Here's my third map! It's another single level. I went for a tech-base with a natural mountain terrain outside. I added a night themed skybox to give the player a cozy vibe. There are several outdoor areas so you'll be headed back and forth inside and outside. I was going to make 3 levels within this wad but changed my mind. I'd rather just release single maps for the time being.
I'm sorry but you'll have to use GZDoom because of some custom stuff I added. Freelook, crouching, and jumping aren't required for my maps and never will be.
Turn your music up because there's an absolute banger of a track during the map, a MIDI version of Freightliner by Hot Water Music.
The title screen song is "Cavern" from RuneScape, and the intermission music is "The Forlorn Homestead" from RuneScape as well.