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Everything posted by Arrowhead

  1. Gonna attempt to make a small Zandronum:UDMF deathmatch pack w/ these textures. I'll have to see how things go! They look great, btw. :)
  2. Having finished the primary mapping for Dogtag Deathmatch, my new 3 map war-themed DM pack, I'm looking to start something new.


    Highly considering using FoxTex for a small DM pack.


    I may wait until Dash CTF is more complete, but then again - I've been in a heavy mapping mood as of recent.


    Might be fun to just jump into the editor and blast something out real quick.


    I've been wanting to use this for a while!




  3. Done the final level of this war-themed pack! It's a trench-warfare type deal! Dogtag Deathmatch: MAP03: Mud and Blood: Glad to be done the primary mapping! Onto the main testing and cleaning up any issues! :D
  4. Very close to being done that trench-warfare level!


    Just item placement left! I'll be posting screenshots in the main thread in probably 30 minutes!


    I think this is probably one of the more interesting levels I've made in a while!




  5. I'm getting somewhere now!


    Here's an image to give an idea how this is going so far!:




    Lots left to do, but it seems like the idea is working out, thus far!



    1. Naarok0fkor


      Have you thought about lunar crater textures?

    2. Arrowhead


      You've just given me an idea for a lunar / moon themed map.


      Won't use those on this one, but now I really want to give those a shot!



    3. Naarok0fkor


      I got great textures with craters...

  6. I'm ready for lighting and texturing for my trench-warfare map!


    Here's an idea of the terrain I'm working w/!


    Lots of mud, dirt, wood, muddy water, burning craters, is what I'm feeling!


    Should be fun to texture!







  7. @Cadman I've got surprisingly similar specs to you! Sounds like you've got a better set-up overall, though! Windows 10 i9 @ 3.6 GHZ 32 GB RAM RTX 3080 w/ 10 GB (2x) 1TB SSD 1 MSI curved monitor Razer Huntsman v2 + Razer Basilisk :)
  8. Okay, I've drawn the main layout, and all the pertinent geometry for MAP03!


    Here's a contextual map - this one gets pretty complicated:


    The red highlight indicates the level's main paths.

    Red lines indicate a deep depression or crater.

    Dark blue is a fence of some kind - decorative or restrictive.

    Green is an above-ground bunker of some kind.

    Yellow indicates the main central hill - it's quite large!

    Purple indicates a bridge of some kind - generally a few planks of wood laid across a trench, to allow you to travel over-top.

    Light blue indicates a completely underground area / bunker.


    I can't post screenshots of the geometry just yet, because its only using my placeholder textures, and it'll be hard to see things correctly when I take a screenshot aerially.


    I'll get texturing tomorrow, and should hopefully be done tomorrow! If I find enough time - at least the main chunk of work is out of the way!


    Excited to wrap this up, and then to start formal testing / wrapping everything up!


    I really want to get this pack released relatively expediently - I don't want it to rot on my hard-drive. I'm gonna need to find someone to help me make a TITLEPIC, but other than that, I'm most of the ways there, once I finish this map!


    Anyway, off to bed!




  9. Currently thinking up the 3rd and final map to my currently unnamed military-themed DM pack.


    It's going to be a trench warfare map - am thinking of having 2 opposing sides, (of course) w/ a 'no man's land' in the middle this is where there will be a good power-up / gun. The idea is to make an incentive for a player to want to enter into vulnerable territory, where there is not nearly as much cover.


    There may be some broken down futuristic tanks, ***maybe*** a decorative bi-plane, or something similar in theme, (some kind of decorative aerial vehicle) and there will be tunnels that will connect the two sides underground - these will be sufficiently wide, though - gonna attempt to make a trench warfare level that isn't too claustrophobic. I'll use 3D floors for the tunnels, so that they can poke up into no man's land, or come up in little bunkers.


    Also thinking up some relevant DoomCute props, too.


    Should be interesting, I hope - lots to do - this is going to be the final map in this little mini-episode of mine.


    Current map layout:


    1) Boot Camp Brawl (complete)

    2) Carnage Canyon (complete)

    3) Mud and Blood* (incomplete, name may change still)


    I'm also open to suggestions for names for this map pack! So throw me a couple ideas if you have them! I'm really struggling to come up w/ something!


    Only things I can think of are:


    'Deployment DM' - I think this isn't too bad, as the maps start off set in a boot camp, so it's logical - but it might sound too formal.

    'Military Minisode' - This is also okay, but sounds a bit bland, IMO.


    So yeah, any help or suggestions would be appreciated!




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arrowhead


      Okay, cool - for the time being, I'll go w/ 'Dogtag Deathmatch'.


      Actually has a nice 'ring' to it.


      Thanks again, I assume 'taufan99' is how I should credit you in the readme, when I get to that?




    3. taufan99
    4. Arrowhead


      A preview of the scope of this third level:


      Gonna run a river through the middle, too. The 'ceiling' is a lot higher than the walls, so planes or something should look cool.


      I'll update in my statuses more, as I continue!



