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Everything posted by Arrowhead

  1. My newest stream begins at: Wednesday, June 5, 2024 · 2 PM - 5:30 PM MDT - but, if I don't finish my map in that time period, it may go longer! 2nd Twitch stream, but 6th mapping stream overall - I've been able to make a new map from scratch using a randomized texture pack each time, without much issue.


    Twitch account: https://www.twitch.tv/arrowheadd2dm


    So yeah, starts 7 minutes from now!


    Hope I get something fun to work w/ texture pack wise!



  2. Oh yeah, I bought a much less clickety-clackity keyboard.


    Should be a tiny bit less loud during my next stream, I'm hoping!



    1. Biodegradable


      Once you clack, there's no going back!

    2. Daytime Waitress

      Daytime Waitress

      Bio's got it right - clickan and clackan is soothing, my man. Why would you deprive your viewers of that ASMR hit?

    3. Arrowhead


      You've kinda gotta point DW, but right now it's like CLICK CLACKETTY *KLUNK* CLAK.


      I'm looking more for a 'clik clakkety )klunk( clak'.


      Funny enough, my keyboard is supposed to arrive from Amazon about an hour into the stream, so that should be resolved, or at least improved somewhat soon!



  3. The doomer MIDI playlist I made for Foobar2000 is huge!


    It'll work out well for my doom-mapping live streams!


    '1wk 1d 18:12:45'


    That's 1 week, 1 day, + 18 hours.


    That's 210 or so hours of doomer-made MIDIs.


    Should last me for a while, I'm hoping!   ;)


    Next stream is at: Wednesday, June 5, 2024 · 2 PM - 5:30 PM MDT - but, if I don't finish my map in that time period, it may go longer!


    Twitch account: https://www.twitch.tv/arrowheadd2dm


    1. Chopkinsca


      Your MIDI playlist is 9 hours longer than mine!

  4. I've been working on compiling something big!


    I'm kind of trying to gauge the community's interest in something like this. So feel free to shoot this down as an idea, there's nothing concrete I've done w/ this, other than accumulate MIDIs for most of the composers I've found and listed thus far.

    I've been hunting down every doomer-made MIDI I can!



    To make things 10 trillion times easier for people to find a desired MIDI file.


    I'm certainly not going to circumvent someone's ability to make money from their hard work / passion - that's not the intention of this potential project of course.


    By having a massive single-download compilation, lesser known doomers' MIDI works will become much more accessible, and thus far more used in today's WADs.


    There will be a masterlist, of which all composers' names are accessible - want to download a certain doomer's MIDIs? That's fine - but chances are you'll also come across another huge amount of composers you've never heard of while scrolling through the individually named file folders in the zip / archive / whatever this ends up being.


    You may say to yourself, "Hmmm I remember a similar idea, but for a repository website." I am not involved in this project, and it appears to have been on hiatus for a while now. However, if said project goes live, I will simply hand over the existing MIDIs I was able to assemble in this pack, and that person (whoever it ends up being, likely the admin of the proposed website) will / can add them to their site. This should not be viewed as a duplicate project, or a copy of that project, but more a possible supplement to that website when it comes around. I'm not trying to replace or usurp anybody by assembling this. I haven't talked to anyone about this yet - I'm just expressing that the work I do here, may make that site's work a little easier in the future - possibly - like I said, this is all just an idea right now.


    I've come up w/ certain rules I intend to follow when constructing this potential zip file / array:

    So, what will this proposed pack possibly include, what will it not include?


    The Potential Ins and Outs of This:


    1) ONLY music composed/created by members of the doom-community.

    2) ONLY original MIDI compositions - there is to be no covers of existing popular songs / copyrighted material. The only exception is covers of pre-existing doomer-created music.

    3) NO licensed / copyrighted video game music of any kind.

    4) NO official Doom franchise music - this includes the D1 and D2 soundtrack, as well as anything else created for release w/ the official games. This includes stuff like Hexen, Heretic, Strife, etc.

    5) NO MIDI tracks that explicitly disallow their distribution in this fashion, (a large zipped compilation, or as a download from a different source).

    6) People will also be able to opt out of this - "Hey, I don't want my MIDIs in this compilation pack!" : *Poof!* it will be removed, as soon as I would see it.

