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Everything posted by EpicTyphlosion

  1. MAP03 could use some more detailing, and MAP04 feels way too cramped. I'll have to work on those
  2. Hmm, you do have a point. I was also thinking we should focus more on map design than voxel stuff, because while it can look cool for some people, it can really detract from actually designing the maps and the wad as a whole.
  3. That's what I was thinking as well! We could totally do that, would just depend on how much steam it has
  4. @CBM Think you could include the sources for the 3D models? Voxel models can be rather difficult to modify
  5. Well, it only took me a million years, but here's the first iteration of my map. I call it "Demons Gone Mad" 128kb_dgm_v1.7z Rather short, but sweet. Decided to go with a cool MIDI just in case the map didn't end up looking so great, lol. The song is the rival battle theme from Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver.
  6. V5.97 https://drive.google.com/file/d/170p2ED_yz2_VVLR9MmlAU5flu2wIB8Uj/view?usp=sharing General changes - Shortened the pickup text for three weapons (They're still too long for PrBoom, but it's a start) Map changes MAP05 - Added a temporary solution to the monster problem by making the ceiling of each plane crush the monsters after walking past the helipad - Changed one of the cyberdemons to multiplayer only MAP07 - Made the invulnerability secret door stay open when activated - Added pass through flags to two linedefs interfering with a door - Moved the former chaingunner ambush up and added fences in front of the sky there - Removed a redundant secret tag and fixed the linedef's texture - Rearranged the green armor and armor bonuses MAP11 - Removed a redundant secret tag - Fixed the fence textures in the cacodemon box - Added textures to the monster box in the same area (it's possible to see it before opening if you go too fast) MAP27 - Removed a redundant secret tag MAP33 - Moved the yellow key out of the secret area - Decreased the amount of megaspheres in said secret to five - Rearranged the enemies in front of the final door, now they shouldn't get stuck - Aligned and changed some textures - Made most of the doors and windows thinner Long, but to the point. What's next, bugs or polishing up the maps?
  7. Oh hell yes! Would take awhile, but that would be awesome to see
  8. Since the idea was taken from /tg/, how about "25 Drawings of /doomworld/"?
  9. Session 45 MAP02 UV-Speed in 46.86 Session 45 MAP03 UV-Speed in 15.43 ABY4502-46.zip ABY4503-15.zip
  10. Agreed. Lots of cool stuff gets done on this forum, and I love seeing it all unfold. "I'm so proud of this community!"
  11. V5.96 https://drive.google.com/file/d/17OHGad4EGTBORLgW6zfmy1TvIolwhbc4/view?usp=sharing Map changes - Increased the height of the sky in the original starting area of MAP13. Prevents the tall buildings from being obstructed - Added a very, very, very unnecessary amount of attention to detail to unreachable areas of the map. The destroyed building can be seen in some areas earlier in the map I still have much more I want to do with this map, but all this has really drained me. You have no idea how many 1 unit wide sectors I had to work with, how many times TANROCK9 kept popping up out of nowhere, and how many times Doom Builder just refused to cooperate...
  12. Reserving MAP13. The issues with the sky in the former starting area are still present Edit: I think I've gone a bit too overboard ;)
  13. From my experiences with Windows Defender, that's 99.99999% likely to be a false-positive
  14. Hate to bump this thread, but has anything new been added or changed?
  15. Got it. Also, is the first deadline for adding new maps? Meaning you can still modify the maps after that point, just not add any more?
  16. After all, GZDoom -1 is a thing. We don't need two going on at the same time, as much as I'd love that. I'd say halt the project and continue it at the start of next year as planned.
  17. Dunno, I just like the sound of wads that'll keep me entertained for a long time. Also, what GZ/LZDoom version are we aiming for?
  18. Hopefully the wad will take about 12 hours to beat once we're done, lol
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