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Everything posted by Arrowhead

  1. DMT.wad - 1994-07-06 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 This is a 1994 map that was uploaded to the /idgames archives in 2019. This is one of those rare maps w/ an unknown author. There is very scarce information provided in the readme for this WAD, other than the bare basics. I wish we were able to know more about the author, or if they'd made any other maps. Maybe someone will recognize this WAD and share more information, stranger things have happened. Regardless, this is a better than average 1994 map. The layout is what's to be expected of the time, with many of the areas being large open rooms w/ barely any monsters. The map while not challenging by today's standards, still offers the occasional surprise. There is a section that requires some teleport puzzling, but you're rewarded w/ a fun fight each successful time you find a switch. Architecture is pretty basic, w/ only the large 'O' shaped hallway really being memorable. Progression is really not that obtuse - don't let the words 'teleport puzzling' scare you, it isn't that difficult to navigate, all things considered.This is certainly a very old-school looking map - w/ texturing ranging from hazardous to competent. There is nothing too visually wowing in this map - though, it does look better on average than a lot of 1994 maps I've played. The map ends w/ a dual cyberdemon fight that is effectively neutered by the invulnerability sphere that is provided - they look cool in their little cages, and it can be fun to release both of them at once. This map, while not difficult by today's standards, still offers quite a bit of fun and exploration, one can definitely see the map's age, but it plays quite well. Lots of fun w/ the BFG... :) Download link: https://bit.ly/3fOaErm
  2. Thanks for the great info dump! Definitely some helpful leads there! You should definitely do that! We'd love to have you on board! :)
  3. hellbell.wad - 07/11/97 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 Hellbell.wad is a great 3-key map from Joe Winter. 3-key design usually lends itself to exploration type maps, and that is definitely the case w/ this level. The map takes place mostly underground in a type of 'subterranean castle / dungeon' - architecture is quite nice, w/ a large grey arch being one of the focal points. There is a fair challenge here. Health pickups are scarce, and you will have to be extra careful to conserve health on UV difficulty. The main difficult stems from the multitude of hitscanners in this map - they aren't placed unfairly, there are just a lot of them. The map alters between tense corridor fighting, and larger areas where circle-strafing reigns supreme. The map comes w/ a custom MIDI - perhaps in a different soundfont this MIDI would sound ominous, but to me, it sounded very similar to Christmas music. There are far too much 'bell' sounds in the track - makes it sound like a festive tune, rather than a foreboding 'Hells Bells' type tune that the author may have been going for. The map is not difficult to navigate, despite being quite large in size. This is because the author was decent at designing recognizable locations, the subterranean arch is an especially helpful landmark, as is the blue key tower. Encounter design is fairly basic, w/ most monsters attacking immediately when you enter a room. The map is not very trap heavy, and the player is often left unpunished for picking up important items. Despite some basic encounter design, this still turned out to be a very fun, complex map. Expect to spend 10-12 minutes to get from beginning to end. :) Download link: https://bit.ly/3yP0X3e
  4. Quake2: Base1 - 12/06/98 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 This is a 1:1 recreation of Quake 2's first level by Danny 'UrHaSh' Tam. The map is unique in that the author chose to not include any Quake 2 textures, the entirety of the map uses the default Doom 2 textures. Texture usage is to great effect, the author has really made the world of Doom2 resemble Quake 2. All enemies are simple zombiemen / chaingunners - this makes sense, as in Quake 2, you only encounter 'guard' type enemies in the first mission. Placement is great, w/ monsters being placed in nearly the same locations as they are in Quake 2. The author even bothered to include a Berserk pack in place of the Quake 2 'Adrenaline' item - this kind of attention to detail really won me over. A small complaint I have for this map, is that the exit switch is unmarked. This is fine if you've played Quake 2 before, but if you haven't, it may be confusing to exit this small map. The exit is located in the centre of the farthest room from your startpoint - you need to climb a tall staircase to get to it - it should end up being fairly obvious. Gameplay is reminiscent of what one would expect for an 'intro' type level - it is very simple. Don't expect to encounter any kind of challenge in this map, as there was hardly any challenge in the original Quake 2 level. I don't get why this seems to have been lambasted on /idgames, it is a solid, commendable attempt at recreating a far more complex game in a far simpler engine, and because of that, this map should be played again. Download link: https://bit.ly/3lNr2w8
