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Everything posted by Arrowhead

  1. I cannot believe that that much time has passed already. I'm really starting to feel ancient...
  2. Anyone here play HROT yet? I've been really enjoying it. Has a very unique aesthetic, albeit - its a little brown...
  3. 'METAL' is the single most versatile texture in all of Doomdom.
  4. I third the ZDL recommendation. Its just so versatile. Great little program.
  5. I think us poor folks in Canada have a while to wait yet. Good to see things are moving forward, though.
  6. @maxmanium I agree, I think that's a huge part of why people flock to classic Doom. I don't know why I love Doom so much. Probably has something to do w/ my dad playing Doom/Doom 2 so much while I was very young. According to my mother, if I was having trouble sleeping, she used to bring me down to my dad's office, and have me watch Doom w/ him. I would usually calm down right after and fall asleep. I don't remember any of this, but apparently it was a semi-daily thing for the first 4 years of my life. I wouldn't doubt if part of my love for Doom is simply imprinted on me - like any other behaviour. Anyone else feel similarly?
  7. This is great news! I happen to be a bit of a fan of the shovelware cds, I've got about 15 of them myself! I think you have all of mine, though. Love Doom shovelware - I would play the WADs on those discs for hours and hours, back in the day... Still fire them up every now and then! Cool!
  8. I don't listen to much rap. I do like Ghostemane, though.
  9. @LateNightPerson I just played 'Doom - Raging Anarchy', which has a lot of Doomcute in it. I can't post any screenies as its currently in closed beta, but it was definitely a megaWAD worth playing if you like classic style Doom1 maps.
  10. Here's my feedback on your WAD: Doom Raging Anarchy Feedback.7z Overall, I think you've created a very respectable Doom megaWAD. Its always nice to see new original Doom content - especially when it is as pleasantly made as this. This felt very old-school, (in a good way, I assure you) and I enjoyed nearly every bit of it. I tried to give in-depth feedback for each map, minus the secret maps and deathmatch episode. Hopefully some of it helps! I played everything on UV from pistol-start. I definitely enjoyed this, and can't wait to see more from you. Thanks for allowing me into the beta!
  11. I like the second one, just shrink the signature a tad bit, I'm not saying a lot, because aesthetically its kind of cool.
  12. I won't usually get tired of Doom per se, I will more usually get tired with one aspect of Doom - for example, I may get tired of playing Doom, but I won't be tired of mapping for Doom, or say, watching some dude do speedruns of Doom...
  13. Super excited about this, E1s are my absolute favorite. I will add you to my comprehensive episode 1 list. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/119379-an-attempt-at-a-comprehensive-doom1-episode-1-replacements-list/
  14. I don't believe anybody has, but I would be super excited if they did. I think the Wrack soundtrack would sound great as MIDI.
  15. If you're open to splitscreen, you could try LZDOOM's local splitscreen... You could play coop that way, and launch the master levels w/ like ZDL or something... There's a tutorial in this thread, if I remember correctly: I got it to work, and have used it to play countless hours of deathmatch w/ my brother. But co-op works too. That's if your friend is close by. If they live in like a different state, then yeah, splitscreen options wouldn't work too well lol
  16. I'm really digging the brickwork in the 3rd screenshot. Really cool.
  17. Currently working on a deathmatch duel megaWAD, (yes, I know not many people play duel - I'm not worried about that) Just finished the primary mapping yesterday. Now for the daunting task of combining 32 Otex using WADs... :)
  18. Reminds me of these terrifying Canadian French videos I was forced to watch in elementary school... L'anana has haunted my dreams for many years. He scared the shit out of me when I was a little kid.
  19. Just TWANGO-1 for now... Hope to join up w/ other projects in the future, though!
  20. Suburbs from Doom 2 has some proto-slaughter gameplay I believe. Can't think of many others... I wouldn't say it has a slaughtermap-sized amount of enemies, but it definitely has some 'slaughterish' encounters.
  21. I always liked 'Creature of Despair' by Hardcore_Gamer. Bit on the easy side, and is a very straightforward map, but its quite fun, and introduced me to slaughter in general.
  22. I like episodes 1 and 4 equally, followed closely by episode 2, follow distantly by episode 3...
  23. When I was 12, I created my first hotmail account. I asked a friend what would be a 'cool' sounding name, and he said "idk my dude maybe Arrowhead and like 12 because you're twelve." So I just went w/ it, and have been using it ever since - minus the twelve now, though.
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