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Everything posted by Arrowhead

  1. @Dubbag Hey, thanks for the kind words! I appreciate you playing my WAD in your review show! I saw a couple of misaligned textures and a few other small gameplay things to fix, so this was definitely helpful! :)
  2. I think its a great idea to replace the chainsaw w/ the plasmagun, and the current plasma w/ the bfg. I think that would definitely fix the balance issue. This just reminded me to swap the position of the backpack, too. And yeah, you're right - having the berserk and chainsaw is a bit of a redundancy - I wanted to give people both options originally, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to hide one of the two options as a secret, when one is already out in the open... if that makes sense. I will change that in the first update. Also, now that you've played it UVMAX, (thanks) do you think the rocket launcher is too obscure in its location? Should I make it more visible? Maybe light up the area more? Or draw attention to it via a pedestal? idk.
  3. Great video! Really appreciate the dedication of re-doing nearly the entire level after dying! Here are a few things from the video that I plan on fixing: - removing the 'double' secret from the chainsaw/revanant secret -more clearly marking my teleports, and using the 'white' gate texture instead of the one I was using. -either making the plaz more easy to find as a secret, or removing said secret - and making the plasma available in the dark room w/ the elevator. -maybe remove the plaz secret, and maybe replace it with a BFG secret, like you suggested? -might be a good idea to use a more obvious switch texture / setup for the blue key 'computer'. That was a good point about progression there. If someone wasn't paying attention, or had different brightness settings, they may never see it. That would essentially softlock the map for them, in a way. One last thing I wanted to mention that may have helped you in the map! There was a RL in the room that the swarm of imps opened up from - the ones that were shooting you through the windows - I think it had about 30 rockets w/ it. That would have helped in the final confrontation - but I can see how easy it is to miss due to all the chaos going on. I might need to put it on a lit pedestal or something. Anyway, this gave me lots to think about. I probably won't do an update on Command HQ until I get a couple more feedbacks on Gallows - then I'll update both and reupload them as I usually do. Thanks!! :)
  4. Oh, its that easy? I thought there was more going on w/ the mod than that. I know what I'm gonna try playing tonight... thanks!
  5. I actually quite like the Wraith corp wads. Perdition's Gate is just as good as Evilution imo. I just wish Hell to Pay didn't have the custom sprites - some of them are good, but some haven't aged well. Not to distract from the thread, but is there a way to remove the custom sprites from Hell to Pay?
  6. Hey, I can see your confusion w/ the eye-switches in the 'flesh tunnel'! I put those ones in there as decoration, and not for a secret - I actually did use an eye-switch somewhere in the map for a secret, so I can see how having some that do nothing may confuse the player. I also will try to draw the eye to the super-shotgun better, as it seems a little too recessed in that hole its in. I really like the idea about the bars + chaingunners at the end - I'm just not sure how I would do that in doom2 format - especially w/ the very limited space I have in that last room. I might just keep it like it is for the sake of UVMAX play - or maybe if I put bars already raised around the entire exit teleporter, and then have the player lower them when they come in... that would then force them to actually fight the last ambush... idk... I'll have to think more on it. Anyway, very good playthrough - I'm glad to see that everything more or less worked in the map! Thanks once more!
  7. New map posted! GALLOWS.7z is a large hell-styled level. It is a fairly difficult romp, but nothing unfair. See OP for more details and information, including screenshots. Gallows.wad includes a MIDI of the track 'First Person Shooter' from the Doom movie. MIDI created by Kyle Dobson. Credit for original arrangement goes to Clint Mansell. Expect to set aside 15-25 minutes for this one on your first playthrough, as this is a bit longer than my older maps. Would love to hear any opinions / feedback! I plan on doing 1 more map in base doom2 format - I'll then combine them together into a release of 8 levels. After that, I plan on learning Boom, and learning how to do the whole 'custom textures' thing w/ Slade, too. Thanks as always!
  8. Fun little level. I enjoyed this! Could be a little bit more difficult, though! Keep it up, dude! :)
  9. I like the Archvile personally. I have never once encountered an enemy similar in any other game. Great gameplay design, and great spritework, too.
