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About Benpaste

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  1. I play on Smite-Meister/Black Plague, and I don't find that I die too much - it's just pumping through all the tanky monsters that makes it boring to me.
  2. It's so disappointing in so many ways - it's like the devs tried copying Doom without knowing what made Doom so fun to play. Weapons are underpowered, ammo is scarce, and the sound design is the polar opposite of 'punchy'. Levels are symmetrical, and filled with way too many monsters for the flimsy weapons you have. Textures are reused far too often, resulting in additional confusion while navigating. Many lack any kind of climax. Enemies are confusing (ghost variants, projectile variants), and have way too much health. The worst thing is that it could've worked really well - there's bits and pieces of a really cool game in there (I LOVE when you get a new weapon and Corvus does his evil little laugh). Does anyone else feel this way? Or am I just a complete grouch that needs to learn to have some fun...
  3. Thanks very much! I love your 'Visual Language of Doom Maps' video. Thanks for the heads up! I'm noticing loads and loads of addenda I'm going to have to make at some point in the future... The biggest being that I forgot to include pressing Ctrl+D to draw.
  4. Hi, I made a quick and concise mapping tutorial series for any people new to Doom and/or making maps. Spread them around if you think they're good, and feedback is very much appreciated!
  5. It makes me super uncomfortable, and just feels wrong... Even in other id Tech 1 games like MM8BDM it feels really weird, just like freelook.
  6. Quake 1-3, Team Fortress 2, Heretic (does that count?), and Blood. Would have to agree :)
  7. Just bumping this thread to add that I've started a little tutorial series for any complete newbies to mapping :) I tried to be as concise as possible.
  8. Sorry for the confusion. I've updated the site to say that they're ideally for the Doom 2 IWAD.
  9. Sure thing, will do. Thanks! You can make as many as you'd like.
  10. Just a map, that's all. It's oriented towards beginners, but veteran wadders are very welcome too!
  11. Hello all! I'm trying to get a mapping contest going, and would love if some Doomworld folk took part :) Full rules can be found at https://benpastedoomcontest.neocities.org/ Email your submissions to bendoomcontest@gmail.com! PLAYTHROUGHS WILL BE STREAMED LIVE AT http://twitch.tv/benpaste
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