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Everything posted by Arrowhead

  1. Welcome back to this week's edition of WFF! We will be playing another 10 random maps from ZDMega this Sunday! So, grab your shotty, strap up your Red or Blue gear, and come join us for an epic session of fraggin' n' flaggin'! Details: -2 Teams -5 Flag Limit per map -10 Minute Limit per map -8 Players max per team -WADs rotate weekly (unless being continued) -No overtime This is a welcoming and friendly casual gaming experience! You don't have to be a Doom god to join us for some flags! The Wadazine Flag Fest team is: spwnsH4rK Arrowhead Endless Mr. Pred AF-Domains Location/Time: -Sunday @ 20:00 EDT (01:00 BST / 19:00 CDT) on ZDaemon! -Dwango United New Jersey (or type 'Wadazine' into the search tool) -No password - public & casual Never played Doom multiplayer? Please watch this tutorial! Don't miss out on another event! Join the cool kids and be first in line for new-edition releases and events at ---> Wadazine Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Q2RKn4J Multiplayer DOOM fan? Help support the team that supports us at ---> https://discord.com/invite/aXnf2XM  Hope to see you there!   :D
  2. Okay, so I've made an amendment to this community project's rules. Nothing serious, it is still fundamentally the same project - I am just opening the requirements to participate a bit more. Before, I had restricted this solely to brand new deathmatch mappers - people who have never made a DM map before - now I am widening that restriction to allow for more participants. So: If you've made some DM maps before, but want a chance to improve / practice making a new DM map - I'd also like to include you. Essentially, this is open to anybody who doesn't consider themselves experienced in deathmatch mapping. If you're new to the scene that's great, if you've only made a handful of levels prior, that's also great. Yeah, so basically, as long as you consider yourself 'new' to deathmatch mapping, feel free to come aboard! The primary goal of this community project is to introduce as many people to deathmatch mapping as possible - so, to achieve that - it only makes sense to open things up more. :D
  3. I get that it may seem tight, but this is more just a simple project for people to 'warm up' to deathmatch mapping. I mainly want people to try something new, and see what they can whip up in that time period. If I raise the time limit too high, well, it's not really a speedmapping session, and that's kind of what I'm aiming for in this project. I don't expect everyone's first DM work to be immaculate - this is more a fun way to ease into deathmatch design. I am confident that people should be able to produce something in that time span, even if it is a relatively simple duel map. This is just meant to break people into this type of design - I have plans for more 'complex' community projects down the road, that will have longer time limits, or no time limit at all. I intend on making a strict deadline, once I receive a few maps.
  4. Yeah, sounds good - let me know if you're interested - I can help out w/ any questions you have about DM mapping. No big deal if you don't end up making anything, but it's always fun to try new things! :)
  5. Would be great to see something from you! This is all about fun, and trying new stuff- so don't feel too pressured by the time limit! :)
  6. What is Accelerated Arenas? This is a new speedmapping community project made to introduce new mappers / singleplayer mappers to deathmatch mapping! This set is to be constructed of maps from people who are new to deathmatch mapping. This can include mappers who have made a handful of deathmatch maps prior, but it is brand new DM mappers I am primarily looking for. This is intended to be a fun way to quickly try out a new genre of mapping - rules are not very strict, and I've tried to arrange this to allow as many people to participate as I can. If you've only made singleplayer maps before, or have never made a map before, welcome, you're exactly the type of people I'm looking for! If you've made a few DM maps in the past, but want to try your hand at making a DM speedmap / practice making more levels - that's also great - I'd love to include you as well! This set is not going to have a pre-set amount of