nothing. i haven't been able to get past just a starting area more than once. sorry.
  19. the only person advertising it as DiStUrBiNg is midnight. it's actually a pretty neat mod, though i do imagine that it may get old quick cuz it's rather harsh on the eyes
  20. call it neptunia, surely you'll avoid confusion with anything else that way
  21. having to deal with drivers on win98 is already a pain in the ass - i had to reformat my win98 pc earlier this year because creative drivers completely fucked it up - but from what i understand, windows me is horrendous with that. so if you're unlucky enough to have the wrong hardware and are doing more than simple office stuff, it's probably really terrible
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