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Everything posted by LadyMistDragon
Voyage Futur - Celestial Shore
Site 64 (First upload to Doom World!)
LadyMistDragon replied to SuperKirbyYT's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Great atmosphere and pacing for a second map! Overly tight ammo and I was too dumb to figure out the yellow key. The effect should probably be made a little more obvious. -
Rest only in our dreams [Hardcore]
LadyMistDragon replied to Nikamir's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Mostly agree with the other people here. Although I did find camping at a lift after getting the first key annoying. -
Mad Man Brads UAC REVENGE!!!1
LadyMistDragon replied to MisterLivers's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Not too bad mostly but I did notice two things. Putting shootable switches in obscure locations that are mandatory for progression. It's one thing for John Romero to do that in Sigil but these maps aren't exactly puzzling enough to earn that. Second is that as you make larger maps, be aware of how empty they may end up feeling, especially as the detailing isn't extensive enough to match. You don't have to fill every square inch with enemies, but it's just good practice to limit space at least when layouts start to sprawl around. Nevertheless, 02 was quite solid and even 4 was to some degree. -
Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures #081
LadyMistDragon replied to ICID's topic in WAD Discussion
LevelNumb (2018) by Andrew (Crispy Doom) Numb is right. Good lord, a STARTAN maze with powerups bunched up in a couple of spots, a random fucking Cyberdemon, and completely useless keys because one can just press the switch on the one non-STARTAN wall. This isn't really something that should have been uploaded anywhere. I don't have anything else to say, there's literally zero hint of experience here 1/10 Wickedly Simple (2002) by @ReX (Crispy Doom) Thankfully, I had the taste of a Rex Claussen map to wash the taste out of generic baby's first 101s. Although it uses the Dead Simple map concept for some inexplicable reason. Sure, the action takes place in two physically separate arenas and Rex's use of trim and overhang is, as always, impressive and tasteful (even in the first room to some degree). But the trouble comes in this just not being terribly exciting. While pinkies start puring into the Cyberdemon colosseum when the Arachnotrons are dealt with and Imps will make an appearance in the other one as soon as you can escape, the amount of rockets is such that it felt like it was better to lean on infighting in a way I was unhappy with. By the time the Cyberdemon died, there were only five rockets. At least the Mancubi damaged the Mastermind a decent bit. I think I like it better than Deimos Seven at any rate but that's a by-default kind of thing 6/10 -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Nostalgia
LadyMistDragon replied to dobu gabu maru's topic in WAD Discussion
Map 30: Nostalgia This (slight) trend of giving map 30s the name of the wad needs to end....anyways, starting in a tiny chamber you escape by shooting and slowly raising promises much grimness when we're immediately greeted by the roar of a Cyberdemon and the screech of a Spider Mastermind. It really felt like Myolden did his very best to make an Icon of Sin map that was as painless as possible. Although at least one of the Cybers proves useless in part and at least one gets telefragged. Grab the red key, rocket Romero and the map ends. Conclusion This set almost starts too laid-back and boring but starts getting better by the end of the first episode. Second episode flips the horrible reputation of Doom 2 city maps on its head with the clear sense of place and the basic but entirely serviceable Doomcute that's presented. The third episode does what it needs to but also is where Myolden really starts showing he's Myolden with some of the more sadistic setups. Barring the flatlining displayed in a few maps here, it's a nice conclusion. Even the Icon of Sin isn't too bad, though it's not recommended to quite rush it as we did. I'm glad to have played this in either case though. There are few maps that I'd really say are so-so, which is excusable in the first episode in either case. And what's more, the secret maps managed to feel like secret maps in a way that wasn't just a straighforward Wolfenstein rip-off, featuring at least in Powerslave, the more biting challenge one tends to see in Alex's PUSS maps. Less draggy than Zone 400 or one of the other megawads that are at the lower end of those I enjoy, this gets a strong recommendation. -
Tweak Bird - People
Precious Cargo Pt. 1 - Single Vanilla TNT Map
LadyMistDragon replied to Quin's topic in WAD Releases & Development
I love TNT! One thing I would suggest is to perhaps remove the turret Revenants in the last outdoor area because they don't exactly serve much purpose, unless I suppose one found a hidden rocket launcher earlier that you could then blast through the Caco horde with. Nice to see the barrels back too, although I think they sort of help to underscore the effect of someone who's been mapping for OG Doom long enough that they may not have considered how grindy things can get with an SS for practically the whole way(the Arch-viles especially were a bit ehhh with that weapon). I did think the multiple keys thing was funny and maybe leads into the next map in this series. -
Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures #081
LadyMistDragon replied to ICID's topic in WAD Discussion
Heretic DM #1 (1998) by Jana "Sir Robin" Saska (DSDA Doom) A simple square deathmatch map with a gray shrine on one end and a house on the other, with weapons scattered about in a possibly? strategic position. Seems most suitable for 1 on 1. Honestly, I've seen much worst 5/10 1_on1.WAD (1994) by Rob "Cisco" Sarsorito (Crispy Doom) An odd, stringy map whose general shape and weapon arrangement suggest deathmatch but can nevertheless be played single-player. Just take care to avoid the Cybers in the middle whilst in the blue key wing. That checkerboard crusher looks neat, there's a cool little darkened outdoor area, and the things DEU could do with door sectors are quite amazing as is the case with one red wall. One thing, the exit room has a small series of gallows, which I find quite amusing in an era where death exits have a decent chance of being found. 5/10 -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Nostalgia
LadyMistDragon replied to dobu gabu maru's topic in WAD Discussion
Map 29: Chambers of Dis The...pulse-pounding notes of Tristan Clark's "Aorta" are the first things to notice here and perhaps the only one since it's all tight Doom 1 hell corridors. On the plus side, the enemy count's quite high and while difficulty is a touch lower than many other Map 29's, the important part here is the spectacle of the larger fights. It would be better if there were just a few more rockets to use on the Caco cloud toward the end but then, shotgunning the Arachnotron trio at one point would have worked just as well. At least the Arch-vile pair that appears in central shrine when we collect the blue key was nice, like the other Arch-viles in the map. At a certain point, Myolden sort of gives up on them in favor of spectacle. I don't think this significantly weakens the map by any means. On the contrary, the spectacle fights feel appropriate for Map 29, even if they're lacking in challenge. Well, those 2 Cyberdemons are kind of nasty but allow them to kill most of the Hell Knights and they shouldn't go down in too many shots. Only got 50 percent of the secrets though. -
+1 to Le Gars Qui a Fait Doom
Trial by Fire - A try at a Hell map
LadyMistDragon replied to wheresthelambsauce's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Very nice! Quite a bit better than the last map too! Final arena battle isn't massively hard but it works! -
[Boom] Out of this residential corner
LadyMistDragon replied to Redead-ITA's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Close to extremely short but looks very nice and is paced well! -
Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures #081
LadyMistDragon replied to ICID's topic in WAD Discussion
hellv10 (1996) by Michael Cammarota (Crispy Doom) As funny as it is to read of a CO who kicked Doomguy out of an airplay (not like that coward Lieutenant Weems), there's little in this map to match. The maze here is at least simple. But its quite monotextured and outside of a dirt tunnel that transitions from poison to water in a physically impossible manner, little of interest can be found. Backtracking to get a crappy yellow key is stupid and the concluding rooms are dark enough that shapes can hardly be picked out. Still, it's honest work, and we can backtrack quickly from the red key's location if nothing else 4/10 -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Nostalgia
LadyMistDragon replied to dobu gabu maru's topic in WAD Discussion
Map 28: Seasons of the Abyss Fairly laid-back at first. Look out when you push the switch behind the blue key door though - two Arch-viles will teleport in the field a fair distance away from each other and taking the second Arch-vile will take some work if we don't want them to get wrecked by infighting. The larger challenge is just the lack of ammo. Changun the group of Imps that appear when we collect the blue key and you'll probably thank me later. Infighting works to an extent, but regardless of the Barons, a Cyber lurks behind the door so save at least some BFG shots for him and the enemies that attack when we collect the yellow key. Although you can get the Revenants and Hell Knights to infight pretty effectively, the meat's thick enough here that keeping one spare BFG shot for the vile at least isn't such a bad idea. Better than the last map but maybe there could've been more ammo. Shooting things over open space in Doom only has so much appeal in any case. -
I played DMC back in the mid oughts but safe to say I lacked the skills to get far in a rental. It did seem really cool but imo, it was a little easier to get a grip on Bayonetta.
Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures #081
LadyMistDragon replied to ICID's topic in WAD Discussion
Who's afraid of the dark (1995) by Joseph Pecoraro (Crispy Doom) It's not very good. At first, it's an intriguing idea, requiring at least some patience. But there's also far too many seemingly random teleport lines, a stupid teleport puzzle that's only solved by heading to a slightly different location, an outdoor area with more teleportation gimmickry that doesn't really make lots of sense, a wall that doesn't open in Crispy Doom for some reason, plenty of Arch-viles and a stupid Romero head that can be seen from the beginning. The final encounter with the Cyberdemon pair would be better if they could actually both get out. On a good day, this might get a 5/10. Today, it's 4.