map slots. I will take as many submissions as I am given, and submissions will be added in the order they are submitted. I will give a hard deadline once I begin receiving the first levels. I'll get into the rules in just a moment (they're very simple) but here's some important technical information, first: IWAD: Doom 2 Targeted sourceport: Zandronum. Accepted map formats: Zandronum: UDMF, Boom, limit-removing D2. Resource packs: GothMash + Doom 2 Resource pack download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ibzla9pfvlas1r4/GOTHMASH.WAD/file Skies: Mechadon's Box o'Skies v3. Skies download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/z69eyws7yzzw2az/boxoskies-v3.zip/file Jumping is allowed - but you do not need to incorporate jumping into your level if you don't wish to. I am allowing for multiple map formats to be used, as I didn't want to force anyone into having to work with a format they are unfamiliar with. Zandro:UDMF, Boom, and limit-removing D2 are all allowed. While Zandronum can feasibly run maps of other formats too, please keep it to the 3 selected formats above. RULES: 1) A strict 3 hour time limit. Your map must be made from beginning to end in 3 hours' time. You are NOT required to record or stream yourself. 2) To participate, you must be new to deathmatch design. If you haven't made a DM map before, that's great - I'd love to include you. If you've made some DM maps before, but want a chance to improve / practice making a new DM map - I'd also like to include you. Essentially, this is open to anybody who doesn't consider themselves experienced in deathmatch mapping. If you're new to the scene that's great, if you've only made a handful of levels prior, that's also great. 3) 100% symmetrical arenas will not be accepted. Symmetrical rooms are fine, but your entire level cannot be symmetrical. Any completely symmetrical level will not be accepted. 4) Maps can be of whatever size. Small duel maps are fine, larger FFA maps are also fine. 5) All deathmatch starts must be on a weapon. Pistol-starts are not allowed in this set. That's it for the rules! I've recently began streaming my mapping sessions on Twitch - I've decided to use my most recently completed speedmap as the beginning map for this pack. Here is a VOD of me completing the first deathmatch map in this pack from beginning to end in 2 hours, 26 minutes: Mapping starts at 0:3:50 and goes to 2:30:08. Remember, you are NOT required to record or stream your mapping session, that is not necessary - I'm just including this as an example. MAPSLOTS: 1) Keep of the Damned (by Arrowhead) 2) Here are some great resources for people new to deathmatch design: Decay's great multiplayer mapping guide: Doomkid's video on deathmatch design: You can also reach out to me directly if you have any questions about DM design - I'll try my best to help you out! DISCORD SERVER: I've made a Discord server recently, (Arrowhead's Arenas) in preparation for a simple community project like this! I intend for this WAD's development to mostly be discussed there. However, if you don't have Discord, or don't want to use it, I don't want to exclude you! This thread will also be a hub for this project - feel free to post your map here, too, or any questions about DM mapping you may have. Discord Invite Link: https://discord.gg/PBwDYdw8 When submitting a map, whether here or on Discord, please ping me directly when doing so. All maps will be accepted in this project, provided they follow the small set of rules listed above. Please include what you want your mapname to be, as well as the name you wish to be credited by. Also, if you have a specific MIDI you wish to use, you can either link the MIDI directly, or tell me the name of it + the composer's name. ______________________________________________________________________________ So yeah, this is my first attempt at something like this - I thought at first of just leaving the gates open fully, and accepting maps from veteran DM mappers too, but I think it will be more fun to try to introduce this type of thing to people who are new to it, or relatively new to it. I'll keep this thread updated the best I can - remember, you can always reach out directly to me w/ any DM mapping questions! :D
  7. I've got a fun idea for a deathmatch community project!


