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Everything posted by LadyMistDragon

  1. moist.zip (1996) by Nick (Crispy Doom) What hints ARE you speaking of sir? Anyways, here we have a map almost entirely made of bricks that twists around in totally illogical ways that all the same proves surprisingly fun IF you find the Super Shotgun and other weapons in short order. Otherwise, you'll be running low on ammo and constantly feel annoyed. At least there are some sewer and industrial type areas, though one would hardly identify them as such who hasn't played Doom. Never found the plasma rifle unfortunately. In any case, other than that stupid Baron quad hallway, not to mention this one fucking room you can barely dropped in due to it being packed with Imps, this is a largely fun and action-packed map, although perhaps one will like the feel of Force Your Way Through More. One more thing - whoever thought making a lift an ASHWALL to access the yellow key was actually a good thing needs to be bopped. 6/10, enemies could be organized better.
  2. Map 15:Very solid vanilla style map with satisfying progression. I liked it a lot Map 17: Not too bad, although it suffers from the Downtown sin of bad signposting and unclear switch activation. That midi rocks though! Map 32: Maybe the Super shotgun could be sooner? There's not a huge reason to hold off when this map is as linear as it is. I also hated the Lost Soul maze but that's a personal problem so eh.
  3. This mostly seems to work on Crispy Doom, other than a few HOMs and the fact a particular teleporter past that quad or so of Mancubi doesn't work for some odd reason.
  4. Force Your Way Through (1994) by Tom Boyles (Crispy Doom) Neither of those things is true. Unless you believe that darkened halls of gray brick are automatically a Wolfenstein feel. On the plus side, there is quite a handy amount of interconnectivity and combat doesn't actually feel too bad. But the occasional failure to texture doors correctly just made me growl. That being said, it's kind of nice how the map expands and twists upon itself. But even on keyboard-only, it's probably not quite as hard as Wolfenstein, despite the presence of Cacodemons in several close-quarters area. Oh, and the exit switch seems to be broken for some godforsaken reason in Crispy and probably chocolate too. Or else, it just wasn't tagged. Makes no difference to me. Placing the exit behind another wall in a room you wouldn't see initially because of the monsters here is just beyond annoying 5/10 Imp's are Ghost Gods (1995) by Tom Sanner (Crispy Doom) This guy did another demonstration map of Doom 'quirks' and this is even more useless if possible. He could have at least added some height variation and some way to not blow everything into bloody chunks instantly. 0/10 Abaddon (2022) by Alejandro @AleDoom Berges (GZ Doom) Incredibly generic baby's first, except for the coloredd lighting. Lots of STARTAN, colors (i mean themes) changing illogically, spaces that are far more open than they need to be and use of dynamic lighting that doesn't really work. Although the star-shaped platform was sufficiently creepy at least. He got better but at some point seems to have stopped making maps entirely or releasing them anyway. 3.5/10 Doom Color Changer (DoomCC3) (1995) by Douglas L. Leninger Another alternate way to play deathmatch from '95, it's pretty safe to say that unless you deathmatch with chocolate doom or anything like it that this utility will be hopelessly outdated when the same thing can be done with Zandronum just as easily these days. Still, it does sound like it could add some challenge or else make it easier, depending on what your deathmatch purposes are Half Life transitions (2013) by Ethan @GooberMan Watson This release apparently exists because of Rex Claussen's request. It's a little strange too because I played the wad referred to but I can't say it's something I've seen elsewhere. When someone else wants to do a story-driven wad, they don't really bother with that. If anything, they'll make their own that's probably better if not going for an approach that might be easier. But it's out there!
  5. Checked this out......this is such a great idea, and one with a touch different mood from most rail shooters, due to the post-rock style playing in the background. It does seem like you're meant to reach the shore at one point, maybe that skull switch in this same location (shotgun shells under some trees in the very first map) you spot gets you there
  6. The Combine....ugh, I never went back to that map when that happened.
  7. There was a point where I fully agreed with it....and indeed, running into a Pain Elemental when coming from the wrong direction in a poorly-signposted map was....really not the best experience. Although I would also say many of the traits here are also evident in Klie's other maps, but just feel more condensed here due to the layout. Honestly though, it takes a lot to make me actively angry like that, at least these days.
  8. Not my favorite favorite but I've always liked the simple but elegant design
  9. I had to wonder when we'd see this!
  10. Water HQ (2012) by Lukas "omegamer" Wilhelm (Crispy Doom) A ripoff of the underhalls? And using "The Imp's Song?" BLASPHEMY!!!!! But seriously, there isn't a ton here that stands out. The Arch-vile popping out when you collect the red key is respectively rude, although we're expected to hide behind the nearby pillars (get the backpack first or don't, I'm not your mom and it's inconsequential, really) but in any case, the Arch-vile appearing when you collect the blue key that's obviously "inspired" by the red key building of the original Underhalls as conceived by the obscure TiC member Steve Towle is also a welcome surprise, although considerably harder to dodge than the first one. Exit's courtyard's a little bit disappointing. I mean, they can see you from practically the jump of starting this map! And eat your hat if the Arachnotron doesn't survive the likely infighting in said western courtyard. Overall, there's little memorable here, and the stupid side cages of Imps in the little water storage facility and treatment roon leading to the berserk pack is just bad 6/10
  11. Some racist-sounding thing she said was dug up from a decade ago, I don't know the details though.
  12. I frickin' loved the theme of the first Red Faction along with the overall use of detailing and the realistic level design. Red Faction 2 was pretty good too but felt nowhere near as unique. Haven't played the latter titles but I've heard Red Faction: Guerilla is quite excellent indeed.
  13. I don't really know what happened at the exit. megasphere and glasses seemed unnecessary. Good combat though! Almost seemed like the BFG wouldn't be invaluable (though certainly not required).
  14. A lot of the posting in the early part of the thread was positively nuts. Hot dogs are always a good time! A good polish, with sauerkraut, is unbeatable.
  15. WANG (2024) by Various (Crispy Doom) So y'all want to watch wang or do you want to watch.....ok, we'll skip that part. 32 maps, with two participants from Bourgeoise Megawad brings to us these maps. Several of them are blatantly remixed from iwads in true nineties fashion, while a few are even recycled from Bourgeoise DM. But Decay has the bulk of the maps so perhaps that's inevitable. Although Argent Agent, the strongest contributor borrows the Dead Pimple title from some joke megawad (not purposely) but at least he's putting effort into the combat to make most of his efforts a certain fierce toughness that can still be speedran fairly easily but will take a little bit more work to get around them. Maps 13, 15, and 27 probably rank among the best easily. Every so often some creativity manages to show itself like in 25 or in 13 with some nicely inspired settings but perhaps this is best for multiplayer for the most part. A lot of the maps just feel a little bit too empty. Kind of like 90s maps but that's probably not a good idea in a set like this 6.5/10
  16. It always seemed rather stupid and pointless to me. Why are we seriously wasting time with these arbitrary assessment tests rather than actually learning the material that's important and thusly be better prepared for more challenging work in college? I even knew some teachers that would teach to the tests to some degree - and that was just terrible.
  17. Oh fuck yeah!! I love me some sewerslvt and was incredibly upset at the circumstances surrounding her departure. Glad to see she's returned!
  18. Maurice - This is Acid (A New Dance Craze)
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