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what are you working on? I wanna see your wads. (split)
Arrowhead replied to NiGHTMARE's topic in WAD Discussion
I get what you're saying @Ravendesk , perhaps I've sounded a bit too pissed off here. I've got nothing against NiGHTMARE personally - really, I don't - I'm not just saying that to 'smooth' the situation over. I've got no problem w/ him. Maybe I jumped the gun a bit too fast, there. Hey, I'll admit when I've reacted too quickly or brashly, I've got no problem w/ that. The reason I've even got upset is because it really feels like he was just looking for a 'gotcha' moment - like: 'See, you criticize Hakros, yet you do the same thing! Haha, caught you!' Yet that's just not the case at all - the comparison doesn't really make sense to me - how does using an errant Duke 3D (I didn't even know it was from Duke3D, I've never played a Build game before) texture from a commonly used texture pack hosted by DW itself, equate to re-packaging 37,000 stock / commercial stock textures for free? It doesn't. But that sure feels like this is what this is about - and when asked why NiGHTMARE isn't questioning the scores of other mappers who have used the same pack, or done a similar thing (used a texture from another game) he seems to continue to focus on me. So that's why I seem upset - I think that's a fair reason to be upset. Realistically, there's a few things that could be done here to remedy this: - the texture pack could be edited to remove tex from other games - the texture pack could be temporarily removed, along w/ the tex packs for other games (completely unnecessary in my opinion) - We could go about our days as if nothing has happened (I vote this one) If it comes down to it, and after 28 years (like Gothic said) the community decides we can't use those type of textures anymore - then that's fine - and I will change my current project accordingly. I really don't have much more to say about it - I'm sorry if I've sounded rude or angry w/ anyone, but please don't compare me to Hakros - because, guess what? Then you have to compare dozens and dozens of mappers to Hakros - and I don't think that's accurate or realistic. I don't want 'beef' w/ anybody over something so stupid. But really, I could have toned it back w/ this line: "So whatever, you do you. I'll await the cease and desist letter." That just sounds needlessly inflammatory, looking back. So yeah, apologies to NiGHTMARE for that, that does sound rude. But - I'm genuinely curious what can be done, (if anything can be done) about this 'game textures in Doom projects' thing. Seems like kind of a large issue that I haven't seen addressed - at least since I've been in the community (last 5 years). -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads. (split)
Arrowhead replied to NiGHTMARE's topic in WAD Discussion
What the hell have I done wrong by switching from a legally questionable and morally questionable texture pack to one that's hosted on DW itself!? Oh no! I've committed the worst of crimes! Whatever, I'll just fucking re-texture to Otex1.1 for the trillionth time. God forbid I try to branch out a bit! I learned that w/ the whole Hakros thing before, so not sure why I'm surprised now. As for combining a shit ton of packs together - I wouldn't dare want to do that! One of those textures might have been an iwad edit at some point! And it is absolutely a false-equivocation to equate a pack compiled of thousands of commercial stock textures under your own name, (HakrosTex) w/ a pack that compiles existing textures mostly from other Doom projects + whatever from where else (how am I to know those are Duke3D textures when there's no mention anywhere?) as a pack, where nowhere do they claim said textures to be there own. So whatever, you do you. I'll await the cease and desist letter. -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads. (split)
Arrowhead replied to NiGHTMARE's topic in WAD Discussion
Certainly seems like you do. Okay, so say I stop using CC4tex/32-in-24-15-tex. Say I stop using any and all texture packs that have ever used a derived work, or compiled existing textures from any other property, or pre-existing texture pack ever? Hmmm, for sake of example, let's take a look at the 'Afterglow Texture' page hosted on Doomworld itself: https://www.doomworld.com/afterglow/textures/ At least half, if not more contain iwad edits, edits of pre-existing textures from other packs, and so on. Oh look! DW even hosts a section to download DukeNukem 3D textures! Or Blood, or Hexen 2 - but they are provided there under no expectation that DW owns or has made them, hell, they're credited to their original creators, too! HakrosTex, the thing that you keep trying to equate my texturing decision to, bundled commercial stock textures as in: something being sold right now, and (thousands of them) for free - and under the impression that they were his textures. Once again, curious that you single me out when far more popular and higher profile sets have used the same resources for decades without any heat from you. I'll ask again, seeing as I don't think you'd just single me out - and I also don't think you'd try to defend Hakros, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here - I'll ask again: when are you going to request / demand that Community