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About MundyC

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  1. Here's some of the more noteworthy stuff I cut from Austrian Avian Association. This mostly consists of things I already typed up in the AAABONUS file in the idgames release, though I did dredge up one additional thing I had forgotten about. My first idea for AAA was basically Viscera Cleanup Detail: The Doom Version, and would've been a gameplay mod where Katharina had to clean up the various campaigns that Doomguy left messy and/or unfinished. Obviously, this expanded into a full total conversion. Early in development, I messed around with having a Pizza Tower-esque "second lap" feature where the Kaiserin chased you around the level and you had to reach the end before she killed you. This lasted for about half a day before I scrapped it. There was going to be a map between MAP05 and MAP06 named "Blinding White", in which Katharina had to navigate a winding path on Grossglockner during a blizzard. I wanted to have the skybox change from sundown to night the further in the level one got, like MAP11 from Lost Civilization. I scrapped the map as it both didn't flow well with MAP05/06 and because I ran out of long Zelda's Adventure songs to use (though that wasn't a problem by the time Post-Mortem was being developed, lol). What was completed of Blinding White were tacked onto the end of MAP05 and the beginning of MAP06. There was originally going to be a small arena within the CD-i Zelda MAP06 secret. Taking place in a dinner hall with a large portrait of Lupay, you would've fought off a small army of Knochenhunds. I scrapped it for two reasons; I didn't want to lock a bunch of enemies behind a secret, and I was done with mapping that behemoth of the map. (If only I knew about the scale of MAP13 back then!) During the development of Post-Mortem, I wanted to buff the Knochenhund Minor by giving it a lunge attack similar to the Beastling in Harmony Compatible. After replaying the campaign with it on, I realized it just didn't work and scrapped it. This is the only scrapped thing that made it to a released build! The frames are still functional in the Post-Mortem DeHacked patches - set the Knochenhund Minor's Attack state to 922, and you'll re-enable it. The Lindworm was planned to have two dedicated actors at first - the one seen in-game where she's breaching the water's surface, and another where she is fully submerged and swimming (the picture above is one of the sprites meant for this thing). This second would've been used in MAP15's water tunnel segments and maybe a chunk of MAP31 as well. After running through the states and actors I had left for Post-Mortem, I realized I didn't have enough of either to implement this second form, so it was scrapped. Makes me wish I had done the project in MBF instead of Boom! On a similar note, most of the enemy sprites made by me were sourced from Vile Mountaineers, that one shelved GZDoom TC I posted about a while ago. These include all Knochenhund-related enemies, the Doppelsoldners, and the Lindworm. Only Katharina's sprites (and the Shadow'd Schanbel recolors) were properly bespoke for the project.
  2. Here's where I am right now. Likely to change as I finish more WADs, LOL 10 - Struggle: Antaresian Legacy 9 - Scythe 2 8 - Comatose 7 - Grove 6 - Hell Ground 5 - Ray Mohawk 2 4 - Maskim Xul 3 - Overboard 2 - Equinox 1 - Going Down
  3. Awesome! Thanks for your contributions to the site - I definitely wouldn't have made the Cacowards Backloggd list without them. Speaking of, I've created two more Doom-related Backloggd lists since the OP was posted: Doomworld's Top 100 Most Memorable Maps The Doom Unity Port's Official Add-ons
  4. Double-posting on this thread for a very good reason: Austrian Avian Association is, after all this time, finally on the idgames archive! You can check out the brand-new idgames page for AAA in the OP, or click this link to go there instantly. The version on the idgames archive is very slightly different than the v1.3.1 build I released weeks ago. Mainly, it contains a brand-new text lump called AAABONUS, chock full of behind-the-scenes information and fun facts about this total conversion. After all of this time, it feels so weird to have a build of AAA that I would consider "finalized". But it's here, and I'm very proud of what I've made. I'll see you guys in my next Doom project, which is a sequel to AAA that I am currently in the process of drafting up!
  5. Thank you! :) I've just released a new update for this gameplay mod, v1.1. It's a small patch mainly consisting of tweaks, minor additions, and bug fixes. Changelog:
  6. Reduce the revenant tracer damage from 10 - 80 to 8 - 64, like the Baron and Mancubus projectiles. There is no reason why those shits need to do so much damage.
  7. Welcome to the "WAD Set In The Late 1800s" club!
