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Synuś Vader

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About Synuś Vader

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  1. Hi


    I'm here to make a small update.


    I'm still active in this community, but with a different name and basically I have changed a lot.

    I'm not proud of this account and everything I have done there and I don't use this nickname anymore + I don't want to be associated with it.


    And that's all I wanted to say;

    I love this community, you guys are great :)



  2. Hi I need some help AGAIN i wanted to put the super shotgun from DOOM 2 in The Ultimate DOOM (dont ask why) i copied the code from DOOM 2, then i added sounds and sprites and everything is alright BUT... when i run out of shells, the super shotgun dissapears and even if i find some ammo, i cant get it back. When i press 3, nothing happens. The weird thing, is that this "BUG" appears only on PrBoom, it works perfectly fine with Zandronum and GZDOOM
  3. yeah! That will be embarrassing, but.... how do i create a batch file?
  4. Hey guys A few days ago i've got a new PC, and i wanted to try out prboom+, this is my first time using it. Can someone explain me how do i run prboom with parameters? i know that you need to do something in CMD
  5. last online 1 year ago :(

  6. hey @Doomkid, i wanted to ask is it possible for you to put my map in the 15th slot? thats's because it has a secret exit to map31
  7. today is my birthday :DD

    1. Worriedidiot


      Nice. Happy birthday, mate!

    2. Jastrzab Trzeci
  8. okay, my map is ready Name of the map: UAC DELTA LABS More informations in the TXT file! delta.rar
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