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About mewbusi

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  1. A Nuclear Throne Total Conversion Mod: To explain, Nuclear Throne for an April Fools update back in 2014 did a "FPS" version of the game. The mode was discarded after April, but recently there was a mod made that replicates it with the current version. https://golden-epsilon.itch.io/nuclear-throne-3d However the FPS mode is much closer to something like Wolfenstein instead of anything close to Doom. I would kill for a Doom/DoomII total conversion however, and if I wasn't currently working on a separate FPS project I would love to work on it myself.
  2. Well, here is my "review" sorry for the wait. Its hard to find time to do editing when other stuff keeps coming up.
  3. Just got to fit your dick between the crack in the cerebellum
  4. D2, and just a little bit of C2 The red dots are Cacodemons hidden in a monster closet. It slightly takes up C2, but they weren't at all using that space. The green dot is a rocket launcher on the top of the spire from TF2. If you can do a circular slope go ahead, but otherwise feel free to use steps. The switch is there to raise the spire to allow you to reach the rocket launcher at the peak of the spire that is already up. However pulling the switch also opens the walls to let the cacodemons loose. So you got to make a mad dash up to grab the rocket launcher before they swarm you. An open air room with the doorways leading to D1 and E2 being sheer cliffs if it works with those rooms.
  5. Well, since I've already had time to cycle through the 5 stages of grief and finally landed in acceptance. I'll see about giving this a read.
  6. Well Tova, I was looking to play some maps for review sometime this week anyway.
  7. Glad that my review and commentary helped. As for disabling jumping, and even crouching this thread might help Also while doombuilder 2 is pretty good it might also be a good idea to look at GZ doom Builder
  8. Took a look at the 2 map wad, made a vid with my playthought and commentary.
  9. I've done something vile haven't I? "Spurious"
  10. From the Doom Wiki on Commander Keen in Doom 2
  11. There you go, you now have a separate option for John's head. And yes this is only Doom 2 monsters. As for the fact that it is just a head. Keep in mind that the Lost Souls are just skulls.
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