  8. The Failmage of Finland is a slightly unbalanced, slightly gimmicky Ultimate Doom/Doom II gameplay mod that I made over Spring Break, primarily to refamiliarize myself with GZDoom and DECORATE. It serves as a partial successor to Adventures in Moth Sorcery, another mage-themed gameplay mod I made in 2022. This mod replaces our boy John Stalvern with a catboy mage named Clarence, who casts messed-up and illegal magic spells he created instead of approved spells by the Magic Consulate. He also sucks at casting the spells as they like to backfire on him, and also resorts to regular firearms when angered. Weapons are (mostly) replaced with spell books that teach you surprisingly sadistic spells, which are (mostly) powered by mana instead of ammo. The items and powerups are also replaced with a blend of magic artifacts and random junk that fits their effects. It's definitely one of the gameplay mods of all time! Download! (v1.1) In case it wasn't clear from the first paragraph; unlike AIMS, this mod is GZDoom-only. I initially tried to make it in DEHEXTRA, but gave up after a day and switched it over to GZDoom. In addition, it's advised to only play this mod with mapsets that leave the player and weapons untouched. Think TNT + Plutonia, Hell Revealed , Eternal Doom, and so on. Though if you're a gameplay modder like me, you probably know this by now. Screenshots: Weapon Replacements (Spoilers?): Questions and Answers: Q: Is this an April's Fools prank? A: Kinda! While the release date is intentional and the gameplay mod itself is non-serious in nature, it is a genuine, polished mod with a decent amount of changes. (Well, as polished as a mod developed in nine days can be!) Q: Why did you follow up your Cacoward-winning total conversion Austrian Avian Association with this shit? A: Good question! Q: No, seriously. Why did you make this? A: To test my abilities, and also to de-rust my GZDoom and Decorate skills. Q: Hey, the Knochenhunds from AAA are in this mod! Are all of your major projects (Darkworld, AAA, AIMS, Failmage) set in the same "Mundyverse?" A: You'll get the answer in my next Doom project :) Q: Will you be making another "speed-coded" gameplay mod next year? A: No.
  9. Behold... Doom on the Philips CD-i!
  10. Do you value your hearing? No? Then give The REAL Hell on Earth sounds a whirl! It replaces a good chunk of Doom's sound effects with incoherent screams, moans, and ill-fitting WAV files circa 1995, with the volume jacked up so loud that every map becomes a cacophony of harsh noise! (And yet I still use sounds from it for my own WADs. Given that I have a record of taking assets from "bad" projects such as Zelda's Adventure, that makes sense.)
  11. Any of you guys use Backloggd? It allows users to log, rate, review, and list video games and their various related mediums - mods, DLC, free expansions, bundles, and so on. Basically, if you use Letterboxd or RateYourMusic, then Backloggd is essentially their equivalent for gaming. The website - or rather, the database it runs off of, IGDB - has a wide variety of Doom WADs cataloged. You've got single levels like Tech Gone Bad, megawads like Scythe II, gameplay mods like Reelism, total conversions like Batman Doom, and other types that I'm surely forgetting. As a result, there are quite a few lists dedicated to cataloging just Doom mods, though none of them compile all of the WADs that were featured on the Cacowards. So, I took up the challenge. Here's a link to my list, containing over 450 Cacoward-featured and Cacoward-adjacent WADs! Some notes and caveats: The list is comprised of three sources - the Cacowards themselves, the Top 100 WADs of All Time, and the Top 25 Missed Cacowards. I am considering adding the WADs from the Top 100 Most Memorable Maps and Doot Eternal lists, but we'll see. Not every Cacoward-featured WAD is on Backloggd. Of the 628(!) unique WADs I sorted, 162 aren't on the site - roughly 25%. Many of these are the earliest or most recent WADs as well as many multiplayer WADs, though there's a few I wasn't expecting like Crossing Acheron, Mordeth, and Cold as Hell. There might be a few incorrect listings that feature completely different games w/ identical titles and release years to the WADs I was looking for. Let me know about these mistakes, as well as any missing WADs that have been added in the meantime.
  12. Hello good sir.


    I just played the first part of AAA and it was very cool. I thought you did a great job and I just finished the first part. I wonder if your doing another one?


    I messaged you to ask you how I access the new maps since I completed map 09 Stars Above. But apparently I somehow download 1.2.1 and not the latest 1.3.1


    So.. Since Im here, Im just gunna say thanks! On to episode 2!

    1. MundyC


      Thank you! I'm not sure yet, but maybe there'll be a sequel set in the same world as AAA.

  13. The pre-release YouTube premiere thing of Season 3's finale is already up on the channel (not the actual video! - it premieres at 4 PM PST).
  14. Hello! Just wanted to let you all know that I've released a minor update for AAA, v1.3.1. The main features of this update are removing the unused OTEX textures and flats and fixing the two softlocks mentioned above, plus some other small tweaks. Go ahead and download it if you're concerned about hard drive space or getting softlocked in an Italian restaurant. I plan to work on (and upload?) the idgames version of this TC sometime at the end of this month. Not sure when - I'll have to see further feedback on Post-Mortem first. Changelog below:
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