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Everything posted by Arrowhead

  1. Frantik DM 3: MAP14: Watering Hole:


    Getting somewhere!

    Still have to make that tank - I'll place it in the two empty bottom areas in the below picture:






    The middle ruin is going to be hotly contested, as it has a great view of the rest of the map - I added a railgun up there!

    Players can also climb to the very top of the 'tower', which provides a nice vantage point, but also makes you extremely vulnerable. The inner roof height is low enough that rocket splash should come into play - this will keep snipers from camping too long, as they are still quite vulnerable to counterattacks. I may place an additional railgun elsewhere, to further pressure the advantageous position of the central tower.



    1. OceanMadman


      The wad seems very creative from what I've seen. Looking forward to try it!

    2. Arrowhead


      @OceanMadman  Thank you!


      I'm quite close to finishing, after this, only 4 levels!



  2. Frantik DM 3: MAP14: Watering Hole:


    I'm working on the fourth level of the nature episode!


    I have plans for some DoomCute tanks - as well as a couple blown-up buildings.


    This is basically a watering hole created by rain-water buildup in the middle of a desert:




    Off to bed!


    I'll finish this tomorrow, hopefully - and then it's just 1 more nature level, 1 more hell level, the 1 magenta level, and the 1 purple level - and then primary mapping is complete!



  3. Frantik DM 3: MAP13: Backwoods Boardwalk: The 3rd level of the 'nature' episode is complete. This is some kind of decaying boardwalk in the middle of a marsh! 27/32 maps complete! Getting close! :D
  4. Frantik DM 3: MAP13: Backwoods Boardwalk:


    Making a lot of progress!




    I should be done soon!



  5. Frantik DM 3: MAP13: Backwoods Boardwalk:


    Getting somewhere in the 'swamp' level - a lot to go w/ vegetation, lighting, texturing, and the main buildings / boardwalk...






    I'll finish this tomorrow most likely!


    Glad to have made some progress!



    Might change the sky still, I like it, but it's a bit snowy.




  6. Frantik DM 3: MAP13: Backwoods Boardwalk:


    I'm seeing a lagoon or swamp of some type - brown-tinged water, patches of mud - paddles, partially submerged boats - raised shacks on stilts, a banjo, a classic style outhouse, a raised boardwalk that connects them all together in the middle of the map... Surrounded on all sides by forest... If I can figure out a moonshine still, maybe that too.


    I'll post again later if I have success - I'm just gonna wing it, and start laying down lines.



  7. Frantik DM 3: MAP29: Medieval Methods: The 4th map of the hell episode is complete. This is a bit of a besieged castle type thing! Siege towers: Battering ram w/ battered wall: The castle's facade: Atop the walls + catapults: View from outside the play-area: 26/32 levels complete. :D
  8. Frantik DM 3: MAP29: Medieval Methods:


    Finished most of the map, just have to place items, spawns, balance, and do a bit more detail - like breaking up some rock textures. Should be done tomorrow!


    A battering ram:


    The breached wall:


    Two siege towers:


    The entrance to the keep:


    Atop the castle walls:


    Catapults are the last line of defence:




  9. I'm building a breached castle wall, catapults, battering rams, and other castle-y stuff in addition to my siege towers!


    I might not be done the map tonight, but I'll post more siege machinery pics later!



  10. Frantik DM 3: MAP29: Medieval Tactics:


    My ridiculous siege-tower idea actually worked! I think it looks pretty convincing!


    This will be a hellish castle being besieged - I have an idea floating in my brain for a 3D floors catapult and battering ram, but I'll have to see how that goes.



    It has an 'ACS LadderClimb' ladder installed, too. Let's you zip up and down pretty well!


    I'm off to bed! The rest of the level will be really easy after this!





  11. Got some ideas floating around. Only 7 levels left!


    Thinking of a hellish castle - w/ an attached 3D floors siege tower... I'd have to experiment first, though.


    Maybe a desert oasis w/ 3D floor cacti...


    Maybe a murky dark swamp w/ 3D floor bulrushes, bushes, muddy water?