  5. Wow, this is exciting news! I've gone through a large majority of them already, so its good to hear that there are more in the pipeline. :)
  6. House666.wad + newflats.wad - 11/29/95 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 House666 is a 'myhouse.wad' type map by Andrew Lattof. The author essentially has recreated the entirety of their house. This WAD, while rough around the edges, has a lot of charm, and is worth experiencing - despite some of it appearing silly by today's standards. There are many new textures in this map. They are very simple - one might even say monochromatic, but they add a certain kitsch to everything, and the monochromatic look is kind of cool. The living room in this WAD is a great example of early DoomCute, and the author makes an effort to make the house a nonlinear experience w/ their key placement. I would have liked to see the author detail the garage door a little more, in similar fashion to how they detailed the smaller household doors... It looks odd being so monochromatic and monolithic. That's more of an aesthetics nitpick, than a genuine complaint though. The map culminates w/ a fight against a completely harmless Cyberdemon stuck in a closet. Comically, the author has replaced the fist w/ a broomstick - I don't think it's damage or attributes have been altered though. Its just a cosmetic replacement, yet I find it interesting that people were replacing weapon sprites this early. The MIDI has also been replaced, and while not terrible, doesn't really add anything to the map. Overall, pretty fun - despite an obvious dated DIY aesthetic, this map still turned out to be an enjoyable 5 minutes. Download link: https://bit.ly/3s2VoMl
  7. Very cool find! I especially love this chunky spaceship! Very cool to hear how dynamic this WAD is. I will be adding it to my list to check out! :)
  8. SUFFER - 04/01/97 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 SUFFER is a giant, winding map created by Jose Luis Gallardo. This is a largely experimental map - the map seems to open up as you go along, through the use of many complex linedef actions. You essentially follow a more or less linear path, as you progress through the level, but this doesn't really feel linear as you go through it - this is due to the interesting progression in this WAD. Great use of elevators, lowering floors, and other actions - each one compliments the other in this map. The map also contains a pretty wicked title screen graphic, something very unusual for a single level WAD of this age. This is a blast to play through, though - if you don't mind playing something a little more experimental than the average WAD. The combat in this WAD is mostly confined to smaller rooms and corridors, but there is also a gigantic outdoors room in the middle of the map. This room, I feel, could have fit a lot more monsters than it did - I was hoping for something more slaughteresque - what's here in this central room is still fun, though. There are over 350 monsters in this map! The map uses a MIDI of Metallica's 'Fade to Black' - I think the song fits well here. The author also slightly altered the ENDOOM screen, another unusual trait about this map. I look forward to checking out this author's other maps, as what's here is very peculiar - yet really well thought out. Download link: https://bit.ly/3fMOfuK
  9. Deep Core 1 - 02/19/04 - played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 Deep Core 1 is an E1 styled map designed by Use3d. This is a large flowing nonlinear base, with many optional rooms and secret areas. The secrets in this map are very clever - there are some tricky ones to find. There is approximately 200 monsters in this map, and they are dispersed in a very dynamic way. Traps are commonplace in this map, but they never feel unfair. I did not die during my first run through the map, so the difficulty is really not too high. The level is fairly long in length - it took me just under 15 minutes to UVMAX. This map is essentially an E1 style map set in Doom 2. This makes the map feel like an 'upgraded' version of Doom1, as chaingunners are plentiful in this WAD. Interestingly, the author chose not to include any other Doom2 monsters, other than the chaingunners. The author states that this map was drawn and built in 1997 - it was originally going to be part of a portion of a megaWAD, but the author states that it didn't make the cut. I'm not sure how this didn't make 'the cut', as this is a pretty awesome E1 base map! Use3d is known mainly for the great 'Nilla Doom' mappack. I wouldn't normally select an author who is this well known, but I really wanted to draw some attention to this more obscure map in their collection. Please check this one out, it is an absolute exploratory nonlinear joy! :) Download link: https://bit.ly/2VJU0So