    7) NO incomplete / WIP MIDIs

    8) NO MIDIs that have been made public, but the composer requests that they aren't used in other projects, until a certain project of theirs releases.

    9) ALL music that is put behind a required payment, or requires you to pay a sum of money to access, will obviously NOT be included.

    10) There would hypothetically be constant updates in the future main thread for this, where people can provide MIDI files for updates to the main zip folder.

    11) ANY doomer MIDI can be included, provided it meets all 12 requirements - I'm not cutting out beginner works, or even 'poorly received' MIDIs. I aim for as close to complete of a single-download archive of our MIDI composer community as possible.

    12) NO file types other than MIDI. No tracker music, no .MUS, no .IT, no .MP3, no .WAV, etc etc. This compilation will only be for MIDIs. Nothing wrong w/ the above formats, they're just beyond the scope of this project.


    Here's the list of composers I've accumulated so far (I may not include all of these if I find that 'distribution' from someone other than the composer is not permitted - this list is highly tentative):


    2009XboxLiveKid, A Handsome Fridge, Aaron Russell Bowtell, Adam Landefeld, AD_79, Alfonzo, AndrewB, Arsinnik, AtticTelephone, ax34, bigolbilly, Bloo, BlueWorrior, BlurryBoy, Bobbylol, Bob Reganess, Bouncy, Bofu, B.P.R.D, Bucket, Cammy, Cardboard Marty, ClumsyDoomer, continuum.mid, Corax, CoTeCiO, Crunchynutt44, Csabo, Daeron, Damian Lee, DankMetal, Dashiva, DCGRetrowave, Deadwing, deathz0r, decino, DiR, Dj Redlight, Doomkid, Dragonfly, Egregor, Endrey, Engired, Eradrop, Espeon, esselfortium, eltiolavara9, Evil_Scientist, Fanatic, Fernito, Fookerton, Forgettable Pyromaniac, Foxhead, Fredrik Johansson, Gifty, Guff dotD, Hayden49, HexenMapper, HQDefault, Huush Luncheon, ICHI Znot, Icytux, Immorpher, Fuzzball, Jack9955, Jakub Majewski, Jamie Robertson, Jark, Jazzmaster9, JD Herrera, Jeremy Doyle, Jimmy, jmickle, John Bye, Jonathan El-Bizri, Jon Landis, JustNecro, KeaganDunn, Kinker31, Knightrider of Doom, Korni27, Korp, Large Cat, LewkForce, Lippeth, LPad, Malandro, Mark Klem, Masayan, Mazaki the Hyena, Megabeholder, MegaSphere, MelonadeM, Metabolist, MFG38, MIDIChlorine, Milian, mouldy, Mr. Freeze, msx2plus, Muddy Funster, Nabernizer, Nameht, nathas, Negatronica, Neil Forshaw, NiGHTMARE, Noisebloom, Null Divisor, OceanMadman, pcorf, Peter, Phoenyx, Plerb, PRIMEVAL, ProxyMIDI, Psychedelic Eyeball, Psyrus, Ravendesk, RedInsane, Reelvonic, ribbiks, SilentZorah, sirjuddington, Skronkidonk, Snaxalotl, Stewboy, Syn, Synami, Tamara Mochaccina, Taw Tu'lki, Teivman, The Green Herring, TheHambourgeois, TheMisterCat, TheUltimateDoomer666, Tolwyn, TrialD, Tristan, Tsocheff, Tubs, UUN4, Varis Alpha, Velvetic, Vertigo, Vicious, Wallabra, Wereknight, Wilster_Wonkels, Wumbo, Xaser, Yakfak, ZeMystic.

     153 composers so far listed above. But, there's still so many I need to add!


    So far, I've accumulated a few thousand or so MIDIs - I'm obviously going to go through them w/ a fine-toothed comb to assess for duplicates, to remove more unwanted files that don't meet the above 12 requirements I've listed, or to remove stuff that people don't want included in this. I'm trying to figure out the logistics of all of this currently.


    Remember, I'm not trying to be adversarial here - if you don't want something included, I will remove it - I'm not out to cause anybody any issues.


    Any feedback on an undertaking like this would be appreciated.


    Thanks for reading this novel of a post! I didn't want to make an official thread yet, as this is very much still just an idea.





    1. Daytime Waitress

      Daytime Waitress

      The only thing more frightening than AH's work ethic is AH setting himself an ambitious target.