  10. What's the name of the book, friend? It looks very interesting.
  11. I was playing Baculus today, and having an absolute blast. Maybe give that a shot?
  12. Thanks for another playthrough, really appreciate it. There is actually a small second switch in the top right of the blue key 'computer' - this lowers a wall with two archviles, as well as that soulsphere in the same area. I think I'm going to have to make it more visible - it looked the same as the one you pressed to lower the blue key, but I think it was slightly darker in the corner, making it hard to see. I'm glad you found the plaz, it makes the level much easier. To be honest, I felt a bit constrained w/ the whole 'techbase' motif - everytime I made something, I would second guess that it looked 'techbase' enough. I also expected there to be more 'techbase' textures, but I forgot most of those are relegated to doom1. I think I do a little bit better w/ my texturing when I focus on more hellish looks. Always room to improve, though - not like I'm giving up on techbases or anything - its just that this one tired me out a little bit, because I couldn't figure out the 'look' just right haha. I know this isn't true, but I feel like you can't play w/ lighting as much w/ a techbase... I just might make my next techbase in doom1, not sure. I saw a couple other things in your video too - can definitely fix those chaingunners' locations in the 'nukage' area, couple small texture issues, (I also think I forgot to make the nukage damaging... sigh), etc. I'm sure more will come up! :)
  13. Alright, another small map! Really enjoyed this one. Maybe more than the last one? I'm not sure... Took me 5:28 to UVMAX on my first go - was quite fun really. I don't want to spoil too much of the map, but I almost had a heart attack w/ that first trap lol. I liked your style of progression, (the snaking conveyor belt was hard, but fun) and I felt your placement was great - like I said, one trap scared the crap out of me haha. The secret/s was/were very nicely detailed / expansive, very nice. I also thought the texturing was very clean - didn't see anything I didn't like, or misalignment, or anything. Top notch work!
  14. Okay, I've updated all the levels to have level names / par times / appropriate skies. I've also fixed what I previously said I would fix in each level. Readmes are not updated yet, so if you're a playtester or have given feedback, and don't see your name yet, don't worry - I will be sure to do that before I submit the files. New map released: COMMAND HQ Command HQ is a doom2 map on map01. Built in doom2 format. It is currently UV only. Can be a little difficult in places, but hopefully a fun enough romp. Song is 'Escalate' from Escalation Titan, by Jimmy, (James Paddock). COMMANDHQ.7z See the OP for some screenies / more details. Par times on all levels are tentative, and I plan on 'speedrunning' them soon to get more accurate pars. NEWLY UPDATED WADs: ---------------------------- RUFNRDY.7z DEEPKEP.7z RIBCAGE.7z RNDHAUS.7z FURNACE.7z COMMANDHQ.7z Thanks for stopping by! In between maps rn, but I plan on getting something new going again soon!
  15. I unironically enjoy shovelware discs, so yes. :) I actually play a ton of 90s WADs, w/ my favorite 90s level pack being Slugfest. I'd recommend checking out that and 'Doom City' by the same author.
  16. Nah, not at all - you were actually quite entertaining, and gave me quite a few good points. I'll list the ones that others haven't mentioned below: R&R ------ -fix the tight passage to the right of the 'fleshwall' -possibly add a closet or two? RIBCAGE ----------- -fix the hard to see red keyline in the second room's left door. -make floor height difference between the red carpet and the wood floor in the second library room. -maybe add a third archvile in place of the ambushing revenant? -I'll fix the triple skeleton closet next to the yellow key. It wasn't supposed to open until you picked up the key. -add a revenant to the top concrete bunker near the exit. -learn how to change level names and par times. FURNACE ------------ -Fix monster closets in the main room - I cringed when you opened the 3 monster closets in the first open area lol. Those aren't supposed to open until you begin exploring the crypt. The monsters, (the hitscanners, at least, the others tend to congregate in the outer area around the twin Baron pedestal) then usually trickle in through that passage with the lowering METAL2 texture. I'll definitely have to fix that - I'm glad you found it actually, I had no idea. -in addition to moving the teleport in the last area, I'll also change its destination, so that it takes you to the twin lavapit room - and not back to the very beginning. I saw that getting a bit annoying, haha. -definitely going to fix the darkness issues too! DEEP KEEPS -------------- -fix teleporting chaingunner and teleporting mancs. ROUNDHOUSE ----------------- -slightly brighten 'cave' region Anyways, lots of good points, and I enjoyed watching. I don't know if I'd commit to a megaWAD right now, as 32 maps seems quite daunting. What I do plan on doing though, is to keep sequentially releasing single levels, (having them playtested / given feedback on) and then I'll probably combine them into a compilation or episode, or something. I've got 5, nearly 6 (my current techbase is actually coming along better than I thought it would) maps right now, so not too far off for a good sized compilation or episode. I'm just not sure the current maps' settings and textures' choices gel together - which would make more sense for me to release them as a compilation, than a cohesive episode. Regardless, just thinking out loud! Not sure when I'll have this stuff updated, but hopefully before this time next week! Thanks for the vote of confidence! :)