Chest 4 re-textures? Seems curious you've been around for 25 years, and only just now have decided to make this something you complain about... Yeah, I know you can combine texture packs, I'm well aware of this - I know how to use Slade. When I have combined texture packs, even just D2 + Otex1.1, I'd received feedback from multiple people that they don't blend together well, or that I should really be using just the one pack, etc. etc. So yeah, there's a reason why I haven't done that. I'm not gonna load up a much smaller pack, and then crutch it w/ another handful of packs / Otex1.1, or what have you. Once again - quit w/ the false equivocation - if you wish to continue w/ the false equivocation - at least apply it equally - go complain to the project heads for any of the huge well-known projects that have used this pack. It'd only be fair, right? I can't wait to post about my new singleplayer project using RFHellTX - a set that has quite a few D1/D2 edits - I'm sure you'll have something to say about that, too. -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads. (split)
Arrowhead replied to NiGHTMARE's topic in WAD Discussion
How is this remotely equivalent? I re-textured originally - because the person in question, (who was claiming to have made the texture pack, Hakros) was providing commercial items in bulk to the public for free - in complete violation of any and all licenses associated w/ their use. I switched from that, (HakrosTex) to a commonly and popularly used texture pack, 32-in-24-15-tex. You know, a set used by dozens and dozens of projects? It's not even remotely the same, and it's a tad bit dishonest to imply that these two situations are the same. But hell, I'll happily use Otex1.1 for the 165th time, (not an exaggeration, I've used Otex1.1 on more published maps than anyone else in the community) or completely re-texture to something else - if I'm given a good reason. Currently I have no good reason to do so. When are you going to request Community Chest 4 gets re-textured? It's made w/ a lot of the same resources that 32-in-24-15-tex is made w/. The reason I don't use much smaller texture packs (usually, I'm using RFHellTX right now, but I bet you have a problem w/ that because of the D1/D2 edits, too) is because my projects are usually 12+ maps long - often 32 maps or more, even. Otex1.1 has most of what I need for a huge multi-themed project - a much smaller texture pack? Not so much. Not criticizing CageTex or any other smaller pack for its quality - I've seen it, and it's great - it just isn't suited as well for multi-themed megaWADs as say Otex1.1, or 32-in-24-15-tex / CC4tex are. -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads. (split)
Arrowhead replied to NiGHTMARE's topic in WAD Discussion
These are from 32-in-24-15's texture pack. I didn't rip anything from 3D Realms' games. Is that all of a sudden a 'taboo' pack? I thought they had listed sources for it. I wasn't aware - if that's the case, I can re-texture... EDIT: Aren't there tons of pwads that use this pack? This is the first I'm hearing this about this resource, tbh. As far as I know, they don't claim all of the textures as their textures - which was the whole problem w/ Hakros' pack. EDIT2: Just checked the 32-in-24-15 tex pack's readme - it only lists Gothic 1/2 as being used in it - so how is one supposed to know? If people have a problem, I can re-tex, hell, I've done it before, I just want to be able to use a relatively large pack that isn't Otex1.1 for once... I even checked CC4-tex (which this is based off? I think) and it makes no mention of using anything but D1/D2 edits and Gothic 1/2 - no mention of 3D Realms' stuff, on the Doomwiki at least. Doesn't that make literally the dozens of WADs that use this pack 'guilty' of the same thing? Genuinely curious. -
That does make sense about what you're saying when you're saying 'inorganic'. I thought logically, that the 3 apartment block trap made sense, in that there are a ton of demons chilling in some buildings, but yeah, a lot of the other encounters - not so much. In terms of it being wildly different from the rest of the levels, well, that was one of my reservations going into it - I was worried it would be too different from the others, and either make people concerned that's what the rest of the maps will be like, or if the set is going to be 'all over the place' thematically... The whole '80 different ways' thing you mention was by design, I wanted the map to be able to be tackled using tons of different strategies - although, when you do that, careful / more logical encounter design kind of goes more to the wayside. I agree w/ what you're saying how it fits the emotion / feeling of apprehension - in that it's very unexpected - in that apprehension and 'fear of the unexpected' go hand-in-hand. In that case, being smack dab in the middle of the episode is probably a good place for it. I don't intend on too many more big 'surprises' like this, in this set - the remaining 3-5 maps will be much more similar to the first 4 - I may even go over 10 maps, we'll have to see. This new level, I've got a bit of a haunted church or something going on, w/ some much tighter ambushes and fights happening. Glad to hear you still got some enjoyment out of the slaughter map, as I know that stuff isn't for everybody, as well as it being my first attempt at something that big - I think that's the largest map I've ever made, haha. Excited to hear what you'll think about MAP06! :)
