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About Me
30-something casual gamer from Melbourne, Australia.
Have been a lurker on these forums for many many years... finally thought I'd get involved!
Have a Doom 2 episode in development since 2005... should be ready for release sometime before 2020 - that's the aim anyway!
Want to acknowledge some of the amazing folk who have made the Doom community so awesome:
- CodeImp (original creator of Doom Builder) and all the subsequent Doom Builder 2 and GZ Doom Builder (etc.) editors.
- Dr. Sleep and his excellent guide to editing in Doom Builder (the original and the best!))
- Everyone who has ever created a brilliant WAD.
- The superb source ports like GZDoom, Doomsday and of course Brutal Doom.
- ID Software for the original masterpiece.
- Everyone who has ever created awesome artwork/textures/sprites/etc for the community.