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Everything posted by Arrowhead

  1. A revenant, and I wouldn't even need to try - I already have the body type lol : 6'3, 135 lbs. I've never ever cosplayed though, and probably will not be in my future. Sometimes you can just tell that something isn't your 'thing'. I can appreciate the effort that goes into it, though. :)
  2. Neck-Deep in the Dead - 10/15/2004 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 This is an E1 style level designed by Jimi. This level is a pretty easy - as it was designed to be the first map in the episode. Neck-Deep in the Dead was to be a full 9 map E1 style episode, but the author only ended up releasing one map for the project. There is not much difficulty to be had in this level, as it is an easy introductory romp w/ only about 85 weak monsters. There is one mean trap to be found, which involves a horde of spectres in a very poorly lit room - this fight can be fun, if you've saved some shells - if you haven't, prepare to pistol-shoot some spectres... Much of the architecture in this map is influenced from E1M1 of Doom1. I included a screenshot, (the first) that reminds me of the sideroom in the first section of E1M1 - it even had shotgunners in the same spots! There is also a 'path over nukage', and this map has a similar exit area to the original Doom1 map. The map is pretty fun, w/ nothing more dangerous than a spectre to fight - except for the last room - you will encounter a baron there. You will also likely not have enough ammo to kill the baron without having to resort to your pistol / fists. I didn't find either of the two secrets in this map, so maybe there would be some more shells / ammo there? Regardless, there is a little bit of a problem w/ ammo in this map. You often feel very vulnerable in this map, despite it being an 'opener'. Jimi has made many more maps in 2004, so maybe I'll play those in the future! Its a shame the proposed episode was never finished, what's here is pretty high quality. Download link: https://bit.ly/3sNxfJU
  3. Bludfest.wad - 09/04/1994 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 This is a great early Doom1 level created by Steve Kaufman. I believe this to be Kaufman's only published WAD, but I've been proven wrong before. This map starts the player off in the middle of a 'Tricks and Traps' type hub. This entire map is shaped like a very large circle, the inside of the circle is filled w/ both expansive, huge areas, and tight twisting little passageways. This map is not particularly attractive, but for what it lacks in looks, it sure makes up for it in the gameplay department. There are little over 300 monsters in this map, and they are placed in two types of fashion. The first is incidental, w/ many of the monsters simply attacking the moment you open up a door. The second is through surprise - there are a lot of traps placed in this map - mostly of the 'open door, monsters come out' variety. One thing I really enjoyed about this map, is how fun it is to backtrack. Often times, you will pick up a key, and start heading back from where you came - only to be nailed by a surprise monster closet, this makes the map very fun to progress through, as backtracking is seldom boring. The map ends w/ a dual baron fight, w/ a clever raising platform that impedes you from reaching the exit too easily. I do have a couple issues w/ this map. The first being that there is an inescapeable pit located close to the blue key. This can be avoided by doing a strafe-jump over it. I think this pit is here by design - to kill a klutzy player. I don't really view it as a mapping 'mistake'. The texturing is also quite all over the place, although, it really didn't bother me that much. Speaking of the blue key room, (probably my favorite in the map) there is an immensely fun barrel chain reaction that goes off. I saved before this room, and loaded it a few times, to watch the dominoes effect. The blue key is guarded by a series of switches - hint, they are all in the blue key room - you don't have to go anywhere else to be able to access it. Honestly, the blue key switch 'puzzle' is probably the most complex part of the map. Fun time, super high quality for 1994 - it is really satisfying to open up new areas of the map, as you progress. Some cool set-pieces in this map, my favorites being the giant lava pit, and the blue key tower. Check it out if you have 15-25 minutes to spare! :) Download link: https://bit.ly/3gvfMB5
  4. The stomping sound the cybie makes used to scare me as a child.
  5. Just finished building my 102nd deathmatch map today. I'll have to at some point try to get some more published, as I've only released 33 so far.


    Long road ahead to get this stuff polished, though! :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kuro_mahoh


      102nd! Now that is a lot of deathmatch maps!

    3. Decay


      Ah shit that reminds me I was supposed to look at the rest of those maps. I'll see if I can look at some today if you still want me to.


      Also, quality > quantity, don't forget.