    An abandoned mine w/ jump pads to travel up the mineshafts? Completely subterranean, maybe an old-timey minecart and track thing? IDK.


    I'm just gonna start laying lines.



  12. Frantik DM 3: MAP 20: Lethal Lockdown: That large prison level is finished! :D
  13. I am completely finished that prison level, 'Lethal Lockdown'!


    I will post in the main thread shortly!



  14. A prison cafeteria + attached industrial kitchen + surveillance monitor room. From MAP20 of Frantik DM 3: :D
  15. Some new progress in FDM3's MAP20: 'Lethal Lockdown':






    Close to getting done this. About 75% done the geometry. The cell block needs like 3-4 more cells, and I need to texture and light everything still.




  16. I'm getting somewhere now. Most areas are roughed out.


    Got most of the basic part of the cafeteria started:


    Here's the main prison wing, very unfinished right now. There's going to be 2 3D floor stair cases, and about 10 or so more cells. Many of them will have closed doors to shape the 'flow' better.


    Made a little escape attempt, too:

    So yeah, going well - the outdoors is mostly done!


  17. Welcome back to this week's edition of WFF! We will be playing Barbapapa's CTF in two parts! We haven't played this pack since event 65!  We will be playing MAP01-14 this Sunday! We'll finish up the other 14 maps next week! Grab your shotty, strap up your Red or Blue gear, and come join us for an epic session of fraggin' n' flaggin'! Details: -2 Teams -5 Flag Limit per map -10 Minute Limit per map -8 Players max per team -WADs rotate weekly (unless being continued) This is a welcoming and friendly casual gaming experience! You don't have to be a Doom god to join us for some flags! The Wadazine Flag Fest team is: spwnsH4rK Arrowhead Endless Mr. Pred Flambeau AF-Domains Location/Time: -Sunday @ 7PM CST on ZDaemon -Dwango United New Jersey (or type 'Wadazine' into the search tool) -No password - public & casual Never played Doom multiplayer? Please watch this tutorial! Don't miss out on another event! Join the cool kids and be first in line for new-edition releases and events at ---> Wadazine Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Q2RKn4J Multiplayer DOOM fan? Help support the team that supports us at ---> https://discord.com/invite/aXnf2XM  Hope to see you there!  :D
  18. Really liking the flesh bleeding out of that box. Very creative decoration! Nice! :)
  19. A prison workout area, a handball arena, and a half-court. The map itself isn't done yet - I should be done tomorrow! :D
  20. I'm getting somewhere w/ my prison map!


    Here's a half-court, a handball arena, and a large exercise area.


    The exercise area has classic dumbbells, adjustable dumbbell weights, 3 pull-up bar devices, 2 bench presses, a balance beam, and 2 sets of parallel bars.





    I've got big ideas for the inside areas! Mainly a cafeteria w/ an attached small mess hall, as well as a 2-storey cell block w/ 12-16 individual cells - that sounds like a lot of cells, but many will have their midtex doors shut, and will be inaccessible.


    I can see the finish line of this project! Just 7 maps left after this one is complete! Excited!


    Probably going to head off to bed now!





  21. I learned ACS 'LadderClimb'. My previous methods of making ladders would not work here!


    Here's the current version of the watchtowers:


    There's gonna be a path cut into each, so that a catwalk can be connected. Going to use 'jumpable railings' on the catwalk.


    Should turn out decently, I hope!



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arrowhead




      No worries, I was able to get it to work, by simply drawing external lines just outside of the 3D floor, and then checking 'projectile shoot through' and 'walkable middle tex'.


      Now the top railings act as railings, but I can still jump over them, and the bottom works well too!



    3. Naarok0fkor


      Check in my WAD. There are plenty of yellow and black rails around platforms and stairs. I use a very thin 3D sector to make the railing solid. When you crouch, you can slip underneath the bar...

    4. Arrowhead




      That's really clever. I'll be sure to take a look later.


      Thanks for the help, that 3rd sentence put it all together for me.