    It will be for mappers who have never published a deathmatch map before!


    This will be a speedmapping session, essentially - mappers will be given 3 hours to complete a DM map from beginning to end.


    This will be very free-form, in the sense that only one major rule, (other than the time limit) is to be followed:


    Maps that are perfectly symmetrical arenas will not be accepted. Everything else will be fair game - this is a speedmapping session after all.


    I've been experimenting w/ speedmapping in my recent mapping streams on Twitch. My most recent deathmatch map was completed in 2 hours 26 minutes.


    Here's a VOD of the stream - I'll likely include this as the first map in the project - mapping begins at 0:3:50 and ends at 2:30:08.    :




    I'll make a full project thread some point soon, once I've got things fully figured out, was thinking of 'Accelerated Arenas' as a potential name  - but yeah, that's the gist of it!


    The project will be organized on my personal Discord server, - here's an invite link if anyone is interested:




    Thanks to @Ludi for encouraging me to do such a project!

    1. Endless


      That's a badass title name.

  8. I did my 11th round of randomized deathmatch mapping! I rolled the randomizer at the start of the stream, and this time I got 'GothMash'! The map only took me 2 hours, 30 minutes to complete beginning to end. Here are some screenshots from tonight's session! Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 11): MAP12: Keep of the Damned: List of packs used in streams so far: I'm more than a third done this new megaWAD already! :D
  9. Welcome back to this week's edition of WFF! We will be playing another 10 random maps from ZDMega this Sunday! So, grab your shotty, strap up your Red or Blue gear, and come join us for an epic session of fraggin' n' flaggin'! Details: -2 Teams -5 Flag Limit per map -10 Minute Limit per map -8 Players max per team -WADs rotate weekly (unless being continued) -No overtime This is a welcoming and friendly casual gaming experience! You don't have to be a Doom god to join us for some flags! The Wadazine Flag Fest team is: spwnsH4rK Arrowhead Endless Mr. Pred AF-Domains Location/Time: -Sunday @ 20:00 EDT (01:00 BST / 19:00 CDT) on ZDaemon! -Dwango United New Jersey (or type 'Wadazine' into the search tool) -No password - public & casual Never played Doom multiplayer? Please watch this tutorial! Don't miss out on another event! Join the cool kids and be first in line for new-edition releases and events at ---> Wadazine Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Q2RKn4J Multiplayer DOOM fan? Help support the team that supports us at ---> https://discord.com/invite/aXnf2XM  Hope to see you there!   :D
  10. I did my 10th round of randomized deathmatch mapping! I rolled the randomizer at the start of the stream, and this time I got 'MummyTex'! Today's texture pack was from 2001, and was created by Andy McKie - it comes from his WAD called 'Mummy Phuquers 2'. It claims to be an Egyptian-themed megaWAD, in the texture pack readme, but I can't find it on the /idgames archive. Anyway, for being so old, it has some nice features - lots of marble edits, arch midtextures, bricks, and Egyptian mural textures. Honestly, it's not bad at all, if you're wanting to make a WAD of this style - especially if you pair it w/ Doom 2, like I did in this session! The map only took me 1 hour, 58 minutes to complete beginning to end - for some reason, I was much quicker this time! Here are some screenshots from tonight's session! Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 10): MAP11: Pyramid Peril: List of packs used in streams so far: So yeah, didn't really intend for this to be a speedmap - but I'm not complaining! I've been really productive recently, getting a map done every second day! At this pace, it shouldn't take me very long to reach 32 levels! :D
  11. Finished my 9th round of random deathmatch mapping! The randomizer selected 'Silver Textures', and I paired this w/ the silver / grey textures from stock Doom 2. This was a bit challenging, but I think the map turned out well. It ended up being a nice combo in the end. Once I started pairing the new lights available in the silver pack w/ some sector lighting, things started coming together well! Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 9): MAP10: Silver Salvo: List of packs used in streams so far: Nice to be a third of the way through my new megaWAD already! :D
  12. Even bigger than before!!


    Random Texture Selector Wheel v4:



    v1: 15 options

    v2: 40 options

    v3: 80 options

    v4: 102 options


    I'll be making a map w/ a randomly selected texture from this wheel on my Twitch stream tomorrow at 4:30 PM (MDT).


    It'll be my 10th map made in this fashion! Last time I got something quite challenging, so I'm hoping for a bit easier of a time this next spin!


    Should be a fun time, I added these 22 new sets:



    Asylum Texture Set
    Doom 3 Retro
    IK Pack
    KuroTex 1+2+3
    Silver Texture Pack
    Zekhmet Textures
    Graphatallica #1
    Graphatallica #2
    Graphatallica #3
    Lego Textures
    Psyren Textures
    Doom Patch-Tex Resource Pack
    Gempackd v0.6
    Makkon Textures for Doom


    I'm working on making a 32 map megaWAD in this 'randomized' fashion - I'm a third of the way through already!



