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Everything posted by Arrowhead

  1. The super-shotgun is not as overpowered as a lot of people say, and is in fact very suboptimal for many types of fights.
  2. No worries! I'll have to play both versions now! Thanks for the clarification!
  3. I remember very clearly a singleplayer WAD from circa 94'-96' that had like a bunch of separate brown boxy columns that you had to 'platform' across to get a BFG...I remember there being a ton of enemies on the floor and the infinite height of the enemies would annoyingly impede you from getting across the columns easily. I think the WAD was called something along the lines of 'Walker' or 'Air/Skywalker' or something similar. I don't recall any custom textures / things, I think it was completely vanilla. I have been desperately trying to find this WAD for nostalgia's sake for many years now lol... I remember playing this first via Doom95, don't know if that at all helps. Maybe it could have been a D!ZONE wad? Its not even that great of a wad tbh. Thanks in advance...
  4. I didn't see any missing textures... I might be using an older version of the WAD? I think I downloaded this originally quite a while back. I swear I just dropped this WAD onto GZDOOM, and it worked no problem. I'm using 4.1.2 for the record. I included the copy of the WAD I have in case you wanted to test it yourself. But I experienced no HOMs, and no missing textures, as far as I could discern. D2FOE.7z Edit: Wait, is D2FOE different from FOE_1? Did the author of this map pack make 2 different versions and I've just confused myself? lol
  5. I would recommend taking a look at @Doomkid 's vanilla WAD pack. Lots of great introductory WADs and other well-loved classics of the Doom community. Highly recommend you give this a look first: Anyway, welcome - enjoy your stay here! :)
  6. Not trying to necro, just wanted to say I really really enjoyed this level pack. I actually played it w/ doom2.wad, as I had downloaded this WAD earlier, and forgot this was a Freedoom project lol. I didn't encounter any issues at all. :)
  7. I actually really enjoyed these levels. Simple to navigate, yet fun to explore. Combat was fast and tight - very hitscan heavy, but it was fun to mow them all down. Are you currently developing the next episode? Or are you taking a break first?
  8. What I do is turn on fast monsters, and practice duelling monsters in the attached map: test.7z Really helps you learn the many attack patterns of the different monsters, and you'll learn how to 'dance' w/ them very quickly that way!
  9. Danne's E1 10 Levels, 10 Monsters Infernovasion Death in the Ass of the Universe... Antarctica Excavation Chief's WAD [chief.wad] Slugfest Vampire5 [frodo5] The Journey pugilist.wad, rocketeer.wad Linear Doom Baculus Confinement Community Project Phobos Revisited Dying Camel's Demons Series Running Late Good Morning Phobos At least I think these are fairly underrated / unknown!
  10. Really enjoyed the vanilla texture sector vehicles. One of the better attempts I've seen w/ just the stock textures. I had fun w/ this. The second map was my favourite, I especially liked the hectic fight in the yellow key room.
  11. Arrowhead


    Very solid 10 level pack. There is very interesting geometry / architecture in some maps, and really basic 90 turns and square rooms in others. This occasionally makes it feel as if the levels don't blend together properly. Monster placement is overall quite decent; there is a large amount of Archviles in some maps - but they are always 'politely' placed, and tend to do the job that they are supposed to, as opposed to being horrible cheese. Combat can be fairly tense at times on UV, as many of the levels are very cramped. I do not find this a bad thing. The maps themselves can be quite 'open' at times, but you will spend far more time in tight hallways than in fields, or large outside areas. Overall, I feel that this was a very solid attempt at a small level-pack, or 'Doom 2' episode. It does not drag, the combat is engaging and tends to stay relatively fresh, there is no 'map 07' clone either. That's always a plus in my books... :) I wasn't able to read what the author has stated about their maps, as I got this from 'iddqd.ru' - and I unfortunately don't speak Russian. Definitely would give this a recommend if you're looking for a quick romp through some relatively short / challenging levels. Solid [4/5] :)
    Waaay too much ammo, power-ups and health. Hurtfloors do not hurt you. Spider Masterminds and Arachnotrons are usually clipped into geometry, as the author was not aware of their sprite size. Key locations are too predictable. Once you unlock the first keyed door, you will always receive the next key immediately in the room you unlocked. Levels are poorly implemented and pathed, meaning that you will be doing a lot of backtracking. Very large maps on average - but without much visual variation between maps. Extremely easy on UV, due to the above issues. Somehow, I still played through it all - and while being pretty poor, I still had little bits of enjoyment feeling so overpowered. [2/5]
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