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Tea Monster

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About Tea Monster

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  1. We've concentrated on Doomsday, but we open source our models, so if someone wanted to make a pack for gzdoom, all the animated blend files are there.
  2. Typically textures are authored at 2048 resolution. Sometimes as high as 4096.
  3. It would. We've got to finish this first though. I played Doom 64 on the N64 when it first came out.
    A great tribute to the look and feel of the first episode. The twisty corridors really evoke the atmosphere and gameplay of episode one. As the levels progress, they get more difficult and traps are set for the player. I did get a sense of deja-vu sometimes with some parts of the levels being maybe too similar to Id's levels in places. I imagine that is a very fine line to tread giving the brief of the level, and after all, that's what we signed up for, so I can't complain on that front. The running and gunning builds to satisfying levels. Once you get in the groove, you should power through the early levels. As the levels progress, the author tries to vary the gameplay with some tricky puzzles, but these are always signposted visually or audibly. These break up the standard levels nicely and give some variety. When the author departs from the standard layout of Episode One levels, the design work and layout is very good. This is more than a simple E1 rehash. This brought a lot of the nostalgia of the original Doom levels back to me, and challenged me at the same time. Recommended.
  4. He's looking good so far! Next update will be a few props like the torches and the backpack. We may roll a critter release into that. That would be Lost Soul and possibly the Archvile and Imp. We'll see!
  5. It's out! New weapons, new ammunition, new projectiles and new props! DOWNLOAD LINK: https://mega.nz/file/glgTyCrL#02PpbDFRETD5AZqEv4ZW88azxqxZq2t6gO_yzldwToQ
  6. Due to the amount of content in this release (we really are making up for lost time here!) we will be releasing for New Years rather than Christmas. Christmas was a solid shout, but we would rather have a few extra days to test. I hope you will all consider the wait worth it! There are a load of updated and new models that didn't make it to this release such as the Lost Soul and the backpack. They will be in a near future release. We may even have a special 'Crittter Trouble' release with updated skins for the existing monster models. Stay tuned!
  7. These are some of the models we hope to feature in the new update.
  8. There is a problem with cubemap reflections with PBR materials that needs to be fixed in GZDoom's renderer. Also the IQM model format they've adopted is a huge PitA. When they fix their renderer and adopt a better skeletal model format, we'll consider porting the project over. We do make all our sources public if someone else wanted to use our models in GZDoom.
  9. I get exasperated with people but I still maintain basic civility. This isn't how you should be replying to anyone on your discord.
  10. New pack update will be out shortly. Shotgun and Plasma rifle weapons, skull keys and other enhancements. We were looking at possibly moving over to GZDoom, especially now that Reinchard has issued his PBR texture pack. GZDoom has implemented a skeletal model format called IQM. We asked them if they could support something more modern and better supported like FBX. They didn't want to do that, which is their choice. They said they were debating whether to go with either gITF or IQM. I asked them if they could prioritise gITF because of multiple problems that exist with the IQM format. This was their response:
  11. We've opened a ModDB page for the mod. https://www.moddb.com/company/doom-high-res-model-project The mod isn't dead, but both myself and Kurikai have been busy with other things. We are quite happy for others to contribute as long as they follow the art style.
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