    4. Arrowhead


      Hey, no worries - If you still want to, that'd be great! Thanks! :)

  6. I remember playing the hell out of an Addams Family table in the lobby of a movie theatre. Good times. I haven't had much of an opportunity to enjoy pinball outside of that. Well, I've played the video game versions, I just wish the real tables were more common nowadays...
  7. Hall of the Dwarven Lords - 4/15/1995 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 'Hall of the Dwarven Lords' is a single level WAD created by Shane Williams. This WAD is unique, in that the style of gameplay feels so modern. I cannot believe that this WAD is dated '95! There are just under 200 enemies on UV - which doesn't seem like that much, but the author releases the monsters in such a way that they often 'horde' you. Combat is positively hectic, w/ careful use of the Doom2 roster - the only monsters I didn't encounter were the cybie and the spider-momma. Ammo is VERY curiously placed in this map, w/ you being given a full 100 shells and a shotgun right away. There are often many weapons or ammo items stacked on top of each other. This effectively means that shotgun ammo is unlimited in this map. That may seem like that would make this map very easy, but you'd be wrong. This is a very fair challenge on UV. I really enjoyed the look of this map, and there is one very nice room that I included in my screenshots. I think that room looks really nice for early 1995. Texturing in this map is quite adequate, nothing awful to look at, no obvious misalignments. Architecture can be grand and flowing, w/ some really large rooms and areas in this map. Monster placement is calculated and well thought out, you often feel overwhelmed, because the fights are so well crafted - you never feel overwhelmed because of unfair circumstances. Overall great map, thanks to @thestarrover for finding it, as it is not in the /idgames archive. Definitely check this out, one of my favorites that I've played since the start of this project. Download link: https://bit.ly/3DkWE2H
  8. Flood Mines - 10/26/1997 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 Flood Mines is a single map created by well-known TeamTNT member Tommie Quick. Quick is perhaps best known for Doom Resurrection: Episode 1, a WAD which was featured in the 'Top 100 WADs of All Time' - a 2003 list made by Linguica and Cyb for Doom's 10th birthday. I normally would not include such a well known mapper's work in this project, but I feel that their very first published map - Flood Mines, deserves some more attention. Flood Mines is an apt name for this map, as it describes the map's dank subterranean feel just right. Much of your fighting will be underground in the mines, although there are a few areas in which you fight outdoors. Fights in this WAD are surprising, abrupt, and violent. You will often fall into well-placed traps - there were a couple in this level that really surprised me - w/ a particular 'falling floor' trap being the most dangerous. I consistently found myself in uncomfortable situations throughout this WAD - the sign of a good map in my opinion. The map contains a very cool 'invisible bridge' - as well as a not-so-cool Archvile in a wall... The latter perhaps being my least favorite part of the map. At least the author was kind enough to include an invulnerability sphere for the player. Architecture in this map is very serviceable, but quite basic. It certainly gets the point across about what its trying to represent, but it is still quite simple to look at - the map is almost monotextured in some areas. The actual texturing itself is very competently done, w/ next to no misalignments visible. I'm not sure if this is the author's first map, or just their first published map. Regardless, what's here is fun, dangerous, and somewhat challenging, even in the modern context. Check this one out if you have 15-20 minutes to spare! :) Download link: https://bit.ly/386tXry
  9. I drink the occasional sugar-free energy drink, but yeah, the acids and crazy amounts of sugar in most energy drinks / pops is horrible for your dental hygiene. That's why I stay away most of the time...
  10. Thanks! Wasn't aware of that, I wish /idgames' search was a little more complete sometimes, lol
  11. malgnant.wad - 03/05/1995 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 Malgnant.wad is level based around 3 buildings in a courtyard by Douglas Ryerson. You start off being able to enter only one of the three buildings. As you find further keys, the other two buildings become accessible. This makes you feel like you're in some kind of SWAT team, clearing buildings. Quite a fun style of gameplay. Each of the three buildings' interiors are substantially different from each other. The first building has a large interior, and is the most impressive visually in my opinion. See screenshot 2. It looks almost like a mishmash of greco-roman design w/ brutalism. I love it's boxy imposing look. The second building, the brown one, is perhaps my favorite, w/ it opening up more and more as you defeat further rooms of enemies - I like this kind of progression, the kind that's based primarily on combat. The third building of the map is perhaps the most unique gameplay wise. The building opens up into a chain of continuously opening rooms and corridors that you have to 'leap' across in some areas to progress. It is quite difficult to describe the geometry of this building's interior. It is both claustrophobic and mazelike, yet - it is somehow easy to progress.You will be given ample radsuits to assist you in your nukage-hopping journey - the map never feels unfair in this regard. The level is large, and much of the action takes place in doors, despite there being a huge amount of outdoors space. It is still fun to whip around the map taking out the little pockets of monsters before turning one's attention to building raiding. The only thing this map flops on is ammo placement. There is simply too much of it. You will feel mighty safe for much of your 'malgnant.wad' journey - this map is still fun enough to play through, despite there not being much of a challenge. The map also features a custom titlepic that is extremely distorted - I included a picture of that as well. The author claims that this is their 15th WAD, yet I see only 5 WADs on the archive. I am hoping that he just never published them, and that we aren't missing 10+ WADs of his... Very fun map, w/ some well-done architecture and map layout design. Check it out! :) Download link: https://bit.ly/3CXrBtk
  12. JBase - 03/30/2001 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 A toughish base level made by Jonathan Millhouse. The author states that there is very scarce ammo and health in this map, and that is not a lie. It is not imperative to find secrets to beat this map, but they will help. Especially the supercharge secret - hint - its in a similar place to the secret in E1M2. This map is also played on E1M2 - coincidence? I think not! The base is large and sprawling, and is in that reliable E1 style we all know and love. Texture work is adequate, I didn't notice anything that looked particularly awful, or out of place. This map seems to have been missed when it was first published, as it was erroneously listed under Doom2, as opposed to Doom1. I think that's a shame, as this is a great E1 style map. This is well worth checking out for any fans of episode 1 of Doom1, or any fan of classic style Doom in general. Not to be missed! There's really not much more to say about this one! :) Download link: https://bit.ly/3ghYMOt
