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About CzechMate29200

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    What the fuck? This WAD is shit, most of the levels can't even be completed. Maybe I just don't get it...
    This is the best MegaWAD I've ever played, everyone MUST try it. 10 stars
  1. What the hell is happening with GLBoom? The walls, floors, and ceiling textures are rendered horribly. Chocolate Doom renders them better. What I mean is that, most dark textures, and in dark environments, look like it's just 8-bit color. Even though I have the Video Renderer set to OpenGL. Any help for this?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CzechMate29200
    3. galileo31dos01


      Have you tried changing the resolution? 

      In "Display options" everything selected to "Point"?

      In "OpenGL options" something like this?


      I have no problems with these options, probably you have to find the best configuration, if it's not something unconnected with the port.

    4. CzechMate29200


      Ok, I'll check it out when I can. Thanks man!

  2. its good to see a Baron wearing a shirt for once

  3. I just tried some habanero hot sauce. Holy SHIT!!! This stuff is awesome!! Everyone must try it!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrGlide


      what kind? There are many.

    3. CzechMate29200


      Dunno, all I know is that it's habanero

    4. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      I have a few made by El Yucateco that are pretty good.

  4. Sweet username :)

    1. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

      I'm a Cop, You Idiot

      I really love Kindergarten Cop

    2. Tracer


      Maybe you have a tumor!!!

  5. CzechMate29200


    I really like this level. The dreadfulness here is really nice. Detail is pretty good, although some places could've used more. The level is fucking hard (which I like) and definitely is fast-paced. Overall a really cool level. 4/5 :)
  6. Will there be a Community Chest 5 made? CC4 was awesome, so I would really excited if there was v5 coming out

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. leodoom85
    3. Ichor


      CC5: The Final Frontier


      ...with a titlepic of the chests of a bodybuilder standing next to a Hooter's waitress...

    4. Phade102


      CC4 is one of my favourite megawads by far, and the texture file has done so much for so many wad authors. But you have to ask....how will CC5 beat CC4?

  7. Sooo, how angry is your cat??

    1. EmotionalFelineinaMadstate



      I think he's angry enough in my sister's grasp.

    2. CzechMate29200


      That is a pissed off cat ;)

  8. After about 7 months of being cursed with a Windows Phone, I finally got so pissed off at it that threw that piece of shit at the wall, hard. Completely broke the screen. I'm kind of happy now, because at least I have an excuse to get an Android now :D.


    Just a forewarning for anyone thinking about getting a Windows Phone, do yourself a favor and just don't. Or if you have to, get one with Windows 8. Windows 10 Phone is buggy, and unresponsive (much like its PC counterpart). It makes you wonder if anybody at Microsoft has any idea what the hell they are doing.


    anyways, if you want a happy life, avoid Windows 10 AT ALL COSTS!!!

    1. Asure



      After about 7 months of being cursed with a Windows Phone, I finally got so pissed off at it that threw that piece of shit at the wall, hard. Completely broke the screen. I'm kind of happy now, because at least I have an excuse to get an Android now :D.

      Same here.



    2. Doomkid


      Have a Windows phone and can confirm they're pretty shit. GPS never works right, battery fluctuates like crazy, internet browser is a piece of junk, most apps aren't supported and the ones that are have bugs out to here.. Avoid em!

    3. Neurosis


      lol I had a windows phone back in like 2013-2014. It was fine for a bit but the audio jack actually got so messed up that I couldn't even listen to my music. Just stick to androids or iPhones, literally anything but Windows Phones. Like, STOP MICROSOFT. STOP TRYING TO TAP INTO MARKETS YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS IN. 

  9. I have found the true inspiration for the Dildo Saw in HDoom...



    only the freaks at Rockstar could think this shit up XD


    (this is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas btw)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BigDickBzzrak


      Dear god people, chill out with that mentioning HDoom on every corner. Is there not enough porn in the internet for you or something?

    3. Koros


      Nothing wrong with H-doom.

    4. CzechMate29200


      @bzzrak why don't you mind your bzzness, please

  10. what the fuck happened to your cool name?


    I leave for one day and this happens?!?! ;D

  11. Im officially a member now!! :)

    1. Xyzzу


      Hah! I will be right there with you in 15 posts.

    2. Pure Hellspawn

      Pure Hellspawn

      Heh. I wish it was time-based or post-based. I'm a Senior Member with only about 4 times as many posts - yet I've been here since January of 2005.

  12. I want a T-shirt like the one that baron is wearing. :-)

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