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Maximum Matt

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About Maximum Matt

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  1. So 'liminal' means '-nomonsters' k got it
  2. Imagine a mod where the enemies can pick up the sphere items when they walk over them - have a cyberdemon or an arch-vile standing right behind a blur sphere or an invun sphere, that would be a unique challenge
  3. Maximum Doom is some Frank Zappa-type shit
  4. Man, the guys who died in the first room of E1M1 failed pretty hard didn't they?
  5. Whoa. That's a lot. Uhhhhh.... why are there three types of marine corpses, then?
  6. Because Adrian was a bit sleepy
  7. Waaaaaaaitaminute, there's like twelve bodies in the cyberdemon room
  8. It was glorious. You're too young to understand.
  9. I once entered a pun competition, I submitted ten puns. I thought at least one of them would win, but no pun in ten did.
  10. I didn't mean to cause confusion there, I'm just thinking of that Moonwalker game from way back when, and some kind of Michael Jackson Doom would be honestly awesome.
  11. I am TOTALLY down with a gimmick account that consists entirely of Arnie quotes.
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