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Everything posted by EpicTyphlosion

  1. Ah bawls, I forgot about this! I should be able to get working on my map very soon, so don't worry.
  2. I can't tell if that's a space cat or a demon cat That's me
  3. Unfortunately I'll have to back out of this project. I've hardly gotten any work on my map done because I keep getting distracted by a million other things.
  4. I feel we should include everyone who's contributed something in that map. I mean, I'm on there and I hardly did that much!
  5. I wanna say the Maximum Doom project, though that's year-long and not everyone signed up to it has submitted their maps yet. If the Vinesauce mapping contests count, the second one had about 300 entries. As it stands right now, it's in the same ballpark as Joys of Mapping 6.
  6. Maybe! ;) In all seriousness, I think it'll be up to Flamingo since they've been doing most of the polishing up lately. Plus as much as I'd like it to keep going, everything's pretty much complete. Plus we could really benefit from an /idgames release.
  7. I feel like we should make some sort of archive containing every single version. Would be really cool to see how things changed over time!
  8. v6.36 https://www.mediafire.com/file/bgjnszh23tr1f8g/NEGATIVEONE_v6.36.7z/file MAP13 - Added more detail to the restrooms (Lights, textures, etc.) - Rearranged the chairs in the dining area - Decluttered the CBM pool near the end of the map Unfortunately IRL stuff kept me from working on the map as much as I had hoped... plus my mind kept drawing a blank as to how I could or should change things. This might be my last addition unless there's anything else I could help out with.
  9. Agreed. Idc much about the drama and I frankly don't want to subject myself to any of it, but that archive gave resources to a countless number of mods. I haven't been in this community very long, yet I've seen dozens that use at least a piece of an asset from the repository. I can get behind this, especially since VavoomC, EDF, hell even Pascalscript resources are massively lacking. Might even promote new modders to make something on those underappreciated ports, who knows?
  10. Most stuff has winded down by now, though there's still some maps that people have to do like me. We might see some submissions near the end of June.
  11. Just curious, when in June is the deadline? June 1st, 30th, or somewhere in between?
  12. I'd probably go with "Negative One: Uncut" It's all about additions made after the initial cutoff, so it fits with the definition of the word
  13. Without a doubt. Wads included in shovelware disks like these are often called "1994 wads," and they're called that for a reason. Nowadays, there's no excuse to commit most of the sins they do (misaligned textures everywhere, little monster variety, rectangular and boxy rooms, etc.).
  14. Mostly texturing and adding some contrast to certain parts of the map. For example, near the end of the map, there's two rooms that are just rectangles with stuff in them. No offense.
  15. I think he killed the site since he left the Doom community. Either that or it's down for some reason.
  16. Interesting! I've searched around for different source ports from time to time, but I've never heard of those forks until now. All they need is some zsript support and we'll be one step closer to running Guncaster on an old pentium ;)
  17. I've noticed my comments usually get removed within seconds if they have certain blacklisted words in them. Let's just say it makes commenting on drama and "exposed!!!1" videos difficult unless you choose your words carefully.
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