  13. These screenshots look great! Really like the 'urban-brick' look you've gone for. :)
  14. Hey everyone, Stoned Pharaoh is a single deathmatch map VERY HEAVILY based off of the popular Quake Live map Drunken Mummy. This map uses Otex1.1, but you do NOT need to load it alongside - everything is already in the WAD. I made this in less than 3 hours on a whim a few months ago - just remembered it, and thought I should release it! :) This map was not designed to be a 1:1 recreation of Till Merker's Drunken Mummy - there are a few adaptations that I had to add to the map to make it more suitable for dooming. This included the removal of all slopes, and the addition / alteration of a couple staircases. Weapons are also in different locations than in the original level. I did include a supercharge in place of the megahealth, though. If you want to have some really ridiculous fun, you should take a look at the 'ZMovement' mod - it replicates Quake 3 movement pretty well. Works great w/ this map! So does jumping and crouching! I do recommend turning respawning items / weapon stay on. Let me know what you all think! I'd love to hear a little feedback! Thanks to @Kuro_mahoh for their great sky texture, thanks to @pcorf for the Doomed Space Wars MIDI I used, thanks to Ola Bjorling (ukiro), for Otex1.1, and special thanks to level designer Till Merker for the original map which this is all based off of! :) Download link: DM81SP.7z
  15. Ooh, interesting - thanks for that! Gonna load it up now! Looks like this has a much earlier file date than his other WADs, by about 2 years! I wonder what other WADs of his we're missing - I imagine he must have published something in 1996 too, if he did in '95 and '97. Hopefully we'll find a few more floating around out there! :)
  16. GETREDE - 06/21/1997 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 'GETREDE' is a pack of 2 medium sized levels by Vincent Lozupone. The first of the two levels is much easier than the second. The second level is fairly difficult, w/ very cruel chaingunner placement being the main issue - it is never not fun though, despite being occasionally frustrating. Texturing is fairly simple - there are no 'ugly' areas, per se, but there are many misalignments - mostly around staircases and other height variations. There is a custom titlepic in this map, and there are two custom MIDI tracks that suit the levels quite well. I really enjoyed the second MIDI the most - I actually got it stuck in my head. One might also say that level two is a tad too dark, but this didn't bother me too much, you can always see your enemies, its never a complete blackout. Custom sounds abound in this map, and there aren't any I disliked, I thought they were all of pretty high quality - especially the 'door opening' sound. The author, Vincent Lozupone, has made earlier WADs, mainly the 'Unameit' series - WADs that have quite confusing or obscured progression - that's not the case though w/ these two maps - they are fairly easy to navigate, and progression is quite logical - some backtracking is required, but not much. Switches usually perform obvious actions, and require little head-scratching to figure out their actions. This was the final project the author created, and it is definitely their best. Great old school maps, w/ interesting layouts! Try this pack out if you have 20 minutes to half an hour to spare! Download link: https://bit.ly/3iZNhNK
  17. Nice review - I actually have played another WAD by Dictter that I really liked: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/yomi Maybe try that one, sometime? :)
  18. @dubm Its fairly easy to set-up, I can vouch, I had no problem when I first set up mine.
  19. I don't really remember the first three pwads I downloaded - the first pwads I ever played were all shovelware disc stuff off of D!Zone 1. I remember Scythe being downloaded pretty early by my young self, as well as Demonfear - but other than that, I can't remember, its been too long. :)
  20. Great stuff, just like before! Thanks for clearing up the information about the dates on the earlier files, too! I was peripherally aware of the 'Quake Em' CD, but never actually looked into it - lots of stuff I've never seen! :)
  21. Pueblo - 09/03/1994 - played via LZDOOM local splitscreen deathmatch Pueblo.wad is an early deathmatch level built by Tom Neff. The level consists of a desert-like outdoors area w/ a small out building, and a much larger adobe-brick style house that you can explore the inside of. There are a ton of new textures, and they all really enhance the atmosphere of this map. This level was developed originally for a large Doom1 tournament, but the author of the WAD has not revealed which one. Perhaps the 'TN' embossed on the opening foyer is a clue to the tournament's identity? I couldn't find any information regarding it online. Combat in this map often takes place in the form of ambushes, as there are lots of small places to hide - can make for some very surprising encounters. Many of the paths in this map aren't very wide, so it can be difficult to dodge projectiles in some areas. A lot of the action in this map will take place in the large open area between the two buildings. The second smaller out building contains the rocket-launcher, though picking up this weapon is very harshly punished. Once you pick up the rocket launcher, you will be immediately locked in the room for 30 seconds or so. This is super obvious to the other players, as they can see from the outside that the door had sealed up - meaning you likely won't be able to escape, as you're essentially cornered. This thankfully only happens on UV, and apparently doesn't affect the lower skills. The Doom2 version of this map did not change this area either, which I find odd, as it definitely feels like the most frustrating part of the map. There was a second Doom2 release of this WAD a year or so after, (pueblo2.wad) and it makes an effort to correct some of the small issues w/ the original 1994 map. It also makes a few things worse, w/ the addition of new custom sounds that aren't of very high quality - that's why I chose the original production instead of the Doom2 version. It was however revealed in the pueblo2.wad readme, that the many custom textures in the 1994 map were made by Neff himself. For custom textures this old, they really hold up quite well. You can tell a lot of care and time went into making this map nice to look at, and not just nice to play. Overall, a quite fun map, (considering its age) that still holds up reasonably well today in a small FFA, or a duel. I really like the look of this one, the new textures blend great w/ Doom's textures. Check it out in SP to just take a look, or fire it up for a few frags w/ some friends! Good times. :) Download link: https://bit.ly/3ANJr04
  22. Arrowhead


