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Everything posted by EpicTyphlosion

  1. Very true. I wouldn't be surprised if someone did just that
  2. Plus the bugfixed release could have a cool name like Alien Vendetta. Maybe something like "Negative One: Reloaded"
  3. In that case, lemme make a list of "lessons learned" for the next time we do this: 1: When making a completely new map, or making major changes to one, ALWAYS test it to make sure it's beatable 2: Use the check mark box in Ultimate Doombuilder to analyze each map, this will check for problems such as missing textures (HoMs) 3: If a new map is added, always update the MAPINFO lumps, however many there are. This includes adding title patches for intermissions 4: Once a few days or weeks have passed, try out each level in the wad. See if you can spot anything you think needs changing 5: For the love of God, try to find some new sky textures!
  4. Bad news, it turns out the door just before the exit of MAP34 is impossible to open. Can't believe I didn't check this beforehand
  5. V5.73 https://www.dropbox.com/s/0y06ty8yl27zhnq/NEGATIVEONE_v5.73.7z?dl=0 General changes - Added an Eternity MAPINFO lump for levels 33-35 - Added a MAPINFO lump written in the old style of ZDoom MAPINFO lumps Okay, this is my last one for real this time. The only thing that would make this any more compatible is writing it in Hexen format, but I'm pretty sure that won't make a difference since it's already an MBF-compatible wad. It's been fun watching this all unfold, and I'm glad to have been part of the ride, see you all in Doom -2!
  6. Hmm, I guess a MAPINFO lump using the old style won't really matter, and Eternity might still work on the super secret levels. So unless we want to add a lump for that, I'd say this wad is completed
  7. If that's gonna be the last one, I'd suggest doing that old style MAPINFO lump if you can. Hopefully it shouldn't take that long. Godspeed!
  8. V5.68 https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmq3gijr42iiamn/NEGATIVEONE_v5.68.7z?dl=0 General changes - Added a proper ZMAPINFO lump with corrected sky and music strings (This one better work!) - Converted the newly added shotgun sound to Doom format since all the others were I might be able to add a MAPINFO lump using the old ZDoom style, but consider this my actual last submission if Attic calls it before then
  9. Huh, I guess he meant midnight. Lemme rollback on that statement earlier, I'm fixing that MAPINFO lump!
  10. V5.62 https://www.dropbox.com/s/28btisis0pwcyhc/NEGATIVEONE_v5.62.7z?dl=0 MAP34 - Fixed the broken lift. The map should be beatable now General fixes - Copy/pasted DMAPINFO into a MAPINFO lump, added the proper title and music patches for each map (I hope) I think this'll be my final contribution. If anyone wants to add me or anyone else to the credits map, that'd be much appreciated!
  11. Got it. All the other maps in the lump are the default Doom 2 names, so I'll change those
  12. Apparently PrBoom crashes after finishing MAP34 since it can't find data for MAP35. Adding them to the MAPINFO lump might fix it, should I do that?
  13. Not sure. I thought about removing the weed, but I decided to keep it since it's a super secret map anyways, lol
  14. V5.57 https://www.dropbox.com/s/cnp6d8pe8wxe8ce/NEGATIVEONE_v5.57.wad?dl=0 MAP33 - New name "Super Secret" - Made the secrets easier to see - Added a bit more ammo - Removed the wizard boss since the Icon of Sin head is already in there - Added deathmatch starts and weapons (because why not?) MAP34 - New name "Dank Secret" - Added deathmatch starts (again, why not?!) General changes - Added titles for MAP33 and MAP34 so they don't crash in PrBoom Remaining issues - There's some missing textures in MAP34, and the lift that lowers to advance through the level doesn't work when use is pressed
  15. WAIT! I'm working on v5.57, don't post until I'm done
  16. Hmm, turns out the yellow key is already in MAP33, but it's behind a secret which would be impossible to find unless you press use on every single wall
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