Glad you had fun roaming around - that's partially why I called it 'Downtown Demon Deluge' - I wanted the level to kind of embody that feeling - where you can decide when and where to go, look around, and not become immediately overwhelmed. The zombiemen are there to be a nuisance, but also to quickly 'drag' the player out into the open. You were so close on that FDA to a UVMAX! Regarding the difficulty, I think what I'll do is keep the current power-up / radsuit structure, but set it up for like, HMP, or something. And then, for UV, go in and change / remove some of the power-ups / radsuits - not most of them, but at least some of them - to make things a bit more trickier. Maybe I should also lower the BFG slightly, so it's more visible? I can see how someone would press one of the 3 apartment blocks' elevators and get punished for it, then get annoyed. I tried in this one to make things non-linear just like MAP04 - in the sense that there are 2 different keys you can go after from the get-go. I typically go for the blue key first, to secure the BFG - but that's only because I have prior knowledge, I suppose. Starting w/ the yellow key first is probably easier, because if you start w/ the blue key first, when you release the yellow key archviles, they'll have all those pinkies to revive. And regarding the pacing for this set, I think a slaughter map works well here in this slot, as kind of a 'refresher' between going back to the more traditional base structures. But you're right, what matters most (I suppose) is how satisfied I am w/ that choice - you're right. Still, I do value all feedback, and if, say, a couple people said "Hey! A slaughter map doesn't work here!" - then I'd probably move it, or adjust it somehow. While it is true that both actions should be tried - I don't think it's communicated well. I may scrap those NW-SW teleporters. Funny enough, they are really only there as a remnant from an earlier set-up I had in the level. The archvile/revenant apartment block fight was originally much more mean-spirited. There used to be a 524 high wall that would raise around the 3 apartment blocks. The teleporters were there to allow an escape, if need be. I made the teleporters lower very slowly to still put a crunch on the player, and then upon exiting the non-walled teleporter, that red wall would lower again - if you crossed it again, it would raise once more. W/ this now changed, there's not really much reason for the two teleporter towers to exist. You can still see the red wall I had previously from a track I left on the ground. I changed this, because I felt it was too brutal - and also, because I was worried that if a player entered this fight unprepared, that they'd have an unpleasant time. As always, you two have given me some stuff to think about! I'm getting started on MAP06 - a medium to medium/large base structure, w/ some outdoors areas. I'll post more updates as I go - but expect MAP04's difficulty, if not a little smaller - likely more difficult too. I may always move this slaughter map down a slot or two to better slope the difficulty. :D
Hmm, that is a bit of a problem, you're right - I thought I had changed that, so that you could shoot the inside of the walled teleporter and have it lower quickly, but I could be wrong. If I'm not wrong - then that probably isn't communicated very well. I'll check here in a few minutes once I get ready this morning! Either way, if it's confusing enough to make someone think they've soft-locked, then that's a problem. :)
MAP05: DOWNTOWN DEMON DELUGE: It's finished! A large, fairly difficult slaughter level! Much different than the last maps! But that's what this is all about - trying new things! This is tough, but not too tough - I'm able to UVMAX it - so I have faith you all could too. There are some very evil situations in this level - they might seem unfair at first, and you may die, but you shouldn't feel ripped-off when you do - all the fights are very doable in this level, despite the huge amount of enemies on screen at once. I didn't include too much in the screenshots to avoid spoiling the scale of this map's encounters! Let me know what you all think - as always, please attempt w/ pistol-start - as that is how this is balanced right now - and please play on UV. Here are some screenshots: ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8o0304nqtlxkq5z/ApprehensionMAPSET-5_MAPS.wad/file EDIT: MAP04 has not been updated to reflect the newest feedback yet. I will do that soon! EDIT2: I may have to re-balance things depending on how well people do in this level - it may be too easy for some, too difficult for some - so I'm always open to re-balancing to make things harder / easier. :D
