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About BrassKnight

  • Rank
    It's No Game!
    Forum Regular

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About Me


(This is meant for those who have 1920x1080 resolution, it will probably look bad with everything else.) 

welcome.gifA person who have been playing Doom and Doom II for ten years. I also love spaghetti and pizza (especially meat and pineapple pizza).


My Steam accounthttps://steamcommunity.com/id/Megiddo-RK/

Youtube Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHrNp3VynAnlgzMeNOusxmg

I'm currently 18 years old.

Birthday: February, 3, 2004


WADs I have released so far:

UAC Earth Base (UAC_EB.wad)

Transport (porter.wad)

Basket Case (greenday.wad)

UAC Earth Base 2 (uac_eb2.wad)

Explosive Experiments (In Development)


Dad introduced me Doom when we got our old Windows XP computer running again, we don't use it anymore since my parents were using their phones alot and decided to hide it somewhere. Now I use my own Windows 8.1 laptop to play Doom and other games.


This laptop broke down unfortunately and later got a new laptop, this time its on Windows 10 and its way better than old laptop in every way (Jumping from shitty Intel Celeron to an Intel i5 processor with a Nvidia graphics card is a big leap if you ask me).

                                                           torchrt.gif BrassKnight news.giftorchlf.gif


December, 12, 2020:

It's been so long since I've last played Doom at all and have since quit mapping altogether. I am still active on Doomworld but not as much as I used to, I might come back mapping again but I don't feel doing any of it anymore. My motivation is just sunk to the ground and I have tons of schoolwork ever since COVID-19 hit my country. Hopefully, this pandemic becomes over soon because some of these are just a pain in the ass.


January, 15, 2021:

Nevermind about that "I quit mapping" stuff, I actually have a small map pack that has been in development for a few weeks (started late December 2020). It's almost done, the only thing left is to upload it so stay tuned!


January, 18, 2021:

After some minor fixes, UAC Earth Base 2 has been uploaded to the idgames archive. Soon, it'll be released and I'll put a up a link here in my profile for those who want to download it. As of now, I'm experimenting with the Boom map format and I'm thinking of making maps for it because of the cool new features.


January, 27, 2021:

Recently I've been thinking of coming back to drawing after months of not doing it. I'm going to start asking people around on how to start drawing again and maybe even ask how to do anatomy since I don't know where to start with that. Also, a week ago my mom asked me whether to join a local gym or not and knowing my weight, I signed up for it.


I haven't visited the gym yet since she told me to jog first so my body becomes a bit more loose. I'm going to try to resist eating so much food because that's been happening to me for a while now. Hopefully with hard work and perseverance, I lose

tons of weight and reach me and my mom's goal of 75lbs.


January, 28, 2021:

I've started working on a map pack using the Boom map format, I've been experimenting with it for a while now and I really like the cool features it has. I've finished one map so far. The name I've thought for now is "Explosive Experiments", I don't know how many maps I plan on making yet.


January, 29, 2021:

Today I received an e-mail from the Doomworld idgames moderators about UAC Earth Base 2. I've replied to them now and it means that it's finally coming to the idgames archive. Also, Yakuza Remastered Collection just released today and I'm quite excited for it.


February, 1, 2021:

I finally went to the gym for the first time and I kind of liked it especially those things that lets you pull weight, I find them satisfying to do because it's so smooth. Also, I feel lots of pain in my body especially my legs but that's normal. No pain, no gain I guess.


(Also it's going to be my 17th birthday in a few days, pretty excited).


Febraury, 3, 2020:

Happy Birthday to.... me!



February, 7, 2021:

Just finished Yakuza 3 today. People kept telling me that the AI keeps blocking all the time but I don't think it's true, I've played through the game myself and AI doesn't block as much as everyone made out to be. Maybe it's only a Hard mode thing since I played it on Normal. I probably won't be replaying this game.


Febraury, 20, 2021:

I've been practicing drawing for a week now (started at Feb. 11) with a website that someone directed me to. It's called The Drawing Website. Very helpful website, I recommend you check it out if want to learn how to draw.


July, 7, 2021:

It's been a while since I've updated this news section but I got big news, school is finally over and vacation has arrived! Not only that, I've finished all my schoolwork so I can finally rest and relax. Me and my family are planning to go to Pasay City to visit my grandma and mourn for my late grandpa (died last year) in a few weeks. My mom hired some workers to change the garden in front of my house and replace the dirt with tiles, hopefully it gets done before we go to my grandma's.


August, 1, 2021:

Updates on the trip- we didn't go. My dad didn't want us to go at all and I can understand that. Kinda sucks still because I was gonna bring my laptop and play Tekken 7 with my cousins.


September, 12, 2021:

Tomorrow is the start of my Grade 12 semester, hopefully it goes well! In other news, I've reached Green ranks with Feng Wei in Tekken 7.


October, 22, 2021:

I finally finished my first Touhou game, Perfect Cherry Blossom! I'm thinking of either playing the previous game Embodiment of Scarlet Devil or moving to the next game Imperishable Night. As for how school is going, nothing too interesting and I'm doing fine we don't have online classes probably because I live in a third world country and not everyone here can afford good internet.


October, 28, 2021:


You should check this Classic Doom mod my friend recently made: Cirno Fumo Sprites


November, 9, 2021:

I almost beat Imperishable Night today, Eirin is a tough boss.


November, 10, 2021:

I finally fucking did it, I beat Touhou 8: Imperishable Night and I unlocked Spell Practice. I might try to 1cc this thing.


October, 13, 2021:

1579562497865.jpg?width=523&height=669 There is no post, just an angry Youmu fumo.


November, 17, 2021:

Just finished the second map for my upcoming map pack Explosive Experiments after forgetting about it for a while. I'm planning on building around maybe 7 maps but I'm still unsure.


Febraury, 4, 2022:

It's really weird that I'm 18 now, an adult basically, I wonder how my life is gonna go at this point.


April, 15, 2022:

I know I haven't been posting much here but I've finally chosen what course I'm taking for college, I chose Bachelor of Multimedia Arts - Animation. I've also chose the college I'm attending at but I'm gonna have to live in the big city, very far from my parent's home. I feel a bit nervous because they tend to be a lot more dangerous but hopefully things go fine.




                                            Right click and select "Open image in new tab" to open in full size.


ivgi0qtjzaf71.jpg  download.jpg?width=1191&height=670

NzzIOjJ.png?width=1073&height=670  89e55DG.png

Mze5kCr.png  rMKaa3j.png

Boiling_Point.jpg?width=1073&height=670  Paradise.jpg?width=1073&height=670

Gold_Petals.jpg?width=1073&height=670  Solar_Eclipse.jpg?width=1073&height=670

Wind.jpg?width=1073&height=670  Follow.jpg?width=1073&height=670

Tulips.jpg?width=1073&height=670  Freestyle.jpg?width=1073&height=670

526487722_Minecraft_1_16.3-Singleplayer15_11_20207_55_53am.png.e20266b3a026034db56c27ff532cac5d.png  RobloxScreenShot20211020_234825928.png?width=1284&height=669

RobloxScreenShot20211018_121242905.png?width=1284&height=669  dying_friend.jpg?width=1191&height=670

two_guys_chilling.jpg?width=1191&height=670  hidden_enemy.jpg?width=1191&height=670







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