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About JMAAGames

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  1. Not really a random video, but I'd like to use this thread for something important because I need a signal boost and action on this. tl;dr: I've been a cyberbullying victim of this Britbong for 3 years and he just is at it again trying to destroy my livelihood so I need people to spread the word and contact his local authorities.
  2. I have this problem where I try to make my wad work with the Unity version of DOOM 2, the 2020 rerelease, and every time I look in-game at any of the new textures on any wall or linedef, the game crashes. The wad has a total of 674 lumps, 480 of which are patches and 67 of which are flats. I tried removing duplicate texture definitions, I tried converting the patches to DOOM graphics... nothing. Any idea of why this is? Crash_2021-02-09_163605666.zip MINDPRIS.zip
  3. MAP09 is basically some sort of fishing town next to the ocean in a warm afternoon.
  4. Ah, I see I got a chance to showcase my skill of spamming chaingunners, revenants and arch-viles...
  5. The megawad is pretty much Plutonia vibes but more challenging, hopefully.
  6. I've been using ASESprite for a good while. Not precisely for complex sprites like those in Classic Doom, but I've made stuff there that's Commodore 64 level simplistic. Maybe you can do DOOM sprites there.
  7. I surprisingly have no idea who Cerne Abbas is, but I hope you like it.
  8. Man, I saw this on Twitter a while ago, it looks pretty impressive. I like personally all the visual effects and I'd really wish I could recreate similar visual effects on GZDoom. I say, good job!
  9. Some samples of the future 32-map megawad "MINDPRISON PROJECT"
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