  10. The only thing I can really say I hate is the 'safety pin' on the rocket launcher. :P Also: Lost souls should have half health
  11. Haunted Space Ship - 12/15/94 - Played via LZDOOM local-splitscreen deathmatch This is a very unique early deathmatch map created by Robert Fenske Jr. , and is definitely worthy of further recognition today. This map consists of a large square void, w/ a spaceship in the middle. The map is extremely technically sound for its time, and makes use of a few custom textures to add to the mood. The level certainly feels like a spaceship, and has the odd angles of a spaceship, too - this map also has a lot of symmetry - something you don't see nearly as much of nowadays. Gameplay can be a bit cramped, some sections of the map will barely hold two players standing next to each other. Another thing to keep in mind, is that this is a deathmatch focused map that has some monsters in it. You will encounter the occasional lost soul, pinky, or caco, to keep you company on your fragging journey. This is again, a very unconventional thing to do in the modern era, but because of the charm of this map, it works. The enemies seem to add to the experience in this one, rather than detract from it. The BFG and rocket launcher are hidden in a secret, but after a little bit of exploration, you should find the required teleport. As both weapons are in the same area, it is easy for a player to get over-powered - this makes the level a bit of a mad rush for that secret area. Some may like or dislike that, I happen to like it, as I love deathmatch maps w/ power-up cycles. One complaint I have for this map, is that the outside void area is too large. This can make it difficult to find your opponent on occasion. Texturing in this map is great - I don't think I noticed a single misalignment - there are also new 'space doors' that look like little airlock doors. There is also great use of transparent textures, something I don't think I've seen in a 1994 map. It seems like the author went on to develop some kind of Doom utility, but other than that, this seems like the only project they've released. This is a great map for duel, or 3-4 person FFA. Download link: https://bit.ly/3jDwI9f
  12. Amen to that huge post! I loved NJDOOM2 when I first played through it. This thread makes me want to burn through it again! :)
  13. ENTRY.wad - 11/28/95 - Played via GZDOOM 4.1.2 Entry.wad is by Matt Bollier, a pwad author who published much of their work to CompuServe. Bollier has other WADs on the archive, but this very early one appears to be missing. Luckily, @thestarrover made an effort to preserve this, and uploaded it to the forums. Thanks for that! A bit scary to think this level was almost lost forever! This is a small-sized 'intro' type level converted to Doom2. The author states in the readme that the file was at one point a Doom1 level. I can definitely see that in the map, as there are very few Doom2 monsters - you'll only come across the revenant, and the chaingunner from Doom2's roster. There are under 40 monsters in this map - but that's not to say that this map is a push-over, as the author provided zero health pickups in the entire map. Often, this is a sign of poor design - but it really works here. Combat consists of peeking and dodging around corners to nail hitscanners before they hit you. There is a bit of back tracking once you find the final key. Normally, when backtracking in other maps, walls and traps will open in an attempt to surprise the player - this is not the case here. The long walk back to the final key door is completely without incident, the only main critique I have for this map. Texturing is quite basic, but not poor - you will see a LOT of 'metal' textures, though. The author also makes use of skyhack in 2 locations, something a little unusual for a WAD dated '95. I also didn't notice any profound visual glitches or anomalies during my playthrough - everything seems competently put together. Make sure you save before you pick up the key, or you'll be blasted by a plutonia-esque chaingunner trap! I wasn't able to find the map's one secret, but I assume it holds some kind of health item - as there are no other health pickups in the map. Overall, a great little map. If you go into this not expecting anything too grand or elaborate, you may really enjoy this. I certainly got a fun 5 minutes out of it. Give it a shot! Download link: https://bit.ly/3s9pRIv
  14. I'd be excited to try the 'Amazing Maple' variety. I don't think I'd like any of the really seedy mustards. A&W made me a really shitty burger one time that was pretty much just mustard seeds between two buns.
  15. I really appreciate you taking the time to shed some more information on a lesser known WAD! Always interesting to hear the ins and outs of early WAD editing! I can't evens imagine what it would be like to use an editor like DEU! I love my modern 'visual mode' too much. Thanks for giving us some back story on this WAD, I actually haven't played it yet, but now I'm probably going to give it a go this weekend! :) Edit: Added 'The Descent of Evil' to the master list.
  16. Arrowhead