      No but for real, I think you've laid out every potential conflict and eventuality in a concise and responsible way, and this has the potential to be one of the all-time one-stop resources, like Doomkid's Honkin' Great WAD Collection.


      Of course I'm not a composer myself, so my opinion ought to be taken with a @Grain of Salt, but I reckon it sounds both rad and non-harmful to creators.

    2. TheGreenZap


      I really like this idea. I was just trying to hunt through the wiki the other day to find MIDIs. So I think there definitely needs to be a better resource.


      Have you thought about making this a regular post on Doomworld to get thoughts or would you rather not do that?


      Those are my thoughts and you know I am not a composer either. But I do love music.



    3. Arrowhead


      I think I very well might make this a post on Doomworld.


      I think I've thought about it enough at this point, but yeah- might do that in a couple days.


      Thanks for the feedback, you two.




      Might even do that after my stream today... or I might wait til I have things a little bit more set up, I'll have to see.

  5. I did a 5th round of random deathmatch mapping - this time on Twitch! It went a lot better there than YT. I rolled the randomizer at the start of the stream, and got FoxTex this time! This too is a pack that I've used before, so this was a nice easy session also. The map took me 3.5 hours to complete this time. Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 5): MAP05 - 'Destiny: Dusk': I went w/ a heckbase theme in this one - I'm still having trouble w/ this texture pack in Zandronum, so I took these shots in GZ. Anyway, was a lot of fun! Excited to see what texture pack I'll get next - there's some really obscure ones in my randomizer! :D
  6. Stream went quite well on Twitch.


    I was able to complete yet another map, this time I got FoxTex!


    Was a lot of fun, I'll definitely continue using that platform over YT.


    I'll post new screenshots soon!




  7. In exactly 18 minutes, I will be going live on Twitch, here: https://www.twitch.tv/arrowheadd2dm

    I'm gonna be making a DM map from beginning to end, using a randomly selected texture pack.


    Should be a lot of fun - in a big mapping mood right now - this is my first 'scheduled'  stream, and my first stream on Twitch.


    I'll have to see how this time slot works.




  8. I made a Twitch account - you can check it out here: https://www.twitch.tv/arrowheadd2dm/schedule


    My first Twitch stream will be at 2PM MDT, Monday (2024-06-03).


    I'll be continuing my randomized live deathmatch mapping! Provided I can get Twitch set-up as easily as I did YT!


    There will be a new DM map from beginning to end, every time, using a randomly selected texture pack.


    I'll be streaming at least 3.5 hours every Monday, Wednesday, Friday - and a 6 hour stream on Saturdays.

    Seems like a lot, and this may of course change at some point! But that's the current plan! So far, I've been able to accomplish my goal every time - and fairly easily!


    Check me out under the username: 'ArrowheadD2DM'!


    Excited, should be a lot of fun - I'd be mapping regardless anyway - I might as well record it, and chat to some fellow doomers!





  9. I did a 4th round of random deathmatch mapping! By some insane stroke of luck, I rolled the exact same texture pack I last used (5th Episode Textures) from the 40 I had added to the randomizer! Not sure what the odds of that are. Regardless, I re-rolled the randomizer, and got GothicDM1+2Tex! This is a pack that I've used before, so this was a nice easy session. The map took me 3.5 hours to complete this time. Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 4): MAP04: Deathly Domain: So yeah, was a fun time! I'm gonna develop some kind of a semi-consistent streaming schedule, and begin streaming on Twitch instead of YT. I'll announce on my DW status page when I'm doing that - I'll be streaming tomorrow again, most likely. So far, I've been able to complete 4/4 DM maps from beginning to end on stream, so off to a good start! Sorry for spamming this thread so much recently, I've just been really productive! :D
  10. Starting my 4th 'random DM mapping' stream at the below link in 25 minutes from now:




    My streams so far have been an average of 3.5-4 hours, but I could possibly go a bit longer tonight - depends how I feel, tbh.

  11. Was a lot of fun giving you some pointers, and helping you test during the mapping process. Looking forward to getting a couple games in this soon! I encourage you to make more - a little vanilla textures DM pack would be a good time. :)
  12. I did another round of random deathmatch mapping! This time the randomizer landed on '5th Episode Textures.' Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 3): MAP03: Crimson Core: Apologies for posting again so soon! But, I've been very productive today! :D
  13. I'm a bit bored - gonna jump into a random mapping stream again. I'll be randomly selecting a texture pack to work w/ from 40 random ones!


