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Everything posted by Arrowhead

  1. Getting somewhere w/ MAP07 of Dash CTF.


    I'm gonna put off making 'Beachfront Blitz' til later. This new idea popped in my head a little while ago - so I went w/ doing that first!


    Lots to do so, but it's definitely going well!


    Here's the current automap, and a few screenshots of the current geometry:


    DASH CTF: MAP07: Skyward Struggle:








  2. Haven't been able to sleep nearly at all lately.


    Not entirely sure what's been going on.


    Gonna zap out a quick CTF level for my new pack. I've got a very odd idea - will have to see how it goes!




  3. Unnamed DM Project w/ spwnsh4rk: MAP09: JUNGLE JANGLE


    Got that map's geometry done!


    It's freaking huge!











    Took me 9 hours straight of work nearly.


    Now for @spwnSH4Rk to texture it. All I know is it's gonna be heavily focused on natural textures, being a jungle map, and all.


    Looking forward to it!



    1. taufan99


      Is it just me, or is the automap shaped like...?

    2. Arrowhead


      It's not just you, someone else mentioned that also, haha.


      It doesn't really look like that in game, though - the purple is the play area, the northern part is just decorative.


      Here's an earlier pic I made showing a breakdown.


      Mildly unfortunate but it is what it is!




  4. I like these, have a good sense of humor to them. :)
  5. I love that carpet texture. Looks great! Kick-ass visuals as usual! Incredibly moody looking. Nice work! :D
  6. I'm taking a very brief break from 'Dash CTF'. Still intend on making that 7th level, 'Beachfront Blitz', though!


    I'm making MAP09 for me and @spwnSH4Rk 's new DM project!


    I'm entirely in charge of geometry, he's entirely in charge of texturing! Bit of a dual concept thing going on!


    We mesh pretty well together aesthetically, so here's hoping this works out alright!


    It's gonna be set in a forest / jungle w/ raised houses on stilts - think Ewok village, but not nearly as populated. It'll be a bit of a lonely building or two surrounded by trees.


    Also thinking of adding a shoreline w/ an infinite horizon.


    We'll have to see what happens!




  7. Can't stress this enough. Bad teeth can lead to heart disease, too.
  8. The next level of Dash CTF (MAP07) will be set on a beach; I'm gonna call it 'Beachfront Blitz'.


    Already almost halfway through this pack! I'm aiming for 16 levels!


    I should be done soon!


    If I keep up my pace, and get all the testing done, I'd say 2-3 weeks from now, (maybe a little bit longer than that) there will be a release!


    Off to bed now! Gonna actually try and get some damn sleep tonight!



  9. Here's MAP06 complete! Some texturing may still change! The TITLEPIC may also change, I think it still needs a bit of work! DASH CTF: MAP06: Polar Plunder: The next level will be set on a beach! :D
  10. Looking really good! So lush and 'full' looking! I tried my hand at something similar recently - but yours looks a bit more natural. :)
  11. Genuinely neat little sketches. Grungo do good job.
  12. My preliminary TITLEPIC I've got as a placeholder for my new CTF pack, 'Dash CTF'.


    I kind of like it, it was made using Adobe's 'logo maker' tool - I forgot what it's called. I then edited it all together in Paint.


    I'm no graphic designer, of course, but I think it looks alright.


    I'm still looking for someone to make me a TITLEPIC for this project, so let me know if you know anybody that'd be interested.


    Until then, I'll use this, and I guess if I can't find someone, I'll also use this!


    Any opinions on how to improve this would be nice. I'd like to keep it relatively simple, though.


    So, yeah! Wanted to give a small update!





    1. Arrowhead


      MAP06 is almost complete. Thinking of making a desert or beach level next.


      Something w/ sand, at least. I don't use those textures enough!

  13. I nearly have the geometry done for another the 6th map in my new CTF pack, Dash CTF.


    Calling this one 'Polar Plunder' - there's a subterranean chute, ice, snow, and gigantic industrial heaters!


    Here are some screenshots:






    Obviously nowhere near finished yet, but it was nice to get started!


    Gonna try to take a nap now, see if I can finally sleep!



