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About alyxnoob81

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  1. heres my personal demo (recorded on prboom+): demoforthelols.zip
  2. So remember that "e1m1 but every enemy is a baron" wad i made ages ago? well this is that but actually balanced and with more enemy variety. have fun! e1m1butiactuallytried.zip IWAD: doom2.WAD Suggested Source Port: Prboom+
  3. Are you ever playing the ultimate doom on steam and think "FUCKING HELL WHY CANT THE MEDKITS BE RED LIKE THE ORIGINAL"? If you said yes, see a doctor. However, I have made a pk3 which replaces the stimpack, medkit and berserk with the original sprites! this is useful if you are 1.playing the rerelease for some reason (turns out the rereleases don't support pk3s) 2.using the unity version of the final doom wads because poor and 3.i cant think of anything else. Enjoy! Fixedmedkits.rar
  4. im sorry but im going to have to resign from this. i will definitely play it when it comes out though.
  5. i have a lot of linedefs in one sector and i want to turn them into one linedef. is that possible? @MFG38
  6. Im quite new to mapping and was wondering if it was possible to merge linedefs? (Ultimate Doom Builder)
  7. sure i'll join in (hopefully) by the time i submit mine i should be a lot better at mapping.
  8. definitely going to add more barrels and some enemies that aren't barrons, such as hell knights and cacodemons.
  9. well done man! your reactions on the first time through got a good chuckle out of me.
  10. Im Definitely going to draw inspiration from this. Even Simple Things like changing the textures gives it its own identity.
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