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About Lemonlytical

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  1. Finally chose to make a Doomworld thread for this Project! Over the past 2 years, I have worked on this project on and off and am seeking play testers to help improve the currently finished maps! Tribulation is a boom compatible wad, it stars a Lone marine hired to restore a recently infested base after a catastrophic accident, further story nonsense is included in the zip file. The project is structured around 3 episodes, the first in the present, the second in the late future and the third is a secret for now! As of now, Maps 1, 2, 5 and 6 are in need of playtesting, the remaining maps are in development and are still broken, however those remaining maps will be finished soon. If you are able to give it a shot, please do, this is my first actual project that I have gotten serious work done on so I am excited to hear what people think about it! Screenshots- If you are interested in playtesting, please add me on discord, my username is "lemonlytical" Thank you :D
  2. It is with a very heavy heart I notify that submissions have been closed for the coveted mapping event Penis 1, all submissions for Penis 1 have been closed. I was told to put this here im not schizophrenic
  3. Drew the delinquent of doom a while back, thought I would share it here.
    Done this before, hope you like this one as well!unknoswn.png.a0390e248a9e46db6102ff536941562d.png

    1. MtPain27


      Absolutely magical. I will show this to the Delinquent!

  4. I only ever go saveless when im playing something im comfortable in, easier wads, or early parts of harder ones, but with things like sunlust....
  5. How can you be unbiased in a review, the guy says it at the beginning, there is no objective good and bad
  6. This might not be the right area to post this, but I drew some dean of doom fanart!1133552326_TheDEANOFDOOM.png.9d456b4c779ddcd410a758f19c46f150.png

    1. MtPain27


      Oh, I love it! Thank you for sharing :)

  7. Given the fact that the demons made E3M7, im going to guess they aint that smart
  8. I would love to contribute a map to this project if I can! Any mapslot you can spare is great
  9. If this were to become a thing, I would really like to participate, it seems like a really cool concept!
  10. Thank you so much for the reply, do I have to rename the directory when in the place for the Path environment variable
  11. Hey sorry if this is out of place here, but im pretty confused as to exactly how to install this, so if anybody is able to help me, it would be greatly appreciated.
  12. goddam, this looks amazing, the colors are amazing, never played the original, but I am definitely play it now!
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