Hmmm, this map is now a gigantic multi-hundred monsters 'slaughter' map. I'm not sure how I feel about this - I feel like it may have exceeded the scope of this current map pack. It will take some time to play through, not eons, but for certain longer than the previous maps. The main design is focused around a massive central building that has a 'quintuple' security system set-up - a 3-key door, as well as 2 sets of raising / lowering iron bars... You basically traverse around the level battling your way through large swathes of monsters - finding the three keys, and the 2 switches, this unleashes the final combat situation. It could work well as a penultimate, or final level, or hell, even a secret map - I just have trouble gauging if people actually enjoy 'slaughter' or not. It's not like this map has a 1000+ enemies, or anything - but it is definitely MORE slaughter than the previous 4... as in, you're fighting a LOT of enemies at the same time. The layout itself is huge - which is part of the problem, I think - more nuanced monster placement isn't as readily possible, as the grounds to run around in are so large - so that kind of eliminates a lot of more 'careful' encounter designs I could do... Just wanted to get a feel for how much people like this kind of thing. I'm nearly done all the texturing, (just a few buildings left, some detailing, etc.) but I still have time to tweak my monster placement / combat design. Here are some screenshots - the map is still currently unfinished - this is slaughter for sure, but not super difficult slaughter, or anything: Regardless of this map's particular reception, the remaining maps in this set will likely continue to be similar in size or difficult to MAP04 - if not a bit more difficult, still. Any opinions would be great! (Some texturing choices will likely still change, but I'll hopefully have a working version before tomorrow morning.) :D
Alright, I'll spoil some of the architecture I've started making, why not - this is a dev thread after all... This is getting pretty monolithic, actually: Obviously, this map is still in its infancy - but I should have a major chunk done by tonight. Lots of buildings to make, and almost all of the combat to plan out still. :D
A bit of a description for the next map: MAP05: FRAGTOWN: A large area w/ 5-6 urban buildings - the central building is much taller than the rest. Access to this building is heavily restricted. Opposition from all sides - some nasty surprises - a small base complex partially borders this 'town', also. I'm also anticipating a higher monster count, too. I don't want to spoil too much about this one - not sure when I'll be finished, but it's going well so far! :)
Welcome back to this week's edition of WFF! We have something special to play this weekend - a brand new 12-map CTF set! This is made by two members of the [SUV] clan, 'RAV4' and 'CRV' - you may recognize them, as they've played quite a few of these events recently! Expect fast-paced intense gameplay - these maps are smaller on average than the ones we usually choose! Things may be a little more chaotic than usual, but a fun time will certainly be had! We will be playing all 12 maps this Sunday! We'll play a different WAD the week after! Grab your shotty, strap up your Red or Blue gear, and come join us for an epic session of fraggin' n' flaggin'! Details: -2 Teams -5 Flag Limit per map -10 Minute Limit per map -8 Players max per team -WADs rotate weekly (unless being continued) -No overtime This is a welcoming and friendly casual gaming experience! You don't have to be a Doom god to join us for some flags! The Wadazine Flag Fest team is: spwnsH4rK Arrowhead Endless Mr. Pred Flambeau AF-Domains Location/Time: -Sunday @ 19:00 CDT (00:00 GMT) on ZDaemon! -Dwango United New Jersey (or type 'Wadazine' into the search tool) -No password - public & casual Never played Doom multiplayer? Please watch this tutorial! Don't miss out on another event! Join the cool kids and be first in line for new-edition releases and events at ---> Wadazine Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Q2RKn4J Multiplayer DOOM fan? Help support the team that supports us at ---> https://discord.com/invite/aXnf2XM Hope to see you there! :D
- 1 reply
Yeah, that podium item thing is my mistake - other than an arch-vile jump, (LOL) I can't conceive of any way to get those 8 or so bonuses - I'll delete those. Thanks for checking these out again! Glad to hear this one was a bit more tough for you - I don't want things to be a 'cakewalk', that's for sure. I'm working on MAP05 as we speak - not quite sure how it's going to end up yet, but expect a similar difficulty style as this map! MAP03: -I agree about those revenants, they're a bit too sedentary for my liking - currently it requires a movement commitment from the player, but if the player keeps back like in the video, then yeah, you're right - not too challenging - I'll fix that. -Glad you liked the supercharge secret - I thought the little translucent window 'teasing' it was a cool effect. -The switch at 5:19 lowers a set of iron bars in front of that door that the revenant is hiding behind - it's to encourage the player to explore the entirety of the map first (gather the green armor, learn where the yellow door is) - it may be a bit superfluous, though, true. -5:47 is my mistake - good eye, I'll fix that. MAP04: - I selected that switch to be the exit switch for the previous level - this was to show a potential player that it was an operable texture - but I don't know if I communicated that well - I'll put some kind of glow effect, and border it w/ some lights - that should clear things up I think. It's also possible on rare occasions that the cybie doesn't teleport immediately - and instead shoots through that hole from its FIREBLU room - I'll remedy that