    1. Daytime Waitress

      Daytime Waitress

      lmao I swear, the next update is going to be:


      v5: AH has found his human organs to be non-conducive to the production of DM maps and has surgically removed them and replaced them with texture packs in order to maximise efficiency

  13. This is great! Glad to see it released. I'm gonna add it to my 80+ random texture pack selector. Maybe make a map w/ it soon! :D
  14. I just finished my 8th round of random deathmatch mapping! I decided to make 2 maps in 1 sitting today. The entire session took me 8 hours, 40 minutes. The randomizer selected 'NMN Corp. Tex 2', and 'Darkbase' for the two texture packs. NMN Corp. Tex 2 was a lot of fun to work w, and was a fully sized texture pack, unlike Darkbase - which was from 1998, made by a 15 year-old, and only had 20 total textures and flats. Needless to say, the latter map was much more difficult. All things considered, Darkbase textures are actually quite nice - I was pleased w/ them, just wish there was more! I supplemented it w/ Doom 2 textures, limiting myself to only 5 textures from the original game. It was a lot of fun having to work w/ such a restriction! Anyway, here are screenshots from both: Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 8): MAP08: Vertical Violence: Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 8): MAP09: Grim Chambers: List of packs used in streams so far: My first 'long' stream went well! I'm very glad! My goal in this whole streaming thing right now, is to construct an entire 32 map megaWAD, and record every second of it - so far so good, I'm like a third of the way through, and it's only been a week! Will be my 6th DM megaWAD! :D
  15. Going live at 2PM (MDT) on Twitch, here: https://www.twitch.tv/arrowheadd2dm Going for a 6 hour+ mapping stream! We'll see how things go! :D
  16. I grow a lot of pepper plants indoors, as well as a few other houseplants. I like being able to fully control my plants' habitat. Anyway, I read online that peppers enjoy a more sandy soil mix than most plants, I needed to transplant them, as they had outgrown their current pots - I had been using perlite mixed w/ potting mix at that point instead. So I rush to the hardware store to buy some sand. I was told not to buy the kind of sand that you throw onto ice, or the kind that you use to fill sandboxes, because that sand is treated heavily w/ chemicals, and my plants wouldn't like that. I'm told to buy 'abrasive sand' instead. So yeah, long story short: They definitely don't treat that shit w/ chemicals, because my entire house was filled w/ thousands of fungal gnats for weeks after that. The sand must have been filled w/ their eggs! I'm not talking like, 'Oh hey, there's a couple fungal gnats flying around, how annoying' - I'm talking like "Holy shit, how the hell am I gonna sleep in this building?' type stuff. The little bastards don't bite/sting, nor did they cause any noticeable damage to the plants, so they were more a nuisance than anything but good lord did they make life miserable for a while! The scariest thing, was that I was starting to get used to them, just before I got rid of them for good... Had to plaster the entire house w/ fly paper, treat the surfaces of my plants w/ insecticidal soap and neem oil - and that finally did it - I made sure to throw that soil in the outside garden after that. Some would say 'Why not just toss the plants out, and start over?' Well, that's sensible and all - but I had grown these pepper plants from seed, and they were producing like crazy, and I needed to make hot sauce that year, too - they were also rare varieties, and I didn't want to see months of working on them go to waste! So not quite scary, but makes my skin crawl just thinking about it. There was another time actually, when I was in Nova Scotia, that my window-mounted AC was sucking in wasps and fish flies - that was SUPER unpleasant, as well...
  17. Welcome back to this week's edition of WFF! We will be playing another 10 random maps from ZDMega this Sunday! So, grab your shotty, strap up your Red or Blue gear, and come join us for an epic session of fraggin' n' flaggin'! Details: -2 Teams -5 Flag Limit per map -10 Minute Limit per map -8 Players max per team -WADs rotate weekly (unless being continued) -No overtime This is a welcoming and friendly casual gaming experience! You don't have to be a Doom god to join us for some flags! The Wadazine Flag Fest team is: spwnsH4rK Arrowhead Endless Mr. Pred AF-Domains Location/Time: -Sunday @ 20:00 EDT (01:00 BST / 19:00 CDT) on ZDaemon! -Dwango United New Jersey (or type 'Wadazine' into the search tool) -No password - public & casual Never played Doom multiplayer? Please watch this tutorial! Don't miss out on another event! Join the cool kids and be first in line for new-edition releases and events at ---> Wadazine Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Q2RKn4J Multiplayer DOOM fan? Help support the team that supports us at ---> https://discord.com/invite/aXnf2XM  Hope to see you there!   :D
  18. I did my 7th round of random deathmatch mapping on Twitch! I rolled the randomizer at the start of the stream, and this time I got 'Too Much Brown'! The map took me 3.5 hours to complete from beginning to end, this time.It's really an underrated texture pack - it's amazing for making a nukage base of some kind - which is exactly what I made this time around! Great textures, glad I was able to use them. Here are some screenshots from tonight's session! Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 7): MAP07: Slippery Sludge: List of packs used in streams so far: So yeah, a lot of fun making this one! My first 6+ hour stream is tomorrow, so I'm planning on trying to get two maps done in one sitting - but we'll see how that goes! :D
  19. Going live in 13 minutes here: https://www.twitch.tv/arrowheadd2dm Going to be making my 7th randomized deathmatch map from beginning to end! Stream runs from 4:30 MDT to 8:30 MDT - or may go longer, if I haven't finished the map yet! :D
  20. Coming up on 350 made, 300 published soon - mostly deathmatch and CTF. Started Feb 2021 - but I should have realistically started earlier - I've been playing the game since 2000 - only in 2021 did I learn mapping finally. If you haven't mapped, you should at least give it a shot - you may really love it, and if you love doing something, then the learning part comes much easier - however daunting it may seem at first. :)
  21. Okay, so I'm gonna turn these stream-made WADs into a single megaWAD at some point!


