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About Zanieon

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    Tamer of The Dark

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  1. 1:34 makes me think Morbo really nailed the tone even more now.
  2. Yo I played your L4D2 campaign recently. I didn't realize it was yours until after the fact. Figured you may be interested in seeing the playthrough of it. 


    1. Zanieon


      Honestly i checked couple days ago, decided to not comment to not change how our relation goes ngl. Personal reasons.

  3. Hmm... you're a rare type that completely skipped Quake 3 it seems, because there's zero Serious Sam and HL1 inspiration and assets used in there (Serious Sam actually inspired gameplay, not architecture so much), most stuff in the pic was made with Quake 3 content.
  4. Been a while i dont post progress here, so here's everything i made since the forest segment has been finished:
  5. Here's some underrated ones: House on Haunted Hill (1999) supernatural horror Signs (2002) probably the most known one of the list The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005) supernatural/psychological horror The Reaping (2007) supernatural horror Pandorum (2009) spacefaring horror Grave Encounters (2011) supernatural horror Lights Out (2013) supernatural horror As Above So Below (2014) supernatural/claustrophobic horror The Ritual (2017) monster horror Annihilation (2018) cosmic horror Color Out of Space (2019) cosmic horror Underwater (2020) thalassophobia horror
  6. Well, it's more like Quake 3 Coop, since Hunter's Moon purpose is to cover the only department Quake 3 itself lacks, proper PvE.
  7. Still not finished though, but very close to that.
  8. Both 3D Realms and Gearbox now belongs to Embracer group, the IP can be shared between both without any copyright problems.
  9. Nice to see that caught your attention, hope you enjoy the ride!
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