  17. I know what I'm playing the rest of the day. Edit: Love the Mancubus sprite replacement!
  18. That's interesting - I was not aware those two maps were so close to vanilla - I'll see if I can do what you suggested to make them vanilla. I have next to no knowledge of vanilla limits, so I'll probably be doing some DoomWiki reading tonight. Thanks for doing a playthrough of my two most recent maps! From what you said, and from what others said - I have come up w/ a list of things to fix: FURNACE: -Fix the brightness issue - probably need to increase the overall light outside and in the crypt by 1 or 2 magnitudes. -Going to remove some imps from the first outdoor ledge in UV -add a small step to outside area, (immediately left of the first outside door) so as not to impede movement. -remove the Berserk 'secret' -I plan on putting in walls / partitions to block the tower enemies from 'wandering'. -I'm going to move the teleporter from the final area, (right in the middle) to a small side corridor. That way there'll be no annoying monster teleports in the last fight. -I'm going to make the exit more clear. I'll probably put up some small pillars with the exit texture somewhere close by. -will add a candle to the fake wall that holds the teleporter for the Supercharge secret - I plan on lowering the height of the last 4 towers a little bit too - makes it easier for autoaim players. ROUNDHOUSE: -will change double mancubus plasma-gun pedestal to a non-teleport texture / remove fireblu. -will change the last switch to a non-lit one. -will better label exit -Find a better way to place the last two monsters, so the archvile isn't so likely to get stuck. Whew, that was a lot to cover! Not sure when I'll have an update out - I've been a bit busy lately. It shouldn't be too too long, though! Thanks to all for all the reviews, comments, and videos - they've been really making me think.
  19. I appreciate you writing such a thorough explanation as to why the last room doesn't work. This helps me majorly. It is probably a good idea to remove the rad suits, adds more pressure on the player that way... Also, I think I'll put up some kind of partition/wall in each of the corner towers to try to shoehorn the Mancubus / Arachnotron 'turrets' into a better position - that way they won't have such a tendency to wander. I'll move the teleporter flush to a corner, or stick it at the end of a corridor nearby - so that the player won't accidentally go through it in combat - that'll probably keep errant cacos away from it too, as teleporting cacos would be quite annoying. Not sure when I'll have my first update out, this has definitely brought some things to my attention though. Thanks again for your help. I look forward to the commentary! :)
  20. I agree that the map is too dark. I keep forgetting other people have different sector lighting / brightness settings than myself. A lot of the outside area is 96-112 brightness - far too dark for some brightness settings. I will get that sorted in the first update; that was another good point about that 'step' in the first outside area. It does seem to needlessly impede movement - something adding another smaller step would probably fix. I did mark the exit in this one, but it was a small little exit sign at the base of the final teleporter - I should have known that cacos w/ their notorious corpse size would block it haha. That's a real easy fix, thankfully! I'm in between maps now, I've tried making a techbase looking level multiple times now, but I can't seem to get the texturing to look 'E1 enough'. So i'll probably just whittle away at that until I have something, or it turns into a different map. The only reason this was on map21, was because I wanted to use the sky texture - I know there are more coordinated ways to do that - but I haven't learned MAPINFO yet, (I think that's what its called) to change skies and textures and stuff like that... Definitely something I want to learn for the future. Also, there is a fake wall to the left of the area where you first drop into the grave - that's how you access the supercharge in the first room. It was probably too dark to see the different texture that I used there , lol. Thanks for your continued checking-in, you've been quite a help thus far.
  21. I tried to present them in 3 different 'fights', but yeah, I don't think there's enough 'buffer-time' between the encounters - definitely don't want to cause archvile fatigue, that's never fun lol. Also, I see now that the stairs are too steep, (something I should have noticed before submitting) - not sure how to change that now, (without changing A LOT of the map) but i'll definitely be more mindful of that in the future, for future maps. Thanks for trying out my new ones! Edit: also can see that I forgot to mark the exit again, sigh :P
  22. Wow! Thanks for taking so much time out of your day to play through those for me! I agree with what was expressed in the video about the need for better exit encounters. I think my 5th WAD, (Furnace) has a bit of a better exit, than my prior WADs, maybe one of these future days you'll play that one. I'm going to need to think of a way to alter that end fight for 'Rough n' Ready' - I did not expect the player to immediately retreat / exit, I wanted them to engage the cacos in that room with the RL. I'll have to think something up to sort that problem out. Maybe i'll do another update in the future! Anyways, thanks for taking the time! :)
  23. This was a good first map. I've always liked hellish WADs, and levels where tech and hell are combined together. The only thing I noticed worth pointing out, was that one of the hanging bodies blocks the player. You might want to choose one that doesn't block player movement. I too have only started mapping this year. Always cool to see more people trying mapping!
  24. New map released - 'FURNACE'. See OP for screenies and more info! Should be a difficult one! But not too difficult! The awesome music track is 'Carnage Cycle' by @Immorpher :) Thanks! FURNACE.7z
  25. Not bad, I played it on UV. It took me just under 2 minutes to 100%, so quite a short map! That's not a negative btw, I like short maps. I only recently started mapping myself. Just a suggestion though, you should really include some screenshots and more of a description of your WAD in your post - more people will want to play it that way. Always great to see a new mapper! :)
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