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Everything posted by Shepardus

  1. Don't know of such a mod off the top of my head, but decino has an interactive visualization here that may help you understand the behavior: https://decino.nl/projects/bfg9000-visualiser
  2. Hope someone has the patience for Long Road, No Turns MAP01 someday. Most of it shouldn't be hard for the more skilled players here (i.e. not me), it's just long, and the cyberdemon section can be scary for how late in the map it is. I also want to see Junkfood Map 69 done Tyson - there's a berserk pack in the level, it's just asking for it.
  3. Played through the first two maps. Love the wireframe aesthetic, though it can get hard to look at for extended periods in a Firerainbow sort of way. FYI there seem to be some issues with the dehacked in GZDoom, the enemies still drop ammo/weapons like zombiemen/shotgunners. Also I'd recommend embedding the dehacked into the WAD for convenience, since every MBF21-compatible port I know of also supports embedded dehacked lumps.
  4. Would the Gill Beasts from Blood work?
  5. The camera's height is positioned at half the player's height about 3/4 the player's height (41 units out of 56), which would be like having eyes in your chest, or just being very short. If you're using GZDoom it is possible to mod the view height; myhouse, for example, does that.
  6. I've played halfway through this (just finished MAP15 with the secret exit) and I'm loving it! The theming is top-notch, and the levels are distinctive without outstaying their welcome. I have only the most minor of nitpicks, which is that the string "This statue is missing it's head" should be "its" without the apostrophe.
  7. Complevel does not override OPTIONS (aside from OPTIONS being disabled for non-MBF complevels). Complevel determines whether OPTIONS is available and sets the defaults, but OPTIONS will override those defaults regardless of whether the complevel was set by -complevel, COMPLVL, or the menu option.
  8. The numbers in the sprite names are supposed to correspond to rotation angles, with 1 being head-on and 2-8 being the other angles at 45-degree increments. Multiple numbers in the name are used for sprites that are mirrored when looking from the other side. Your WAD has sprites labeled BHOPA1, BHOPA1A8, BHOPA1A7, BHOPA1A6, BHOPB1, etc. The way you've labeled it, you have multiple sprites for angle 1 but none for 2-5. Since your barrels have the same sprite for all angles, you can use the number 0 instead of 1-8. Reference: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Sprite
  9. @el macho gaming way to resurrect a thread from eight years ago for an unrelated question. Current Freedoom assets and the history of changes can always be found at the GitHub repo; music is under the "musics" directory.
  10. I've been using this too, it's quite helpful for telling me about wikis I didn't know about as well as redirecting me to ones I did know about but don't turn up on top of search results. Link for the lazy: https://getindie.wiki/
  11. Here's a dehacked that makes every monster able to be resurrected, perhaps you can take a look at it and figure out how: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/utils/exe_edit/patches/resur
  12. That's the sound a lift makes when it stops. Usually if you hear that without anything visibly happening it's from a line triggering something that has already happened. In the video you linked, the lines of the circle trigger a monster teleport trap when you grab the rocket launcher. The lines are set to trigger once (W1 Floor To Lowest Adjacent Floor), but that's each line, so only the first line you cross actually does anything and the rest just play the sound of lowering a floor.
  13. Sometimes it's nice to play a map and know you're not going to be ambushed by arch-viles.
  14. They're the same according to the Doom Wiki. The XBLA/BFG Edition WAD, though you'll also see runs done on a patched version that moves the levels to start on MAP12 so the secret level could be played in the right order before source ports had implemented support for NRftL (and before UMAPINFO was a thing).
  15. dsda-doom should be able to run the WAD. I can't think of a reason you'd be getting a HOM at the start... How are you running it? Command line? Through a launcher? Command line would look something like "dsda-doom -iwad doom.wad -file 2002ad10.wad"
  16. From your screenshot it appears you have Doom II but not Doom 1/Ultimate Doom. 2002ADO is made for Ultimate Doom. Freedoom is a set of IWADs, i.e. a replacement for doom.wad, not doom.exe or Doomsday or PrBoom+. Your Linux distro's package manager may have packaged Freedoom with a source port, and that source port may be PrBoom+ or some other port, but Freedoom itself is not a source port. "Phase 1" is the Freedoom version of Ultimate Doom (doom.wad), which is why you can run 2002ADO with it. "Phase 2" is the Freedoom version of Doom II (doom2.wad). By the way, PrBoom+ is no longer maintained. It's been succeeded by dsda-doom. Some distros have a package available for dsda-doom, and building from source is also an option. There are also a variety of other source ports available for Linux, such as Woof (which has an AppImage available so it should be easy to run on most Linux systems), GZDoom (has Ubuntu packages, a portable build, and a Flatpak if you have Flatpak set up on your system), and really, most source ports can be run on Linux, though how many of them have prebuilt binaries available varies by distro.
  17. They're available as add-ons for either Doom or Doom II, so while you will have to buy one of them again, it'll probably cost the same as it would have had it been a separate purchase. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Official_add-ons
  18. Sprites clipping through the floor (visually) is a flaw of hardware renderers, not the sprites themselves. Software renderers draw sprites over the floor even if part of them are sunk into the floor. If you're using GZDoom, you can try adjusting the sprite clipping option in the hardware renderer settings, for some reason loading the WAD seems to affect whatever logic GZDoom uses to handle this sprite. Edit: It looks like GZDoom defines its own sprite offsets, which is why you don't see the dead marine clip through the floor normally, even with "adjust sprite clipping" set to "never," but this goes away as soon as you load a new sprite over it, even if that sprite is identical to the one from the IWAD.
  19. decino did a video on autoaim, which is the only deep dive into the autoaim system that I've seen:
  20. I knew what this was going to be before I clicked on it, but I was still shocked by the "13 years ago" under the video. Where did all that time go???
  21. Doom CE has sprites for the enemies that aren't present in Doom 64 (some videos here), might be nice to include those with d64-gfx.wad instead of using the Mother Demon as the arch-vile. (Edit: The Doom CE arch-vile is in fact the one by DrPyspy that OP linked.)
  22. Hmm, in that case I'm not sure. Maybe you have mouselook enabled but have the view pitch (how much you can look up/down) turned to 0? Hard to say without seeing your config file. dsda-doom can be downloaded from the link in this post. There's a guide here but it's mostly about speedrunning usage, and if you're coming from PrBoom+ it should feel familiar anyway. (Note that the config file does not carry over, I would not recommend copying it directly.)
  23. It's pretty common for Brutal Doom to break maps that weren't made for it, especially if they make any gameplay alterations of their own. I don't have a list of everything that may break in the Wormwood series, but the map you mentioned is an example of that. I would expect there to be more things breaking the further you get into the series, since the custom stuff and clever trickery only gets more elaborate. Even stuff that doesn't break outright may be poorly balanced or may not make sense when heavily altered by gameplay mods, since they're designed around the peculiarities of vanilla mechanics and may require taking advantage of said mechanics in unconventional ways (MAP03 of Wormwood: Expanded Universe comes to mind...). The default behavior in GZDoom is to allow jumping, and WADs have to explicitly disallow jumping through MAPINFO. Wormwood was made to be played in Boom-compatible ports like PrBoom+ that don't have jumping to begin with, so there was no need to disable jumping for them; it's implicit from the target source ports.
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