    Gonna aim for 30 or 32 maps - will be my 6th 30+ map DM megaWAD.


    I intend for the entirety of this mapset's production to be live-streamed.


    This will likely keep me busy for the next 2 months or so - gonna have to then try to squash 30+ different texture packs together, which will be quite the chore. I may have to try to do something similar to how RAMP assembles its megaWADs, have to teach myself that, or find someone in-the-know, though.


    I've made 6 WADs successfully in the allotted stream-time I've set up thus far. I start the 7th tomorrow at 4:30 PM (MDT).


    So yeah, wanted to give an update on that - I think it will be cool to have a viewable record of a single-mapper megaWAD, from beginning to end.


    So far so good - I've been able to whip up a DM map (from beginning to end) in all 6/6 of the streams so far, all using randomly selected texture packs.


    Streams can be viewed here, the VODs will be uploaded to my YT account:




    My current streaming schedule (I changed it recently, I was starting too early in the day) is: MON,WED,FRI - @ 4:30PM to 8:30PM, and SAT - @ 2PM to 8PM. All times (MDT). Times are not strict, if I don't finish a map in time, I will continue the stream until I do.


    My next stream is tomorrow!


    Should be an interesting time, since I've doubled the random texture selection wheel from 40 texture packs to 80!




  22. My Doom random texture selection wheel is getting scarier by the day.


    80 separate packs now. It went from 15>40>80.


    A lot of these newly added packs are going to be quite difficult to use, but that's part of the fun!


    15 option version:





    40 option version:



    And... the 80 option version:



    Should turn out absolutely brutal on stream - but that's part of the fun!


    I'll have to see what happens!




  23. I did my 6th round of random deathmatch mapping on Twitch! I rolled the randomizer at the start of the stream, and got 'Vanilla Doom 2'! The map only took me 3 hours to complete from beginning to end, this time. Partly because I'm so familiar w/ the pack's resources, of course. Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 6): MAP06 - 'Deep Heck': I'm really hoping I get one of the more obscure texture packs from the randomizer next time - I've been getting a few that I've been familiar w/ in a row now! List of packs used in streams so far: The streams have been going well so far - I've been able to complete my map each time w/ no issues. :D
  24. I was able to successfully complete my 6th map on stream!


    This time, I got lucky - it selected 'Vanilla Doom 2' as my pack!


    I made a cool hell level!


    I'll post screenshots shortly!



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