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About Chipper35

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  1. I received a thanks (on GoFundMe) from Laz a couple of weeks ago. I'd made 2 modest donations. It was good to hear from him. I wish he would check in here.
  2. Maybe this has been covered and I missed it, but I think it's sad that 'News' here is largely a dead item. The forums are fantastic, but having a publication that is focused on -- "Here is good stuff that is happening and you should be aware of it"...properly curated and all.......was such a good thing. Any thoughts?
  3. Any replies....? Anything?? Bueller??
  4. And, not to be a goober, but: There is the ENTIRE UNIVERSE of Abandonware sites....... with ancient DOS games on them. I finally made friends with DOSBox and it also has a cool front-end (DeFend Re-loaded).........
  5. I think it is a hair harder than Doom as well.......but: I've also developed a new found love for it..... I think over half the levels are just brilliant (although secrets can be quite hard to find on your own....QUITE hard!) I think the true jackpot of Freedoom is that it largely stands on its own to feet as a game that is truly fun to play!
  6. You have to become friends with DehackEd and Slade 3...........
  7. If this is covered elsewhere, please point me to it............. at Doomworld /idgames database, the upload form has a field: "Update for" (or something like that)........ I'd like to do a couple of very minor tweaks to my mod I uploaded there some time back (haven't finished said tweaks yet)...... Has anyone ever done this? Is it frowned upon? Any examples of good vs. bad on this?
  8. I'm pretty sure that can be found here: https://www.indiedb.com/mods/the-ultimatefreedoom/downloads
  9. I know this is jerkish, but I can live with it: Any time anyone asks a question using moralistic terms, e.g. "Is X bad?" ----- I always answer yes. Because (unless you're making sure about murder or rape) if you come to a place like this to find out if something is 'bad', I feel sorry for you. What matters about the answer? Seriously? If it is 'bad', then what does that mean in your life? You are 'bad' for using game saves......? Seriously.....? You have to check with others to get that answer....? Really?! Pathetic.
  10. Yes....... Happy Yuletide stuff to one and all!!
  11. I'm not a modding super star, but there is SO MUCH that can be done in this game now design-wise......3-D models hardly scratch the surface. Just the ability to create worlds within worlds.........
  12. OK. That's cool. I'll go ahead and make it happen. I know he's in a rough spot, but I wish we could hear something from him....... There has GOT TO BE some way for this dude to connect with a group of stable people, at least. The cost of living in California is insane. But if he just had a cluster of people........... I feel for the guy. I mean, heck: A Salvation Army would put a roof over his head 7 hours a day.
  13. He has posted a bit of info at another topic here this year, but not much. I just messaged him here and via email. I will share any reply I receive. I'm worried about the guy.
  14. I intend to make a modest donation to his Go Fund Me...... I just need some level of confirmation that the $ is still going to him....... I feel for this guy, I do.
  15. Laz: Can we get an update? We haven't heard from you in a while.....
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