    Fun medium sized level set in some kind of base. Some of the fights in this map could use some more pizzazz; I agree w/ the previous reviewer about the 'pentagon room'. The final fight could have been dramatically improved if all the monsters attacked at once. Texturing is very basic, expect to see a lot of grey concrete. While the texturing was basic, the architecture was stellar. There are some really complex rooms in this map, especially considering the map's age. Only other complaint I have is that there should just be more monsters in this map in general. There are lots of open areas that have very few monsters. I don't have anything to say about the shotgun sound or the MIDI used in this WAD, as I played the map w/ the Dead Marine mod, and Jimmy's Jukebox. Really quite a good time for a 1994 map. 4/5
  17. Arrowhead

    Base Trouble

    A very easy silver-base map. Nearly all progression is hidden behind mandatory hidden doors. Enemy placement is rudimentary, but gets the job done. Texturing is adequate, w/ a little misalignment here and there, but generally its pretty good. There just really isn't much to say about this one, other than the progression being a bit annoying. 2/5
  18. Arrowhead


    A small 'challenge' map that completely misses the mark. There are 12 mancubi on platforms arranged in a grid. You need to press 5 switches to lower some platforms, so you can get onto the one platform that teleports you to a small ledge. You then run from the ledge around the map, to the exit. Very easy. Also very easy to complete w/ only a couple of kills. I completed the map w/ only 3 mancubi dead - it would be even easier if I had killed all of them before going through the teleport. Not a great map, 1 star, as the concept does have potential - if executed in a more competent fashion... 1/5
  19. My first map is map03 of this WAD: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/ace-1 I think it turned out alright, I was helped out immensely by my fellow doomers' feedback and their playtesting. Definitely not a map I feel embarrassed about, though! :)
  20. Arrowhead

    Sci-Tech Fortress

    Not terrible by any means, yet not great... There's some obscure progression in this one. Luckily the author warns of this in the readme, but still - if an author has to warn their audience of an issue w/ a map, well, that's a problem in and of itself. Combat is okay, but there is some baron shotgunning that occurs. Okay map. 2.5/5
  21. Trying to remember what Touhou game she's from... edit: Ninja'd :p
  22. Arrowhead


    Tremendously fun little map by Memfis. One of my favorite sub-5 minute maps! There are very little monsters present in this level, but this still makes for a fun challenge. The secret was a bit hard to find, but I finally got lucky by looking at my automap. I'm not sure what Memfis meant by "inspired by NUTS". I don't really see the resemblance in either visuals, or gameplay. Good quick intro type map, give it a try! 5/5
    Very good map for the period. Key doors are clearly marked, textures are (mostly) aligned, and there is decent enemy placement and ammo placement. The only issue I have w/ the map is the progression. This isn't one of those early '94 maps that hides progression behind an unmarked essential door, like so many other maps of the time. It is still just as confusing though. Long hallways and meandering paths make this map difficult to reliably navigate - I found myself going around in circles fairly often. Decent map, nothing crazy, nothing awful. Certainly a map of note for '94, though. 3.5/5
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