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About beast

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    Junior Member

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About Me

Amateur map maker, Programmer, Cat lover




== MY MAPS ==


Gamma Station, a medium exploratory single-player map, tech-base theme with hellish elements.

forum thread | idgames entry



> A bad feeling runs down your spine as you scale over the perimeter
> wall, entering the base. Nobody answered the doorbell, and comms are
> down too. You were hoping the base partially survived the demon
> onslaught, hoping for a bunk bed and a hot meal. You prepare to make
> your way into each of the three underground structures. Demons beware,
> hot lead is the only meal you bastards are going to get!


Reverberation Station, Single player tech-base with Hell seeping through the walls. Pack an extra shotgun.

forum thread | reverbstat.wad.zip




Other Contributions



Doom Mapping Experience Project


Learning to make Doom maps - Setting goals, getting things done



  • level design
  • detailing and texture use
  • monster placement
  • Tools
  • Stock doom.wad, doom2.wad or a Freedoom compatible WAD
  • Eureka Doom editor
  • Compatibility levels 2 and 9
  • PrBoom and Chocolate Doom



  • To ensure fewer distractions from the process I invoke these limitations:
  • No custom textures.
  • No DM support.



  • Avoid too much symmetry
  • Proliferant floor and ceiling height changes
  • A height change warrants a texture change
  • Changing textures between neighbouring walls warrants an intermediary texture
  • Texture doorways even if there is no door
  • Prefer monster closets over teleport traps
  • Plenty of contrast via light and textures
  • Hide monster closets by flagging the linedef as "secret"
  • Face enemies where you expect the player to enter
  • Do not overpopulate ammo and health bonuses
  • Limit the number of doors the player has to open, mostly only when necessary
  • More windows between rooms




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