  10. Unnamed War-themed DM Pack: MAP01: Boot Camp Brawl: Image of barracks and mess hall: Active fully operational minefield - (mines spawn a rocket at your coordinates when you enter their sector, and then Z-thrust you into the air at the same time): Inside the barracks - you can use that open drawer to jump out the windows!: Inside the mess hall: Portion of obstacle course: Portion of obstacle course (2): Onto the 'trench-warfare' level, which should wrap this new little 3 map DM pack up! I've got big ideas for it - I'll have to see what happens! :D
  11. Ooh, new levels! Exciting! I loved the initial release. I'll check them out a bit later this week! Enron Entropy looks so clean and precise from the screenies. Nice work! :)
  12. That's the problem. If you're this self-aware? Guess what? You're aware enough to put your best effort into things. Not that this map is terrible by any means, I don't actually know, don't take this as a critique of the level itself, I've yet to play it. The map could be fun, but who the hell is going to know if no effort is put in to present it? Really, it doesn't take too much work to make a thread w/ some screenshots visible in the OP. You can use imgur to host as many images as you want for free! Genuinely trying to help, here. Always try to put your best effort forward - that includes how you display your work. Please attempt to listen to the people in this thread - honestly, if you made a new thread, that had screenshots, and some effort put into presentation - a ton more people will play your stuff. Which is what you want right? Who wants to map into a void?
  13. That's probably not the best way to go about life. Won't get you too far in the long run. Not to get all philosophical on you.
  14. Thanks! And true, right now it just makes the rocket explosion 'puff' from normal Doom 2. Its a bit tricky to see. I'll have to figure something out. Good point! :)
  15. Not sure if it's wrong to mention all my own stuff, but here goes: Don't know if you play DM, but Frantik DM 2 has two ice levels, (MAP04-MAP05), and Frantik DM 3 has an entire 5 map 'cold' episode, (MAP06-MAP10). I've also made Jolly DM, (thanks to @4shockblast for including it in that spreadsheet) it's a 3 map snowy Xmas themed DM WAD; and in Fast as Hell Flags (a CTF pack) there's the map 'Flurry' - MAP20, if I remember correctly. There's also a level called Icebox somewhere in Frantik Rejects 1/2, I'm forgetting the map# right now, and 'Frozen Fort' and 'Chilly Victory' from Havok DM 1/2. Also just finished an unreleased new CTF map called Polar Plunder. So yeah, I love snow-themed levels. They're fun to make! :)
  16. A *working* frag mine for my new military-themed DM pack: Not quite exactly how I want it quite yet, but it seems pretty effective now - much better than the previous method I was trying! Hoping to get this newest 'boot camp' level done soon! Then it's onto the 'trench warfare' level! :D
  17. Working on a boot camp style military obstacle course for my new map.


    It's coming along alright - I'll post screenies in a status when I get a bit further!



  18. Some kind of barracks building - you can run out the window using the open drawer: A frag mine - it actually *works* - throws you into the air, and entering the sector gives 50 damage - still need to add an explosion sound effect: A pair of emplacement guns: Not quite done this project, but thought these images would fit this thread! :D
  19. Every Duke Nukem game. Every Resident Evil game. Every Legend of Zelda game. Every movie released in the last decade. Every TV series ever - minus Breaking Bad. Every Godzilla film. Every Matrix film. Everything Star Trek. Everything Star Wars post Episode 3. Every Indiana Jones movie ever. Every Descent game. The entire couple of console gaming generations post PS3/Wii/360. Nearly every Halo game, minus a burned disk of 2 I had back in the day, and a playthrough of the 1st game on PC. Nearly every Marvel/DC movie - especially the most recent ones. Last one I enjoyed was the first Raimi Spider-Man movie. All of 'New Doom' - (I own both 2016 and Eternal, but have only played 2016 for an hour, and Eternal not at all. I still intend to get to it sometime - I know they're good games.)
  20. Got an idea for a military barracks map! I'll pair it w/ 'Carnage Canyon' - maybe I'll even make a third military themed level. Who knows!


    It will have an obstacle course, possibly a firing range, surveillance towers, bunk beds, lockers, an armory possibly, and a few other DoomCute things. Maybe a landmine field? I've got a couple ideas for a Doom cute landmine field, but I may need a better 'danger' sign for it.


    Also working on a new multi-floor hellish castle layout for spwnsh4rk and I's current DM project!


    Things are going well - gonna start the barracks map today - already have a rough plan in my head for the castle one, and a few lines drawn down, too!




  21. Thanks for the kind words! Much appreciated! I've got some crazy (have to emphasize that word lol) ideas for bi-planes, armed UFOs, blimps (possibly), raising / lowering 'lasers'- fluctuating machinery, wobbly bridges, earthquakes, etc, perpetually raising / lowering forklifts, bobbing platforms, etc etc. Gonna mess around w/ this hovering effect more - I feel there's a ton of untapped potential for detail oriented stuff (at least in the MP sphere). :D
  22. Just had an interesting idea!


    I wonder if it is possible to make an 'unstable' suspended bridge, by messing around w/ different ceiling_waggle / floor_waggle properties of a 3D floor.


    It'd look like each plank is rising and lowering separately of each other slightly - like those rickety ass wooden bridges you see move in the wind, or wobble when someone steps on them:


    Of course, without scripting, I wouldn't be able to trigger it to wobble when I step on it - but If I was to play a very low ambient wind sound in the map, it could potentially work - or not, I'll have to see what I can find out.



  23. Finally done this one! It's a large war-torn area set in a canyon. It features sector-linked 3D floor jets and hovertanks, (that bob up and down) craters everywhere - you can jump across the jets to get a BFG! Unnamed DM Pack: MAP??: CARNAGE CANYON: I'll have more maps done soon for this! This should be a fairly fun railgun level, too! :D
  24. 95% complete that military level.


    I'll post in the main thread in a bit!




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