  22. Very basic roughed-in yard. Nowhere near done yet, but I thought the extended horizon w/ that massive sun looked cool.


    I'll likely change the sky, but it's kind of giving me a nice vibe - IDK!


    The chainlink wall will be 'electrocuted', (I'll also spruce it up a bit) and the guard towers will be within the walls - I know some prisons position guardtowers outside of the main walls, but I think that'd ruin my horizon effect.


    Not sure - I may try things both ways!





  23. Frantik DM 3: MAP20: LETHAL LOCKDOWN:


    Alright, I've already got this all squared away in my head. Here's a quick sketch I did - I almost never sketch anything out first, most of my maps are off the top of my head...


    But I figured for a more 'realistic' location, it'd make sense to plan ahead at least a little bit. I generally don't like making sketches / planning things out - it makes me feel a bit constrained.


    But no matter, it will work for this level.


    I've included super simple sketches for a 3D floors / midtex basketball hoop - a dumbbell, and the general layout I'm wanting. Going to use a fence texture for the hanging netting on the basketball hoop. I'm also including a small handball court, and a bunch of exercise machines. Pull-up bars, an 'airwalker' (possibly), balance beams, parallel bars, benches, etc. etc.


    Cafeteria will be basic, but there will be the typical 'bolted down' tables + stools combo, as well as a 'behind reinforced glass' canteen area.


    Lots of opportunities here, I think.


    Guardtowers will be a combination of invisible bridge pieces, midtex, and 3D floors. I've already got a plan for one floating around in my head. There will be raised catwalks that connect the two positions.


    Now I'm getting excited!


    Should be fun! At the very least, a good challenge.




    1. Geniraul



      Cafeteria will be basic, but there will be the typical 'bolted down' tables + stools combo, as well as a 'behind reinforced glass' canteen area.


      This description reminds me of the Nightwalks painting by Edward Hopper ;)

    2. Arrowhead


      One of my favorite paintings.


      Oddly empty and eerie, even in the soda shop.

  24. Beginning to think up some kind of rundown prison structure.


    Seeing an exercise yard, a single 2 storey cell block, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe a simple cafeteria? Watch towers w/ railguns?


    It's all possible - I just gotta see what happens.




    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Arrowhead


      One of these days I'll get back to it for sure - just not sure when - very helpful resources, though - thanks for that! I've wanted to learn some basic Blender stuff, as I've heard people use that for Q3, but I've heard the learning curve can be a bit daunting compared to something like UDB.


      Might have to learn 'Trenchbroom' along the way - that might help me transition to Q1/2/3 better.



    3. Geniraul


      I won't exactly lie if I say that so far I know about nada about Q3 mapping, but as far as I know, it was truly difficult to make bots navigate curves properly in Q3 back in the 00s. Although this is not what he mentoned in the readme file, @Aardappel managed to create a really worthy map called CURVY in 2000, it's very attractive both visually and gameplay-wise thanks to the geometry. However, it didn't have bot support until 2016 when an ..::LvL member (also :]) called Colton added it. Another good example of a curved Q3 map is HODQ3DM1 by @RRROOOAAARRR (this one had bot support from the beginning).


      On the other hand, today curves are not as hard to realize, to my knowledge. A brilliant map like BST3DM1 by BST was already released by 2012, and is still one of the most highly appreciated maps in the community.


      As for Trenchbroom, I think it's a good start to get introduced to Quake mapping. IMO, Dumptruck_DS's video tutorials are a good guide to move with.

    4. Arrowhead


      I'll have to take a look at those Dumptruck_DS tutorials. I always appreciate learning new things.


      Might be a nice break from D2 at some point.


      I am familiar w/ HODQ3DM1, (beautiful level) but not CURVY.


      Definitely will be checking that out!



  25. Frantik DM 3: MAP19: DAMMED AGAIN: This is some kind of large dam structure. I made it as a sort of sequel to FDM1's MAP15, 'Dammed'. The fourth level for the 'electricity' episode is complete! I went w/ a bit of a teal + orange look in this one. 24/32 levels done! :D
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