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Everything posted by Shepardus

  1. If I could just mod it into the menu and have the cvar save like any other video setting, I wouldn't have anything to complain about. That it doesn't save seems to me to cause more problems than it solves. Or, more accurately, I don't understand what problems it solves. I can get behind the options being relegated to the console and understand the motivation behind that (even though changing the default is really the part that's doing the heavy lifting in the changes made), but why even the console option seems to be designed to prevent its use is beyond me.
  2. The first words of the trailer and the video description literally state that it's a prequel.
  3. The thing is, you can't actually do that. Sure, you can add the option back to the menu, there's already a mod that does that, but since the option doesn't save that's not much use to any gameplay modder, or for anyone using it for anything other than one-off debugging. They would either have an option in their menu that for some reason has to be reconfigured every time players launch the game, unlike all the other settings they added, or would have to update their mod instructions from "set this menu option once" to "create a text file outside the game and add this command to it, and God help you if you don't know what an autoexec.cfg file is or what a text editor is."
  4. Would recommend checking this thread to see what people like if you don't have anything specific in mind.
  5. I don't remember if this is still an issue on Windows, but you should open the Windows volume mixer (right-click the volume icon in the taskbar) and check if it's muted the Crispy Doom process. Aside from that I'm not sure what the issue might be (never used VirtualMidiSynth myself). If your goal is just to use a specific soundfont, Crispy Doom supports Fluidsynth as one of the MIDI playback options nowadays, so if you select Fluidsynth in the setup program it should give you the choice to select a soundfont directly.
  6. I've never touched Grezzo 2 myself, but it sounds like it mounted some disk images somehow? You should be able to right-click on the drives in Windows Explorer and click Eject.
  7. I wouldn't mind telling someone to go to the menu to change a setting if I didn't have to tell them to change it every time they launch the game.
  8. Is there a way for a gameplay mod to set gl_maplightmode programmatically? I tried playing around with it a bit, but it seems to me it can only be set from menus, and since the CVAR isn't archived that would mean asking people to go into the menu to set it every session (or autoexec it/set up a keybind), hardly a seamless experience compared to the control mappers have.
  9. It's been fixed, but unless you're using a dev build you don't have the fix, since there hasn't been a 4.12.3 or 4.13 release yet.
  10. There are actor flags for flipping sprites, you can use some code to randomly set those. Nash Gore has a feature to randomly mirror corpses, you may want to take a look at that for an example.
  11. I have a WAD on my computer that just has the lumps: MAP01 TEXTMAP ZNODES ENDMAP MAP02 TEXTMAP ZNODES ENDMAP ... and so on through MAP05. What exactly do you mean by "it does not load the second map"? Does the game crash? Does it load Underhalls instead?
  12. You need to have pitch shifting enabled in your sound options for it to take effect.
  13. There's an ongoing HD sprites project, no monster sprites though:
  14. What Linux distribution are you using? If you're using Debian or a distro based on it such as Ubuntu, it should be in the package manager, and if you're using Arch it's in the AUR. I believe there's a Copr package for Fedora too. If you're not using one of those you probably just have to build it from source. There are guides for building on Windows and Mac, and this old guide for building PrBoom+ on Linux (most of which still holds for dsda-doom, but the list of dependencies is a bit out of date).
  15. What about gameplay mods, e.g. DarkDoomZ and LiTDoom?
  16. widgets/noto/notosans-regular.ttf is within gzdoom.pk3, so I have no idea why it wouldn't be able to find that file if it's able to find gzdoom.pk3...
  17. Undo your change to the DOOMWADDIR environment variable in Flatseal, the default value for the Flatpak is DOOMWADDIR=/app/share/games/doom and I think that's how GZDoom finds gzdoom.pk3 (via the Path=$DOOMWADDIR in the FileSearch.Directories config).
  18. Paths on Linux are case-sensitive, so make sure you're consistent with the capitalization of WADs/WADS.
  19. Hmm, I don't see anything obviously wrong with that. Would you mind sharing your gzdoom.ini under "[IWADSearch.Directories]" (taking care not to confuse it with "[FileSearch.Directories]" or "[SoundfontSearch.Directories]"), and also your Flatpak filesystem permissions? Here's how I have mine set up: gzdoom.ini [IWADSearch.Directories] Path=. Path=$DOOMWADDIR Path=$HOME/.config/gzdoom Path=$HOME/.local/share/games/doom Path=/usr/local/share/doom Path=/usr/local/share/games/doom Path=/usr/share/doom Path=/usr/share/games/doom Path=$HOME/Doom/share/iwad (The last line is the only one I added.) Flatpak permissions (output from "flatpak info --show-permissions org.zdoom.GZDoom") filesystems=/tmp;~/Doom/share:ro;~/.local/share/soundfonts:ro;~/Desktop:ro; (I gave access to specific directories rather than the whole home directory, and :ro means read-only.)
  20. You can set gameplay flags at startup with an autoexec.cfg file. Either set all the flags with dmflags/dmflags2, or set individual flags by name. For freelook specifically it's probably easier to turn "Always Mouselook" off in mouse options.
  21. PrBoom+ isn't MBF21 compatible anyway, so the HUD is the least of the problems you'll have running Judgment in that port.
  22. No, decorations like torches and trees have a height of 8, but monsters, the player, etc. have proper heights.
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