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About Toad

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. I also savespam in doom, I do not consider it cheating, because you still need to do all the same things as in a no save run. I do think that you haven't truly beaten the level, because you can make wayyyyyy more mistakes with saves. I consider a true completion of a level if you beat the level on UV without saves (so basically UV speed).
  2. I recommend against playing on a chromebook for obvious reason, but I can help you to some extent. Step 1. Download Dosbox on the chromewebstore Step 2. Get doom.wad Step 3. Dos stuff that I dont know (you gotta search on google how dos works so you can het doom up and running) So yeah it is posible to play doom on a chromebook, atleast with dosbox. I'm not sure if the're sourceports that support chrome (probably not)
  3. Going down has some pretty funny intermission screens, not going to spoil them tho.
  4. This is an estimate, because I never noted it down but I do roughly remember the times. Doom 1: Around 8 hours in total Doom 2: Around 7 hours Tnt: Between 5-7 hours Plutonia: Also between 5-7 hours (both should add up to 12 hours) Alien Vendetta: 9 and a half hours (excluding save scumming so should be atleast 12 hours) Plutonia 2: 7 hours and 30 minutes And I forgot the rest
  5. Protip: Take less damage so you'll survive longer
  6. Definitely Hangar. Hangar is more iconic and more fun than Entryway. Also the music of Hangar is much better than Entryway, but that may be because I've the Entryway midi a thousand times.
  7. It can go through the icon the sin, but It won't hit romero's head, beacause the head isn't placed directly infront of the hole. And even if it hit the correct angle to hit the head it won't do much damage so you will need a lot of fireballs to kill the icon of sin.
  8. There is a doom wad with tarot cards that you need to pick at the start of each level. It's technically a GZDoom wad, because it only works with GZDoom. I don't know what it's called, but I saw Coin play it on stream. But yeah I recommend that one, I think it works with every wad.
  9. I find it confusion and I still don't know much about the lore other than demon bad and UAC
  10. @Beginner Beat Map 11 from Plutonia 2 on UV without saving (Or atleast try to get as far as you can ;p).
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