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About Apprentice

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  1. Then do something else for a few days, hell even a few weeks. Work on another area of the map or some other (non-Doom) projects, play some other games and pick it up again some time later. You'll notice that your perspective will have changed so that you can tackle that which didn't work the first time. That's what I have done and still doing and with twenty years of experience in making maps for various games, no map of mine ever had the same approach and development pattern . . .
  2. In the 90's it was something of a "successor" to Wolfenstein 3D and the fact that you could play the game in multiplayer. That last part is what got me hooked . . .
  3. Deliberately posts an image without the titles and such . . .
  4. GTK Radiant still in development ?? I thought it was ceased years ago, its been eons since I last heard anything through their channels . . .
  5. Merry Christmas I haven't received anything yet, presents are opened later today when the whole family is together (to much annoyance of jr. :X) . . .
  6. Tried it today, died 10 times in the first area of the first level in UV. This wad is not for me . . . Will play it later this week with cheats and nomonsters to see the levels architecture but more then that, no.
  7. On some days a divine being, on others just a steamtrain * Tuut tuut *
  8. You're forgetting availability. It's still fairly easy to obtain the game for a few bucks and that for a game released in the early nineties. A lot of games released between then and now have disappeared into obscurity, even with today's distribution platforms . . .
  9. I'm looking forward to it and although I shouldn't, I have been watching some of his Youtube videos where he makes some of the maps (E6M4 and E6M6) and some aspects of it makes me fearfull (the use of custom textures and another Cyberdemon maze :/) . . .
  10. Often enough, depends on other things that I have to do . . .
  11. DOOM Retro Woof! PRBoom+ Just finished up the compatible version of my map Variations 1-21. With the exception of Chocolate Doom, this version works for the majority of non-Zdoom ports. This version can be downloaded from Nexusmods.
  12. Less then 2 GB and that is including all the base IWAD's, several editors (Doombuilder, WinZeth, Slade, Eureka) and some source ports. There are other locations available where I have stored DOOM related things . . .
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