    I need to get some maps off my brain. It's a bit impromptu, so I don't really expect anybody to show up - so no harm no foul.


    Regardless, I want to map - so I'm gonna go ahead and do that. Stop by if you want to chat about some deathmatch mapping, or just Doom in general.

    Gonna be starting in 10 minutes (15 minutes to the hour).




    The stream will be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@Arrowhead123/streams

  14. My 2nd mapping stream went well - a bit less technical hiccups today, than my first day! This entire deathmatch map was made in 3 hours 33 minutes, during a live stream earlier today. The texture pack was randomly selected via a spinning wheel from 40 other texture packs. This time I got AquaTex, (a smaller pack I found trickier to use than Otex) - there are obviously far fewer resources in AquaTex, so it made me think more outside the box. It definitely was a fun challenge to do on the fly. I only ended up needing to supplement it w/ two additional Doom2 textures (slimefall, and ceil5_2). A little bit of colored sector lighting definitely helped, too. Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 2): MAP02: Acid Vats: I'll likely hop on later today (maybe only tomorrow) for another 3+ hour stream - gonna try my hand at a third random map - in a productive mood! Some of those texture packs are definitely more challenging to use than others - excited to see what I'll get next! Definitely recommend this type of challenge for others - helps you think about making maps in ways I hadn't thought before! :D
  15. Stream is still going strong 2 hours in!


    The main layout is done!


    This time I ended up w/ Aquatex, (a smaller pack) so I've been applying some D2 textures as well!


    Ended up w/ a nice acid-base structure.


    Here's the stream link, I'll likely be mapping for another couple hours or so! Maybe longer! I may want to start a second for today!






  16. Stream will take place on YouTube at this link: https://www.youtube.com/@Arrowhead123/streams It will begin at: 1 PM EDT, 2024-06-01. If all goes well, expect the stream to last 3.5-5.5 hours, possibly - that's usually how long it takes me to whip up a new map. I'll be making a new Doom2 Deathmatch Map from beginning to end using this new 40 option 'random texture pack wheel' I put together this morning: :D
  17. I've significantly improved the 'random texture pack selector wheel' for my upcoming 'Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping' streams!




    I'm gonna make another map today - I've got my streaming set-up much more logically set-up now. I should be able to properly 'grab' all of UDB's separate windows now.


    I think, technically, my first test stream went pretty well, despite some small hiccups, and I had a lot of fun mapping and chatting!


    This wheel now has 40 entries, including some really odd stuff that I don't see used too frequently.


    The idea of this is for it to be challenging, and maybe to introduce others to resources they hadn't previously known of.


    After nearly 400 maps made, I figured it was time to get this going, and branch out a bit more - try to challenge myself, you know?


    My next stream will take place on YouTube at this link: https://www.youtube.com/@Arrowhead123/streams

    It will begin at: 1 PM EDT, 2024-06-01. If all goes well, expect the stream to last 3.5-5.5 hours, possibly - that's usually how long it takes me to whip up a new map.



    I may eventually transition to Twitch, but for now, I'm at YouTube.


    Come see me try to make a Doom2 deathmatch map from beginning to end! Last stream lasted just short of 4 hours' time, and I was able to completely finish the map successfully!




    For the time being, I'm gonna stick to just one random draw of the above wheel - if a pack is too small, I'll pair it w/ the vanilla Doom2 textures!


    Perhaps, later on, if people enjoy this concept, I might incorporate viewer-suggested challenges! Stuff like: 'entire map must be on 64x64 grid', 'no curves allowed', 'must only use 64x64 flats for all texturing' - IDK, that kinda stuff!


    Check out my personal Discord server, Arrowhead's Arenas: https://discord.gg/Xpm7wqKu


    It's a small little hub where I post streaming updates, mapping updates, multiplayer events, and just generally talk about Doom! There's a multiplayer focus, (DM / CTF), but I also organize playtesting of all kinds there, and singleplayer stuff is 100% welcome!


    Hope everyone's been doing well! I don't know how frequently I'll stream, but I make a map a day (almost) so I should have quite a bit of material for a while, if I do choose to do so!