  14. Still unable to sleep.


    Figured I should start another map, rather than stare at a wall for the next 5 hours.


    I'm feeling some kind of snow level - might whip up a quick CTF layout, finish it later.


    I'll see what happens I guess!




  15. Decided to change the CTF pack's name from 'Fury CTF' to 'Dash CTF'. I like the new name much more! This ended up being quite a large map! Here's MAP05 complete!: MAP05: Fortress Faceoff: It still needs a couple balance tweaks, but I'm glad to be done another map! That's 4 in the last 24 hours - not that it's a race, or anything - I've just been in a super-productive mood this last day! Onto MAP06 - I should probably grab some sleep sometime soon, though! At this pace, I should be done this pack in no time at all! (Also wanted to mention that I'm looking for someone to help me out w/ a new TITLEPIC for this pack, so if that's something you're interesting in doing, hit me up!) :D
  16. Just finished MAP05, (Fortress Faceoff) of 'Dash CTF', my new 16 map CTF pack!


    It's a very large level!


    I'll post pics in the main thread soon!




  17. Gonna call my 50 or so map CTF collection 'Vexillology Anthology'.


    I think it has a decent 'ring' to it.


    I may still change my newest 16 map pack name from 'Fury CTF' to something else...



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arrowhead


      Hmmm, good point. Haha, it is quite close to that...


      I think I'll likely go w/ my back-up name, then: 'Dash CTF'.


      Do you think that sounds better or worse? Not to put you on the spot, just curious!



    3. NeedHealth


      Did you say Dash?


    4. Arrowhead


      Another good point - but I think it sounds better than 'Fury' - I'll prob go w/ this for now, maybe I'll change it again later.


      Thanks, haha



  18. Got another thing going: MAP05 of 'Fury CTF': Skatepark Scamper


    I was making a fort of some kind, but it kind of looked skatepark-ish, so I changed the map name!


    Here are some screenshots:




    Obviously a lot to go, still, but I'm off to a decent start, I think!



  19. Didn't sleep last night! Had to map! Map03: Burn Ward: Map04: Vexillology Violence: Onto map05! I've got a bunch of ideas floating around still! Hopefully, I can get some sleep later on today. Thank goodness it's the weekend! Some textures may change still! But things are going well! :D
  20. MAP04: Vexillology Violence:




    This involves a series of running leaps to get to the flag - you jump across the 4 raised pillars to reach the flag. The flag can also be retrieved via a teleporter that drops you to a higher area, and a raised path that drops you behind the flag.


    Should be fun, I hope. I'm in an insanely productive mood right now!

    I'm already off to a good start! This should be done in 2-3 hours' time, I imagine!



    1. Walter confetti

      Walter confetti

      Cool! What Is this? 1x1 CTF edition?

    2. Arrowhead


      Haha, nope, just my placeholder textures - I'm working on fully texturing it as we speak!


      Such an idea could be cool, though - I want to start experimenting more w/ different themes, so a 1 texture challenge could be fun some time.



  21. Couldn't sleep.


    Time to make a new level!


    Might as well take advantage of this.




  22. Finished the 3rd map for my new CTF pack!


    MAP03: Burn Ward:





    It's late here! I'm off to bed!

    I'll likely rattle another one off tomorrow. In a huge mapping mood right now!


    I also made and completed another map today for a currently unreleased DM project. I'll post pics of that, too, soon enough!



  23. MAP03 of my newest CTF pack is going well so far. Finally got this roof how I wanted it:




  24. Back to some CTF! I think I posted one of these shots in a status a long while back. Gonna make a 12-16 map CTF pack, and then tack it onto my existing 34 CTF maps - make some kind of 50 or so map CTF 'collection'. Here are the first 2 levels of the new content: MAP01: Core Complex MAP02: Purification Facility Using GZDOOM: D2 in Hex, so it should be good for ZDaemon, as well as Zandronum! :)
  25. Hey everyone, We will be playing this pack again this weekend! (Sunday) See this post for more details! We'll be splitting this into 3 parts! Our weekly events are open to all! No password, friendly and casual! Come stop by, if you have the chance! :D
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