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Everything posted by Shepardus

  1. If you manually change configs in the file (i.e. open the ini file in Notepad, make some changes, and save it), do those configs get read into the game, and does Zandronum overwrite those changes after quitting?
  2. There are a couple grenade launchers on Realm 667, including one specifically named "M79."
  3. The Quake Brutalist Jams produced a lot of cool maps, I'd love to see what we can do with Doom in that theme. If Dark Scythe can get away with 40+ Dead Simple clones, anything is possible!
  4. I don't think Woof and dsda-doom are significantly different in performance (at least when talking about software rendering, dsda-doom's OpenGL renderer is a different matter). If you want to control your CPU usage the most important thing to do would be to set a framerate cap, otherwise any performance improvements would go toward more frames rather than lower resource usage.
  5. That's a bug, was fixed earlier today: https://github.com/ZDoom/gzdoom/commit/3bc54d3757dc866d1509f29dd4bc3e4614441d53 FYI, monsters not seeing you is a ZDoom-ism, the partial invisibility sphere originally didn't do that. There's a compatibility flag for it, "monsters see invisible players."
  6. Similar thread from a couple days ago: My answer at least would be the same as what I shared in that thread.
  7. MBF21 consists of mapping features as well as Dehacked features (for creating custom weapons, enemies, etc.). For the Dehacked stuff, you should pick up DECOHack, which has already been linked. If you've used DECORATE in ZDoom, DECOHack's syntax should feel familiar. Might also be worth reading this post which Xaser recently wrote in response to another thread: For mapping in MBF21, choose "MBF21: Doom 2 (Doom format)" as the configuration in UDB. "DSDADoom: Doom 2 (UDMF)" as pictured above is a different format specific to dsda-doom and not other MBF21 ports (though I think GZDoom can also read it?). If you're familiar with Boom mapping, MBF21 is mostly the same with a few additional features like instakill floors.
  8. Chillax is impossible to beat because by the time you get good enough to beat it, you realize that you've got better things to do than place a plagiarized monster spam WAD on a pedestal because someone said it's the "hardest wad."
  9. In the Doom Bible it was actually intended for the player to change color based on the weapon they were holding, but this was never implemented (the palette swaps were instead used for the different players in multiplayer games): https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_Bible#Weapons
  10. As others have stated, that's just how you operate a break action shotgun. Granted, the animation skips over the part where the hand would grab shells and bring them behind the gun, so it looks like the left hand teleports from holding the front of the gun to loading shells in the rear, but that's more of a timing issue than the frames themselves being wrong.
  11. Your WAD contains a lot of resources duplicated from the IWAD, and also a bunch of map-related lumps (THINGS, LINEDEFS, SIDEDEFS, etc.) without any map marker to make them actually part of a map (dunno if these are also copied from doom2.wad Edit: Yeah they are just Doom 2 maps with the map markers removed). You should spend some time cleaning that up if you don't want mods to remove your download link. Better yet, start with an empty WAD and add in just the stuff you modify/create, instead of copying the entire IWAD and making modifications on top of that. It'd be easier to manage and wouldn't run afoul of copyright, not to mention it would save people from downloading resources they already have.
  12. Thanks for including screenshots, especially of the title screen, I needed to know whether this featured Dante from the Devil May Cry series. But uh, did you forget to include a download link?
  13. Search hasn't worked for any posts made since December, and the Downloads/Reviews section hasn't worked since... 2018?
  14. The WAD fraggle mentioned earlier (ffi_b) has a cool, if a bit limited, workaround. Recommend checking that out if you missed it. Screenshot for the lazy:
  15. Even when they work right, they're too out of the way to capture people's off the cuff shower thoughts.
  16. You can use F8 by default to toggle messages on/off. This shortcut works across source ports and in vanilla (it's in the help screen!).
  17. What came first, the spectre or the blur sphere?
  18. 150 Line Massacre has secret golden skulls that count toward the item percentage.
  19. The problem that you stated isn't that you save too much, it's that you load too much. Of course playing without saves is one way to deal with that since you've got nothing to load, but you don't have to go that far either. I generally try not to reload unless I die, even if I take way more damage in a fight than I should have. Most maps, I find, give enough leeway to make mistakes like that. It may help to have something else manage your saves automatically so your mind isn't constantly occupied by these saves as a point to return to. More often than not, I play without actual save files and rely on dsda-doom/Nugget Doom's rewind system to carry me back to the beginning of a fight when I die. In GZDoom you can use the Autoautosave mod to create saves according to certain rules, including many of the suggestions people have listed in this thread such as time, key pickups, kill thresholds, etc. and also skip saving at critical health so you don't automatically save yourself into a corner (there's a lot of options so if it's overwhelming just start simple and save based on time only or something).
  20. The kind of WAD that bores me is one that does nothing unusual and plays things safe for fear of triggering someone's pet peeve.
  21. First of all, Scythe 2 is notorious for its difficulty spike, specifically at the very map you're on, so don't feel bad for lowering the difficulty level or just dropping the WAD for now. I enjoy maxing levels, but I think it's a bit much to expect level designers to make everything accessible at all times no matter what you do prior. I wouldn't block stuff off just for the hell of it, but there are good reasons for not allowing players to backtrack, and I don't think creators should have to make concessions for a particular style of playing the game. Ancient Aliens MAP16 is one example that gets brought up in discussions like this; thematically it just wouldn't make sense for the player to be able to backtrack in that map, and skillsaw very intentionally didn't allow players to backtrack even though most other maps in the WAD are backtrack-friendly. Sometimes I'll noclip to the last few monsters if they're just random stragglers I missed, sometimes I'll just move on and forget about it. If I miss secrets it's a good excuse for me to replay the WAD in the future; remember that you don't have to play a WAD just once if you enjoyed it.
  22. Sunder For People Who Don't Have Time To Play Sunder: Tetraptykon: Junkfood series (earlier maps tend to be more accessible than later ones):
  23. By asking your parents nicely, using these exact words.
  24. No reason one can't exist, but as far as I know nobody's followed through in building a Doom editor for Android. You're still better off than if you were on iOS, at least you can play Doom WADs.
  25. Pardon the rant, I'm writing this for the next time this comes up too. This is footage of id Software playing their own game during development. You can see that they are playing on a 4:3 display with the stretching that you would get when you enable aspect ratio correction in a modern source port. Am I supposed to believe that id was playing their own game wrong, and that Doom was intended to be played at a 16:10 aspect ratio which was rare to nonexistent at the time? People really need to stop cherry-picking the fireball sprites whenever this topic comes up, when there's so much evidence to the contrary (I don't mean just you, others have made this same argument too). Non-square pixels was common practice at the time; many other DOS games do this too, as well as arcade games where the standard configuration should be clear. Though it's strange in today's LCD world, this is something that CRTs handle just fine. The fireball sprites are tiny (which means not much room to adjust the dimensions and make them look good), always in motion (which means most players aren't going to stop and count the pixels on their 320x200 CRTs to make sure they're perfectly circular), and lack rotational sprites (which means they don't need to be consistent with themselves, like the mancubus example in the wiki). If you need another example that's not already in the wiki, take a look at the rocket explosion graphics; these are larger sprites, and are sized to appear circular with aspect ratio correction, but oval without, in direct contrast to the fireball sprites:
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