    A very cleanly designed deathmatch map that would work great for duel. Only issue is that the map is too symmetrical - the flow in this is decent, though. It can be fun to strafe onto the middle teleport platform. Spawns are alright for the time, not perfect, but not bad. Good map, 4/5.
  23. Threate of Blood (BPODM007.wad) - 04/10/1997 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 I have no idea what a 'threate' is, but this is a great dual purpose map. The map is by Bruce Oberleitner, a deathmatch author who never received much recognition during the period they were active. Out of their seven released deathmatch maps, only one has a review on /idgames.This is a shame, as the author seems pretty well versed in deathmatch design, considering the age of this map - granted, I only played this one in singleplayer mode. As I was going through it, I was able to recognize some really nice DM features - lots of nooks and cubbyholes, as well as great sniping positions in high up windows. The map has enough wide open spaces, but there are also quite narrow areas as well. I can see the narrow areas maybe being a concern in a fast deathmatch game. This is definitely more of a duel map than a multi-person FFA map - w/ too many players in this map, I imagine the 'hide and seek' aspect of the map disappears. Singleplayer mode starts off w/ a very hard hot start - you will be face to face w/ a baron, and an arachnotron, and need to run to grab your weapons - either a plaz or an SSG, here. Combat is simply 'strafe to win' in the larger areas, but this is made all the more difficult by the plethora of imp fireballs coming down from higher buildings - one's health can be drained pretty quick, if you're not being that observant. You only fight 30 enemies in this WAD, but they are very carefully placed to cause as much danger as possible - I died a few times to errant shotgunner fire, but after I learned how to grab the two weapons better, the initial fight got easier. There is also a custom MIDI included - 'Dire Straits, Money for Nothing', I think it works here, although something a little more chaotic would have suited the map's madcap pace. :) Enjoyable, yet somewhat difficult time; I plan on checking the rest of Oberleitner's maps at some point. Download link: https://bit.ly/3iQ6OQj
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