by moving its teleporting line closer to it. - Those crate textures will be the death of me, LOL. Every time I think I got them all, one shows up! Thanks for being observant. - Yeah, other than the cybie 'jump scare' that's probably the rudest part of the map, haha. I had originally contemplated making the few poles I used for cover go up and down to make things harder, but I settled for the current set-up in the end. - Good, I was worried I hadn't communicated that well enough, as it's not a traditional hurtfloor. - I will signpost those 4 switches better - they are a bit dark, and unassuming right now, I believe. - Glad you had some fun w/ the archie ambush - that was my favorite part of the level to make! Thanks to the three of you for playing this newest one - I will make / finish MAP05 - and I'll update this one alongside. Very glad people are having fun thus far! :D
MAP04: ABSOLUTELY DASTARDLY: This map is quite a bit more difficult than the last three (in my opinion) - that's not to say it's a 'challenge' map or anything - it isn't - but it should keep you on your toes! The map takes about 12 minutes to beat, 12-15 minutes to UVMAX. Difficulty arises from aggressive ambushes, tight corridors, and unexpected surprises. Secrets are not mandatory, (of course) but they do help. There's a couple combat arrangements that are a bit odd at first - but once you learn them, I'm hoping you'll enjoy them! You may die, but this is nothing egregious - even a poor SP player like me was able to UVMAX this after a couple tries - I don't doubt some of you will beat it first go, without having any trouble. Like I said, quite a bit harder than the last three levels, but nothing too crazy for an experienced player. If you do play this, please play pistol-start, and aim for UVMAX if you would - as that is how the map is balanced at the moment. I also took the time to implement the feedback several users gave me over the last few comments. This helped 'clean up' the earlier levels a bit, so thank you for that. I'm off to bed - let me know what you all think - I've really enjoyed seeing all the different demos lately! This map is quite non-linear, w/ it giving the player a lot of movement freedom to pick and choose what they'd like to do - for example, you can pick the yellow key to go for the first time, and then choose on your next playthrough to choose the blue key for your first key - that's not to imply complete movement freedom, but I tried to make this less of a 'point A to point B' affair. Maybe w/ varying results - I'll have to see what you all think. Hopefully you'll find some enjoyment - rude traps aside... DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vzckikdjptpby0j/ApprehensionMAPSET-4_MAPS-FEEDBACK-UPDATE_1.wad/file EDIT: I named it the way I did, because I felt extra 'scheme-y' while making this - it's not as cruel as the name lets off! :D
Haha, I have a recent obsession w/ it. Yeah, that's what I'm aiming for sub-10 minute playtime! Although, I think the upcoming 4th level may take slightly longer than that on the first run. I saw a couple more crate textures I left behind - I'll clean those up soon. It's fun seeing different people attempt the same fights differently - thanks for your three demos. :D EDIT: I'll be sure to credit you all as playtesters when I finish this set!
I saw those wood supports you mentioned - yeah, they look a bit rough. I'll swap those for something else! Was interesting to see you interact w/ a few of those later traps. Were the hurtfloors in the vent confusing? Just curious. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying things so far. I appreciate your demos - makes things super easy for me to understand what needs to be altered / fixed. MAP04 is a bit of a different beast - it's a bit more non-linear, in the sense that you have 2 different options for your first key pickup. MAP04 is 'hard' but 'hard' by my definition - which might not be too hard for more experienced players. Still, like I said before, there are some cruel situations. Nothing I don't think you all can handle, though! I've just finished the gameplay and thing placement for level 4, I just need to texture now. Thanks as always! :)
Thank you for your nice comment! I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed what I've made so far. Yeah, perhaps a little bit easy in some parts - but I'm sure I'll improve w/ my 'challenge' as I progress a little bit further in the set. Rest assured, I'm having a great time mapping for singleplayer, and I'm taking a small step away from multiplayer until I feel more comfortable w/ this genre. The fourth map in the set, (I'm working on it as we speak) is quite a bit harder - it's got a couple quite cruel scenarios - nothing an experienced player shouldn't be able to handle, but it should at least be harder than the prior 3 maps! I'm feeling much better about this whole transition to singleplayer, now that I've got some opinions from others. This next map, (Absolutely Dastardly) has a unique set-up, that I'm sure will at least surprise some players! I always tend to overestimate my difficulty a little bit, as I'm not an amazing singleplayer player myself, but there's a couple things here that should be interesting. I should hopefully have a test build for the 4th level later on today, if not tomorrow. Appreciate it! :)