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tei tenga

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About tei tenga

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  1. the released version can be found in its thread:
  2. I'm so psyched to show up in the promising newcomers section! What an excellent write-up. I feel an embarrassing amount of artistic pride when a reviewer really seems to 'get' my WAD. Thanks everyone
  3. I updated the download link in the OP with a new version that just fixes some missing textures (thanks for reporting them) and tweaks the final fight a bit. Cheers
  4. friend!! you came to my party! I played through Doom Zero, but I've never heard of Nihility. That Wad and Never are clearly barking up the same tree
  5. I certainly need to do a roundup of these missing textures
  6. Yeah, I've noticed that. There are some custom textures (made from the OG patches) and the different source ports seems to have different ideas about whether or not the new or old textures get priority. It seems to happen particularly often with switches. Thanks for the QA @Drywtler!
  7. Thanks for the kind words! Special thanks @Dub Bag for making a video. It's a thrill to see how people react to this in real time
  8. Finally ready to call this 1.0! NEVER uses mostly vanilla assets to create an atmosphere that I think you'll find unique and oppressive (but in a fun way). There is some old-school DEHACKED nonsense to keep it fresh. DETAILS IWAD: Doom2 Intended port: Crispy Doom or the Unity port. GZDoom and Zandronum work too. Intended difficulty: About Doom2-level. Nothing crazy. Length: Six Maps. My goal is to have something beatable in an afternoon or two. Freelook: not intended, but whatever Jumping: no Pistol Start: Yes, besides maps 5 and 6 (Never Ending 1 & 2) which are meant to be played as one unit. GETTING THE MUSIC WORKING IN CRISPY DOOM - Open up the crispy-doom-setup.exe in the crispy doom directory. - Set music to MIDI/MP3/OGG/FLAC THANKS - The developers of WhackEd, Slade, Ultimate Doom Builder, GIMP, and Bitwig Studio - Whomever made this great texture pack using the OG patches - Mekworx for the small font DOWNLOAD OST
  9. well shit, that's 2 for 2 levels that were too complicated to figure out. The fact that you found the secret but not the intended route makes it clear that there is a problem with the map. I'm not sure how to clarify what's going on in this one. I'll have to think about it. Thanks for giving it a shot!
  10. Thanks so much for your encouragement! The pistol really is two rapid shots. The projectile doesn't really hurt. This point and the fact that the teleporter on level 1 are so hard to read certainly need to be addressed.
  11. @Biodegradable thank you so much, this video is going to be really helpful. I clearly need to make the teleport in the first map more enticing. For a hint as to how the pistol works: keep an eye on your ammo when you fire it.
  12. I apologize if this has been asked a million times, but what qualifies as a cacoward eligible? Anything that runs in GZDoom? I loved the atmosphere of this one, and as far as I know development stopped in the 2021 window: I'd call this a mod rather than a WAD though.
  13. Yo,
    I saw your name on the playtesters list. I humbly request some feedback on my WAD if you have an hour or so.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tei tenga

      tei tenga

      All three difficulty levels are present.

    3. Biodegradable


      Good stuff, man. I played it on UV. Just currently waiting for my footage to finish uploading to YouTube so I can share it in the thread.

    4. tei tenga

      tei tenga

      That was fast. Thanks kindly!

  14. I love the SNES version of the soundtrack. The "guitar" sounds so raunchy and it's all drenched in reverb.
  15. I fixed the GZDoom bugs with the weapons plus a couple of other small things. I'm leaving the tracers in for now, because I'm still not emotionally ready to give up on a cool idea that isn't ultimately practical. I did make them disappear faster, so maybe they won't look so projectile-y? I played through in GZDoom and I can verify that everything works. I'm using reshade and man it looks cool
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