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About jmac

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  1. Everything you're saying makes it pretty clear you don't respect their privacy though. The mapper's private life isn't "part of the mystery". From the looks of it, it was never intended to be. It's fucked up to be disappointed that they don't want people dredging up private details of their life over a doom map.
  2. Last couple months has been pretty hectic for me, so i haven't had the time/energy to get my map past the planning stages yet. After this week however, things should be slowing down, and i'm planning to have something concrete to show by the end of the month.
  3. The first Doomium was fantastic. Gonna be starting this one up right away.
  4. If true, then fair enough. I haven't been following the project closely. Surely you can see why saying that you "literally" never put in any effort would leave a bad impression though.
  5. Yet you're currently leading a community project. Cool. Glad i didn't join that one
  6. Not so much related to descent 3, but I feel the need to thank you for introducing me to the source ports for descent 1 & 2. I loved the first game before I had even heard of doom, and somehow didn't know these existed til today.
  7. Just finished playing through this, and it's really something else. The open layout made it feel like I was playing a horror-drenched version of Lost Civilisation, and the atmosphere was incredible. With the exception of maybe Countrycide, this is the only wad that's actually made me feel a bit afraid. The reveal at the end is the stuff of nightmares, though you can avoid the cyberdemons almost entirely once you know what you're doing (on HMP at least, haven't tried UV yet).
  8. Damage is already scaled down for ITYTD, and there's no difficulty where the seargent can come even close to 1-shotting a player.
  9. I managed to beat the first map after about 10 minutes of trying, and I felt pretty good about that. My pride fizzled out though when I realized it was titled "the warmup".
  10. I looked up what this gnome acheivement is, and i'm still baffled why anyone would want this. Whenever i've seen an acheivment pop up while playing a game, it's only ever been a mild annoyance to me.
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