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About CyberDreams

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  1. On and off I've been playing REKKR, the TC from 2018 as I wanted something different to play. I've also been playing Serenity from 1994 as I really like that whole trilogy. I'll play the sequel's after. So quite a difference in game play. Also yes I am playing these on UV but not pistol start.
  2. I still haven't played through Doom Eternal but next time it's on sale on Steam I'll have to buy it, if i have the cash. I think the last Doom game was Mighty Doom? Correct me if I'm wrong. My phone can't run that as it's to old. So I'm pretty good for now. I still need to play the newer Wolfenstein games too. I'm pretty far behind in games tbh.
  3. Willard - Steel Mill (1992) Grunge/Sludge Metal If you know TAD or The Melvins you might dig it.
  4. I really like the evil and/or moody sounding midi's. I love all the tracks from the original games tbh, but i'll just pick a one from each game, at least the ones that use original music: Doom - Sinister Doom II - Message of the Archvile Final Doom: TNT: Evilution - Smells Like Burning Corpse (Just a few i can think of) For PWAD's, anything by Mark Klem, Tom Mustaine or Jimmy.
  5. Just using the Sigil wallpaper from Romero's site because i like it and i needed to get rid of the stock one that came with my laptop. I was also there to download Sigil II and saw it.
  6. You guys haven't finished the master levels? Jeeze, there are are some good maps in there. Dr. Sleep's maps and Sverre Kvernmo's maps are definite highlights imo. Maybe its just because I like 90's wads tho tbh. Also just because it's old doesn't mean it's not polished ;)
  7. Dishonored Remastered on Xbox One. I've never played it before but it seems alright so far. I've been going for a high chaos run (or w/e its called) since it seems easier than a stealth run. That way i can explore the levels and find all of the books/lore that the levels offer. Also for Doom, i played & finished Final Doom: TNT: Evilution on my OG Xbox One via the Unity Port a few weeks ago on UV Difficulty. It was quite hard on UV with a controller tbh but i actually liked certain maps yet i really hated others. I think it gets too much hate tbh. It is a fairly early map set, being completed in November of '95, that is unless id Software had any say in the levels afterwards since it wasn't released until June of '96. I found the Slime Trail that is in one of the maps (forgot which one now). I really hated maps around like, 20 and 21 or so (the Drake O'Brien maps ; sorry Drake). Then i started liking the maps again after. I really love the music though, especially "Smells Like Burning Corpse", even though it is overly loud. My favorite maps are the early ones and the later ones, as well as the ones done by the Casali brothers.
  8. I haven't been watching any movies lately (sorry to the topic) but i have been watching a TON of classic Doctor Who on Tubi, a free app that just has ads every once in a while but doesn't edit anything. I've never watched it before, since i live in the USA (it's not as popular here) but i love it now. Unfortunately some early episodes are missing since the BBC taped over shows back in the 60's. They do have some animated versions of the episodes that were animated way later though (2010's) so that's good. I really like it!! I'm a huge fan of the Twilight Zone and Star Trek and this fits right in with that genre.
  9. Might be a prototype/early shot. I remember DL'ing about 15 or so screenshots in the PCX format dated 1994 uploaded by John Romero before Doom II's release (I downloaded them way later of course) and they were early shots...i don't have them on this current PC otherwise i'd check. I'm fairly sure that's what this photo is from though. EDIT: I could of been thinking of early Doom 1 pics from 1993 instead...I can't remember
  10. - To actually play Doom on my Laptop instead of the Unity port on my ole' Xbox One (not that the Unity port is bad or anything) (and yeah i got a new gaming Laptop, a Lenovo Legion 5i Gen 6) (my old desktop was pretty old) - Maybe try to make my own PWAD after all of these years - To just have fun playing classic and newer PWAD's like i used to (can't forget the classics nor what's new in the Doom world) - Try a bunch of different source ports and figure out what i truly like, now that i have a modern OS (Windows 11) (i like more vanilla style gameplay, no jump, crouch or y-axis mouse look unless a mod or WAD asks for it) - GZDoom was my go to on Windows 7 in software mode, Doom or Doom strict, Crispy Doom sometimes for extremely old '94 PWAD's. - Try to be more active in the Doom community, especially here on Doomworld, even if i still don't understand everything about the Doom engine. - Try to buy a complete boxed copy of Doom or Doom II (probably the Ultimate Doom as it is cheaper than the original Doom)
  11. Pain Elementals and Lost Souls. I like the design (for the time period they are pretty neat looking) but they are definitely annoying.
  12. That's actually pretty damn cool imo. It definitely needs the background image tho.
  13. Kills - I tend to go for 100% kills but if i miss a few stragglers it really won't bother me too much. Secrets - I do try to find them all but i won't waste hours of my time wandering around a level looking for them (although i have definitely done that in the past). Certain times i will cheat and do IDBEHOLDA (or w/e the full automap cheat is) and wander around for a bit to find them all, especially if its a map that i really, really like and i'm getting stuck trying to find them on my own. Items - Due to my OCD i'm pretty good at finding items so i do try to get 100% of them but just like kills or secrets if i happen to miss a few it won't make me go crazy or anything (fortunately lol). So i guess you can say that i do like to 100% max levels but if i can't 100% everything i at least like to get 100% kills.
  14. I've always used ZDL. I just like how basic it is.
  15. I've seen a few 5 1/4 registered copies before on ebay. V1.1 or v1.2 I believe (blue label, registered Doom). I've only seen a cd copy of a registered version of Doom recently though and it sold for quite a lot of money on the bay. I never knew one existed as I've only seen v1.9 in floppys a few times in pictures. Amazing list though!
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