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About Fluuschoen

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  1. I'm borderline baffled how nobody mentioned Knee-Deep in Knee-Deep in ZDoom yet.
  2. The return of armor_red armor_yellow armor_green in DSDA-Doom, so I can make the the armor value on the status bar yellow, like the rest of the numbers. I mean seriously. It was present up until 0.24.3, but got removed from 0.25 and onwards, and when I mentioned this (twice) in its topic, afaik the comment(s) got ignored. And a sound effect for toggling vertical mouse, like in Crispy. That would be sweet too.
  3. It's fine, I have my trusty BFG and megaarmor on me, but she (?) doesn't seem to be hostile, sooo... maybe an ice cold strawberry shake instead? 1/10
  4. Then the mild necro already worth it. : >
  5. Yeah, it was pretty easy on UV, didn't die once with pistol start/no save, BUT I bumped the thread because I think more people should be aware of this WAD (and a moderator will chew me out, if this is a stupid reason to do so). I mean, it's such a mood. Beautiful architecture, believeable locations, awesome ambient noises, fun, laid back gameplay and great atmosphere. And when the simulation starts to disintegrate...cool effects/texturing! At first I thought it was something off with DSDA's Indexed renderer, but quickly realized that it's intentional. It has everything for a nice afternoon. Did a lot of screenshots, and wanted to explore; it's one of those rare WADs which you wouldn't mind living inside of. Definitely wanted more. Great work, and I guess I should pay attention to your resumé from now on. (And sorry for the bump.)
  6. Now we are getting there. Is this the reason why multiple hundreds/thousands fps feels more connected than let's say 60, on the same display? Definitely noticed the projectile thing tho. I knew beforehand that the game logic is based on the original 35 fps, and thought this is why playing with that feels noticeably better than uncapped in some source ports, because it's less floaty and the mouse handling is more "tight", but my original premise was that 200 fps isn't pointless if you have lesser refresh rate than 200 Hz (so for example 200 fps@60 Hz > 110 fps@60 Hz > 60 fps@60 Hz).
  7. Then how do you explain higher frame rates being more responsive, even on a measly 60 Hz display?
  8. It's really not. You'll still have less input lag, so it will feel more responsive due to how monitors and graphics cards work. If you don't use VSync (or any othe sync), the GPU continuously rendering frames in 5 ms intervals irrespectively of your screen's refresh rate, and because the panel doesn't have to wait for the end of the refresh cycle, it can instantly display the rendered frame (or its part).
  9. Ok, the first screenshot sold it. Downloading. mod: 4 mins later, looking through the first window on the left ----> D: M'kay, tis gonna be gud.
  10. The palette is not my liebling due to it being a bit too undersaturated for my taste (I can see what you were aiming for tho), but otherwise a not hard, but awesome set, which you can UV Max in a few hours. DBPs are tend to be kind of mind-boggling in the sense, that they are only limit removing stuff. Very nice and detailed architecture with top shelf texture work (well, not map 10 : D), the levels feel like actual places, oozing with atmosphere, not to mention the interactive Doom cutes, custom sprites and cool vehicles (the exit switch on the Humvees' opened door, simulating that the map ends if you hop in the truck, was a nice touch) – and some fights were not too shabby either. The finale...I see you like Street Fighter II. Me too. My favorite map is probably map09, it has some mini slaughter vibes, with PLENTY of plasma (and rocket) ammo, so you can just +forward, like there's no tomorrow. Fun gameplay that doesn't necessarily want to break your balls; might even speedrun it, with a couple of other levels as well. : > gg guys, keep up the good work! (AUGER;ZENITH 2 when? : >)
  11. I'm tempted to find disrespect in grinding a game, or even just a single level for hundreds, if not for thousands of hours, and get to know it inside-out and backwards during the process. But I just can't, so I assume it was a typo on your part. Not in my book, and even played a few years competitively. Well, not, unless you are a whiny tool potato, like MANY guys were on public Quake Live or CoD 4 servers. But those people then got their own taste of disrespect by being mercilessly mowed into oblivion in a quick fashion. : D Friendly leech-banter is a completely different thing.
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