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Everything posted by Arrowhead
I should be done that 8th Antiquated Extraterrestrials map tonight, hopefully!
A bit of a grim dark-purple + red space base!
In a real mapping mood - gonna try to get Dash CTF released sometime after this Sunday.
I don't know when, exactly, but sometime during that week, hopefully!
I think I'm going to release Dash CTF as an 8 map pack.
It feels good as it is, I don't want to bloat the set too much.
We're gonna be playing it for Wadazine Flag Fest this Sunday.
It will be nice to get some games going in this new set!
I've got a complete beta ready to go for then, and then I'll likely release the set shortly after that.
Still working on Antiquated Extraterrestrials MAP08, and I'm just waiting on a TITLEPIC for Dogfight Deathmatch, and then that should be released soon too!
Also, I haven't forgotten about Apprehension, either. I'll be getting back to that soon, but I've been on a small MP kick recently again - but I'll get back to it soon enough.
Then it's onto more new projects! I've got a lot planned for the rest of the year, still!
I've made some homemade hot sauce today!
I took the 25 or so ounces I had of random varieties of peppers I grew last year, and threw them all together into this one sauce!
It's very hot, but has a nice fruity sweetness to it!
It turned out pretty well!
I had a small hiccup w/ the 'O'-ring on my crappy old blender not sealing properly - so that made a little bit of a mess, but other than that, things went smoothly!
This should last me for a while. I probably ended up we/ about 1.5 litres of sauce!
I'd say it's about 100-120,000 scovilles, as I didn't put any peppers into the sauce that were hotter than that.
It's my birthday today!
29 years old!
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Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, have a good one!
Awesome birthday!
Antiquated Extraterrestrials: MAP08: Null Frontier:
I've got about 80% of the geometry complete for MAP08 of my new DM project!
Hoping to get this done a bit later today!!
This will be a red+dark purple gloomy techbase.
The 3 platforms in the middle of the first image rise and lower, and there's a unique teleporter sequence set-up to allow you to return to the top floor if you miss your jump.
Should hopefully make for an interesting time, I'll have to see!
Starting work on a new duel map using RK PhotoTex!
It's gonna be a small park area w/ a couple small buildings.
I'm calling it 'Panic Park'.
I'll post screenshots once I get something going here, shouldn't take too long!
Fragbase Omicron, (my single FoxTex using map) has been fully re-textured / re-themed using the Ancient Aliens texture pack.
It is now a royal blue / cyan space-base!
I'll post screenshots in the main thread shortly!
It'll go in my new DM pack as MAP07!
Onto MAP08, shortly!!
Antiquated Extraterrestrials: MAP06: Molten Murder:
I've finished this magma map!
I just need to drop a couple more items down, and then I can take some screenshots!
Excited to be done another one!
Gonna re-texture that FoxTex techbase map I made for tomorrow.
Once I'm done that I'll be 7 maps into this project!
More than halfway there!
I still haven't been able to figure out whats causing parts of the FoxTex texture pack to not render correctly in the newest Zandronum.
I haven't heard back from FoxHead, either, I imagine he's quite busy these days; so i don't fault him, but now I'm highly thinking of re-texturing to Ancient Aliens, and integrating the existing map into Antiquated Extraterrestrials...
That'd give me 8 solid maps already, (after I finish this molten world level, I'm almost done, actually) and then only another 2-4 to do, before I can wrap this up and release it.
If I find time tonight still, I may just start re-texturing. Should be easy: some floodfill here, a little floodfill there...
Shouldn't take long at all, really.
Perhaps I'll still use FoxTex down the road for a different project, once I figure out this rendering error I'm currently receiving...
Whilst it's a shame to shelve the FoxTex, re-doing it for your current project seems like it could be an interesting conceptual challenge - best of luck with it, AH!
Yeah, I think that's what I'm gonna do! Re-texture!
Might get it done tonight - in a productive mood. I think I'm gonna convert it from that pastel red+grey base into some kind of bright cyan+dark blue combo...
Remains to be seen if that will work out!
Like you said, though! Should be an interesting challenge!
Getting somewhere w/ Antiquated Extraterrestrials: MAP06:In Flames:
A long ways to go still - there's a lot more natural geometry I need to set up!
I've decided to keep the 'sector+slope+animdefs' volcanoes - I'm gonna make this map a bit more of a black / dark grey color than I originally was, to help highlight them better.
Thanks to @Walter confetti for the aesthetics suggestion! The darker scheme will likely also help w/ contrasting the lava against the other textures, too. All in all, should be an improvement over the browns and beiges I was predominately going to use.
The 1st image is some kind of magma-pump-house thing.
You can teleport to the very top, or climb a segmented slope to get to the 2nd floor, where there is a supercharge. There are also a pair of bouncepads to more easily facilitate verticality in that area.
2nd image is part of the magma cave system. This is going to be a lot more complex looking when I'm done w/ it!
Things are going quite well w/ this AA project, so far, I believe!
I'm optimistic I will be done my target of 10-12 maps very soon!
Thanks to everyone who's been encouraging me / checking my recent maps out!! Much appreciated!