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About Clay

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  1. This is clear, simple injustice. Even is he sues, he cannot get everything back. All the money could provide is basic securities. Personally I’d want to see arrests on top of restitution. I have told a client of mine(divine frequency developer) to pay to laz instead of me as I do not have a cent to send atm. 100 isn’t much but it’s what we can shake. We are doing what we can with what we have and I can see many are. Best wishes to you Laz. If you are somehow able to read this, please know that your story has touched the hearts of many and we are here for you.
  2. Best of luck to any of you getting hit by hurricane Michael. Stay safe(edited)


  3. Just played through the first episode and a little more of Strange Aeons.....where have these maps been all of my life? Hand down the best mega wad I have played so far. Also What a fit with HND huh?


  4. Why don't monsters show up in the correct difficulty? I am using GZDoom Builder and porting to GZDoom. If I pace an imp in the map and set him to be only in medium difficulty, she still shows in easy. Any idea why this is happening?

  5. Woke up to only to find this ridiculous message from a customer:


    I will never understand how someone can get to 14mm(9/16") and still be unaware of the diameter of the hole in their body. How would you measure a plug with this method? It would almost be funny if this customer wasn't able to screw with my seller rating with bad feedback.



    I did order three pairs of “12mm” plugs. Also what is supposed to be equivalent to “1/2” inch plugs. I was unaware that your method of which you are measuring your products by, is different to the average gauge wearer. We do not go by the thickness of the gauge itself, but by the size of the hole (measurement wise) to accommodate the size of stretch we have. I currently wear a 1/2 inch, in any other brand of plugs, and they work fine, however the ones I purchased from you are not the same. The ones I purchased from you are on the right. The hole is a completely different size compared to the 1/2 inch I already own from another company. The ones I purchased from you will not fit in my ear the way that they should. I would like to know if I could please either return the product or exchange for another product, because they will simply not work.


  6. Have you ever just appreciated the fact the many of are trying to mod or even improve a game that we loved just as it was...so much that our our love for it brought us together in just a few hubs?

  7. Man, seeing mods like City of the damned, Unloved, Highnoon drifter, PB , BD, Skulldash, etc. Well it really make me see just how pitiful my little map pack is. Very humbling indeed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clay


      I guess maybe I came off a bit lachrymose. That was not my intent. I have only been at this for about 3 months now. Everyone has to start somewhere. I have been through this before with the rubiks cubes. Everything seemed so far from reach. Now I am considered an elite..a main voice in that community if you will.

      I was more struck in awe at the scale of some of these mods. PRODOOMER for instance is just STAGGERING.

    3. Misty


      Well, I'm mapping two years already, but I still don't consider myself as professional mapper. As you said, everything will come with time and patience. I think with mod creation is the same thing. 

    4. Clay


      In may case I would say more so. I have always been more artistic than logical in a coding sense. The crap I have shoveled out with c++ is just embarrassing.


      My wife on the other hand is fantastic with that type of logic and has already been a big help with my works, especially considering she doesn't even like doom to begin with.

      Overall I am really hoping this is something my brain lets me stick to. My biggest issue has always been direction. Who knows maybe someone sees my works one day and wishes to pull me into their project.


  8. Is there anyway to stream doom to a TV? I am almost finished with my mapset and the wife wants to play it. But now the only Pc that can handle it is in the office and she is a game pad person. Any suggestion? Is it simply not an option? Would I need a steam link or something?


  9. Have any of you tried making a map from doom 2 or 1 completely from memory?


    I dont even have doom 1 at the moment and haven't played in yyyeeeaaaarrrrs..I wonder how I would do. Should this be a public challenge. You would have to trust in the integrity of the mapper, but I don't really see that being a problem.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fonze


      Several Doomers tried that here; interesting results :)

    3. Fonze
    4. Walter confetti

      Walter confetti

      Another one, this time E1M1:


      As for myself, I tried to remake doom 2 map02 some time ago for the project above, I give up at half of the map since I wasn't proud of the results... maybe i will try again some other times

  10. Would somebody make the Dimensional Shambler already... I believe its a Cthulhu thing. :D





    1. TwinBeast


      I'm thinking it's in Quake.

    2. Clay


      I was making a joke there. But I did not know that.

  11. Anyone here decent with blender specifically armature and weight paints?

  12. I should Zealous Crop all sprites, correct?

  13. Finished the walking sprites tonight....all 20 of them.. YAY!!! Onto shooting and death tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.





    1. Clay


      What? NO stargate fan?! GET OUTTA HERE!!!! :D

    2. R1ck


      it's my brb dialing my childhood.



  14. Started spriting my Wraith today. Teaser below




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