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  1. Links work fine, haven't seen that version of Gold Medallion Software before.
  2. Now I'm thinking on a Doom Mod which after certain amount of encounters you get a Shiny Cacodemon, Pinky, Cyberdemon, Archvile, etc per map. If you didn't find any, just restart the map.
  3. This doesn't belong here. This post should be from a 90's magazine. And therefore rumors, and therefore Youtube videos about rumors from 90's magazines.
  4. The box and manuals seems fine. But those labels of those floppies are really off.
  5. I consider this is a good contribution. Never saw those until today. Also I like the HMV Promo release.
  6. I'm not a programmer but I really like what programming can accomplish. And I like seeing creative people doing magic with it.
  7. I did the same thing a few months ago. But I've only shared the screens, no commercial exe/wads.
  8. I've played this wad at least between 2020-2021, but it could had been made before that date. It was a map with very abstract and unusual architecture (I think it was a kind of techbase) and had a lot of zombiemans/former humans, at the point they've become very deadly in the way they were distributed alongside the map. Found: Toxicity.
  9. Added Gold Medallion Software v1.666 release.
  10. Feel free to do it, they look great! Also currently Gregor Punchatz is making a recreation of them:
  11. Sure, any contribution is welcome! https://tcrf.net/Doom_(PC,_1993)/Revisional_Differences#General.2FTechnical_Differences these are the changes in game regarding their version.
  12. Well officially there's version differences between 1.0 to 1.9. Regarding the floppy disks distributions, sometimes it's just different label and same installers, in this archive I'm just preserving those which the installers are different.
  13. Thanks! Jealous for what? Yes, you have it right mostly. Doom II and Ultimate Doom were 5 floppies.
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