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Everything posted by EpicTyphlosion

  1. Those screenshots are a neat blend of beautiful and intimidating... Sign me up!
  2. Would it be possible to support some of the newer "vanilla plus" modding features? (dehextra, umapinfo, etc.)
  3. I like to think of the 1-9-90 rule when it comes to stuff like this. It essentially means, within a community, 90% of members will only lurk and view content, 9% of them will contribute (posting on forums, giving feedback to maps, sharing gameplay, etc.), and only 1% will create content. We can assume that 9% of people who've seen or played myhouse.wad have decided to become active members of the Doom community, and 1% will try their hands at making maps or mods. That might not sound like a lot, but I have seen at least one person in this thread who's tried making some maps since playing this mod, and that's one more person making content for us to enjoy. I also have to agree with others that I don't believe this community is dying or doomed to perish or anything like that. Sure, multiplayer Doom isn't in the best state, but everything related to singleplayer is alive as ever. Pretty much every week you see a new gameplay mod, community project or megawad being made, and I doubt anyone will stop making them in the foreseeable future. Hell, I've seen demoscene communities for vintage computers that've been around since the early 80's which are still going strong. If they can last this long, the Doom community can last longer.
  4. Seeing that framerate number along with the large amount of monsters puts a big smile on my face. Keep up the great work!
  5. If you're talking about MP3 music in wads, then no. You can set MP3 music to be played in the options menu though.
  6. Looks pretty nice! I'll be sure to try it out later.
  7. It should be. CC0 is a public domain equivalent license, so it should be able to be used in whatever.
  8. Looks pretty interesting! Would love to see something like this for other GZDoom games.
  9. This is so well made that I have no clue whether or not it's all a well made horror story or something that actually happened. Best part is I don't even know if I've found everything there is to find yet. Veddge, props to you. You've officially knocked my socks off!
  10. Why? Is there something that's preventing you from continuing or do you not feel like working on it anymore?
  11. It's been awhile, happy to see people making contributions! I'll see if I can add something later this week.
  12. The mappers over at Doomer Boards really hit it out of the park with this one. All the maps are super detailed, and the theme is perfect for October. Keep up the good work!
  13. Based and revenantpilled. Love the look of the maps, will definitely give it a try ASAP!
  14. So I take it ZDoom32 is dead? Also, why is Vista of all OSes the minimum? Doesn't VS 2017 still have the XP compatibility package?
  15. I think I'm gonna cut my losses and back out. The map I've got now looks horrible and it's not gonna look much better by tomorrow.
  16. That reminds me, it would be neat to compile every single version of the wad and make a timelapse of each map and how they changed. Could upload the files to somewhere like archive.org as well. Only issue is I'm not sure if all of them are still up.
  17. This one is in alpha, but it's more than playable. I've had a fun time with it so far!
  18. Or you could make the stairs a quarter spiral, though that might require some more layout changes.
  19. I really hate to necro this thread, but did you ever release the complete version to /idgames or somewhere?
  20. I know this sounds a bit farfetched, but could it be possible for deathmatch spawns to be added?
  21. Got it done in the nick of time! Map name: Procrastination Cave Map slot: MAP01 Theme: Free theme Music: Jungle Fight - 1944: The Loop Master Soundtrack Size: 89.4 kb Format: Boom-compatible Difficulty settings: Yes 96kbmap.zip
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