  18. My first mapping livestream went fairly well, considering I set things up on a whim! This map was made in 3 hours 50 minutes, during a live stream. It is a sequel to a much smaller map I made in Frantik DM 2. The texture pack was randomly selected via a spinning wheel from 15 other texture packs. Luckily, I got Otex1.1 for my first go at this - a pack I'm very familiar w/. Here are the texture packs that I picked to be randomly selected from: Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping: MAP01: Wetworks 2: But yeah, not sure when I'll go live next, (possibly tomorrow afternoon) but this was fun, and something I hope to repeat again sometime soon! I'm hoping to get a texture pack I'm less familiar w/ next time! :D
  19. https://www.youtube.com/@Arrowhead123/streams Random deathmatch mapping - making a DM map from beginning to end! I'll be here until this map is done! :)
  20. About to go live soon in a sort of test-stream!


    I know I should have mentioned earlier, but the idea kind of just popped in my head an hour or so ago.


    I'm going to be mapping a 'random' deathmatch map from beginning to end - I've set up a spinning wheel to randomly select from a list of 14 texture packs.


    I'll then take whatever it lands on, and make something from beginning to end w/ it. The format is going to be UDMF - a lot of these texture packs I haven't used before, so hopefully, this should turn out interesting!


    I'm going to be playing random doomer MIDIs from a playlist I made earlier today - the playlist has about 85 hours total worth of MIDIs!


    I don't know how long the stream will last, I'll have to see how things go. It usually take me between 3-5 hours to make a deathmatch map from beginning to end!


    I'm brand new to all of this, but I'm hoping this can be a fun little thing I do every now and then - if it turns out people end up liking it, I may do more, or incorporate little mapping challenges into this.




    You can check out my channel here, it should show the new stream when I begin it: https://www.youtube.com/@Arrowhead123/streams

    I'm going to start in 10 minutes, whether or not there's anybody there at the beginning or not - I'll upload the stream on my channel afterwards.


    I'm new to this whole streaming thing, but I thought why not give it a shot! Could be a fun time - I was gonna map regardless, so why not stream it, I thought!




    1. NecrumWarrior


      Hell yeah Gothic DM!

  21. Welcome back to this week's edition of WFF! We will be playing 10 random maps from ZDMega this Sunday! So, grab your shotty, strap up your Red or Blue gear, and come join us for an epic session of fraggin' n' flaggin'! Details: -2 Teams -5 Flag Limit per map -10 Minute Limit per map -8 Players max per team -WADs rotate weekly (unless being continued) -No overtime This is a welcoming and friendly casual gaming experience! You don't have to be a Doom god to join us for some flags! The Wadazine Flag Fest team is: spwnsH4rK Arrowhead Endless Mr. Pred AF-Domains Location/Time: -Sunday @ 20:00 EDT (01:00 BST / 19:00 CDT) on ZDaemon! -Dwango United New Jersey (or type 'Wadazine' into the search tool) -No password - public & casual Never played Doom multiplayer? Please watch this tutorial! Don't miss out on another event! Join the cool kids and be first in line for new-edition releases and events at ---> Wadazine Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Q2RKn4J Multiplayer DOOM fan? Help support the team that supports us at ---> https://discord.com/invite/aXnf2XM  Hope to see you there!   :D
  22. Screenshots look incredible! Bloo told me about this recently - I love all the colors, I'll have to try it out! Congrats on your release! :)
  23. Decided to mess around w/ Greenwar2Tex today on a whim. Lots of nice natural tones in that set, so I made a kinda waterlogged, grimy base! I might make a couple more maps w/ this, or I might just rattle this off, and move on to something else. Remains to be seen. Unnamed Greenwar2Tex Pack?: MAP01: Grimy Base: It's Zandronum:UDMF, and I've added a R667 railgun, too. :D
  24. @Steve D , thanks for checking out all the stuff I've been posting in the 'what are you working' on thread!


    Hoping to have a new map posted soon - I'm doing something w/ Greenwar2Tex right now.



    1. Steve D

      Steve D

      My pleasure! You're doing some great-looking stuff. Now if only I played Deathmatch . . . ;)

  25. Thinking of hosting an event for this on the next Saturday, (June 1st). Nothing is set in stone yet, but I'd likely set things up for some time that afternoon / early evening. I'll definitely make a post here, when I have things figured out more! Will be fun to have a larger crowd go through these! :D
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