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Everything posted by Arrowhead

  1. Been mapping at a map a day pace for the last two weeks or so. Halfway done my next deathmatch megaWAD, 'Frantik DM 2'.

  2. I tend to make 1 map at a time, I'll rarely have multiple projects going at the same time.
  3. I also like Pantone 448-C.
  4. I happen to be partial to orange.
  5. Love that iron 'blockwork' in the first screenie. This looks tremendous! Congrats on your release! :)
  6. I like how you're straight up, and use your full name
  7. What's really irritated me?? Doombuilder X 'unhappy errors'. Enough said. I still don't know why it feels the need to scrap the whole map :P
  8. Mozilla Firefox. Always have, probably always will. IE sucks, and Google Chrome is a resource hog.
  9. I really like the original HUD - the huge red numbers are nice. So many alternate HUDs have tiny little microscopic numbers! :P
  10. Overall Favorite Series: Doom Other favorite Series: Fallout, TES, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Quake, Wolfenstein, Half-Life, Mortal Kombat, Starcraft. I don't really have a least favorite series per se, but I do absolutely hate rhythm games - mainly because I cannot play them to save my life lol. PS. @Reelvonic LSD dream emulator is awesome. Haven't heard someone mention it in ages...
  11. Hate to toot my own horn, but I recently made an Otex-textured deathmatch megaWAD called 'FrantikDM'. Info on it can be found here, I know you're probably looking more for single-player sets, but I thought I'd mention it anyways! :)
  12. Some kind of wireframe texture? idk... looks cool.
  13. I happen to love them. I like how square looking and hunched over they are. Stocky little pink bullet sponges...
  14. Archviles are called Archviles because they're "one of the worst of a bad lot..."
  15. I've played all 6 of the original NES titles, but have never played the 'X' series. So, guess I'd have to say I like the classic series more! Really should play the 'X' games at some point...
  16. Same. It took me a couple tries too! Just remember that quitting is a process, not an event. You may not achieve everything you want right away w/ it, but if you keep it up, it'll definitely work out. It was quite hard for me, but I'm now 2 years smoke-free! It was definitely worth the trouble it took to quit. I immediately felt healthier... Anyways, I wish you best of luck!
  17. I'm not much of a drinker, but I used to be a half a pack a day smoker. I quit recently too! You can definitely do this! Is this your first time trying to quit, my dude?
  18. Ctrl-F: 'NO RESULTS FOR 'ARACHNORB' No love for these little guys? I really liked them in Valiant! :)
  19. Please do, this is quite the cool opportunity. I also live in Alberta, cool to hear that stuff like this is happening. Good luck!
  20. Favorite overall: System of a Down, Nightwish. Least favorite? I don't really listen to stuff I don't like. I don't really hate any bands because of this. I dislike the genre 'country' as a whole though, so maybe that works? :)
  21. Pretty sick custom Doom profile pic. The REDOOM logo is cool.
  22. I've always found it easy to imagine images in my mind's eye. I'm also pretty good with sound - though I can't play songs in my head like @northivanastan ! That's pretty cool. I can get little snippets of songs stuck in my head, (earworms) but couldn't play a whole song in my head to save my life!
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